Flex :: Moving Libs From Root To /libs

Sep 1, 2010

righ now i'm using Flex 4.1 libs, when compiling Flex puts all used libs into the root of the application, however - i don't want them there, i want them to be inside Flex_root/libs.

Anyone a clue where i can change the lib location?

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package todd.test


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Flex :: Access Root In AS3?

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and now I want to refactor code and move this to it's own class and method in a separate file. How could I access root now, since this obviously now points to the new class I created.

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Asp.net :: Getting Root Path To Flex?

Feb 21, 2011

I am working on a project that is primarily ASP.NET based. The main project is meant to be deployed to multiple locations for different clients, so one client might be located at website.com/client1 and another at website.com/client2. Within the application, we regularly use the application root operator ~ to get the path to a resource.

We also have a bunch of Flex applications that get deployed in there, and many rely on web services within the ASP.NET application. What I'm after is a way to reference the services relative to the application root. Here's an example of the location of some files for two client deployments:


FlexApplication and webService are both exactly the same, so what I want to do is something like this in the Flex code:

var myService:CustomService = new CustomService(~/services/webService.asmx);

I would like to avoid using relative paths for the usual reasons. Is there a good way to do this or a good way to pass the root url to the flex application from ASP.NET?

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Xml :: Accessing Root Node In Flex

Jan 9, 2010

I'm having trouble accessing the value of the root node of an XML variable in flex. For example:


I can change the "Type" attribute above with X.@Type="xyz"; But how do I change "Content123" to something else? If the xml document were longer/deeper, I could say something like X.Entry[11].Cost=2.22; But what do I say in this case? Obviously X="Content456" doesn't work...

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Flex :: Accessing Root Of Loaded Swf?

Mar 4, 2012

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var app:Object = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication;
trace("step one is "+app.step1);

This, while not optimal, has worked fine. Now, hoever, I need to load this entire application into another application, and I can't figure out how to access my step1 variable any longer.I have been loading the swf into the new parent application like so:

public var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
public var pizzaContainer:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
private var myUrl:URLRequest = new URLRequest("chickensoup.swf");


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Flex :: Flash - Get The Root Node Of An XML Object

May 27, 2010

How do I get the root node of an XML object in Actionscript?

One would think that I could say this:

var Node:XMLNode = XMLVar as XMLNode;

But although XMLVar is of type XML, Node will = null.

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Count How Many Child Nodes There Are In Root Xml Tag In Flex?

Feb 22, 2011

Could I see an example on how to count how many child nodes there are under a root xml tag in flex?

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Flex :: Error: Id Attribute Is Not Allowed On The Root Tag Of A Component?

Nov 21, 2009

I have a code like the one below

<mx:Button id="TestingID" width="100%" height="20">


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Flex :: Relative Context-root Fro Flash Application

Jun 7, 2010

In services-config.xml we got following configuration of endPoint.

<channel-definition id="any-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
<endpoint url="http://{server.name}:{server.port}/{context.root}/messagebroker/amf" class="flex.messaging.endpoints.AMFEndpoint"/>

Before compiling flash application i set up context-root as compilaction option.

binmxmlc -context-root / -services "flex/services-config.xml" -optimize=true -o ....inMessenger.swf Messenger.as

In my case this is "/"

And the problem is that messanger.swf is able to pull request if the web application is started as ROOT in tomcat webapps. I mean it can only be access by this url localhost:8080/. If i try to move webaplication to another folder - for example to localhost:8080/myApplication messenger.swf would not work properly sinse i have to change root_context as well.

So my question how to dinamicly determine context-root in run time, without hardcode it as option of compiler ? I want my .war application work properly regardless of it position in webapps folder(url).

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Flex :: Access The Root Element Of A MXML Document If Can't Set An Id?

Aug 30, 2010

If I wanted to do something like this:

<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"


How would I get a handle on myCanvas (where I'd want myCanvas to be the root )?

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Flex :: Make A Copy Of A Tree From The Root Node?

Feb 16, 2011

I have inherited a Flex air project and have not worked with trees before. The tree is displaying an xml file hierarchically. The user can make a change to the data. I need to save the data of the entire tree to a file.I can save the currently selected item to a file, no problem. But I need to save all the data from the root of the tree, forward.I would think I could make a copy of the tree, and set the selected item of my new tree to root, or something. Sort of like this pseudo code:

var treeToSave:Tree = new Tree (editedTree);
treeToSave.selectedIndex = 0;
// now save treeToSave to file...

This creates a compile error, but hopefully you can see what I'm trying to do.

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Dec 9, 2011

In Flex 3.2 I had implemented a tooltip manager and I used the topLevelSystemManager from ISystemManager to add a child to the sandbox root: The code was as follows:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Crossdomain Policy File On Root Level Cannot Be Deployed On Root Level? 

Jan 14, 2009


- We have a Flash application located on a SAP EP (let's say ep.x.com)

- We have a SAP ABAP Application (Webservices) on a SAP WebAS
server (abap.x.com)

- Clarification: This is not about Flash islands / but a normal Flash application communicating with WebAS ABAP via WebServices

Problem: Due to the changed security policy in Flash 10 this scenario does no longer work.

- A crossdomain policy file on root level cannot be deployed on root level

- The WebServices http/s headers cannot be modified, since the WebServices are generated by the WebAS IDE.

Comment: Technically there is a way to patch a WebAS ABAP,but this is not a practical / acceptable way in a normal SAP WebAS infrastructure.

Conclusion:- The above scenario (Flash from EP content / WebAS ABAP as backend) is a quite normal scenario in the SAP world.

- SAP / Adobe always features the close relationship between their technologies.

Question:- What could we do?

- How does the Visual Composer works around that problem?

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Actionscript 3 :: Position Loaded Object Based On Root Stage Instead Of MC That Is Loaded From Root

Mar 22, 2010

I have a root stage, and a MC that is called from the root stage.Now from that MC, i will called in another MC2, and I wanted to placed the MC in the center of the stage. The reason I could not use normal ADDED_TO_STAGE at MC and define the center is because MC is not place in the exact position of the root stage (as in x, y=0). So if I would target MC2 at MC stage center, it would not be the exact center of the root stage/screen.How can I called the root stage properties rather than adding MC2 into the stage?

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Flash - Tell The Root Timeline To Root.gotoAndStop(2); From The Timeline Of A MovieClip Added Using AddChild?

Nov 7, 2011

How do you tell the root timeline to root.gotoAndStop(2); from the timeline of a movieClip added using addChild?In the maintime line I have


and in fade_eng I have the following on frame 20


But I am getting 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndStop through a reference with static type flash.display:Stage.

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Flex :: ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot Create Property Root On MyClass

Nov 4, 2010

I have this error when running my application on debug mode :

ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property root on MyClass.

The problem is that MyClass doesn't contain any root property and i don't know how it get it,
I have isRoot property at the Java Class with setRoot setter and isRoot methods,

at the flex side i have isRoot as public without getter and setter.... could the problem be just convention names compatibility

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Flash :: Why Does Flex Builder Insist On A Main Class In The Root Of The Source Folder

Mar 3, 2010

Why does FlexBuilder insist on a main class in the root of the source folder? By insist I mean that if I create an Actionscript project called MainTest. A file called MainTest.as will be placed in the root of the src folder. if I now create a package/folder called some/package and place the MainTest.as in it (and adjust the package statement accordingly), I cannot select the project to use this as the application class in Properties/Actionscript Applications as the package is empty as far as Flexbulider is concerned.

So there is a restriction that a main/application class cannot have a package other than the root package. The mxmlc compiler and FDT do not enforce this restriction so why does Flex Builder?

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Flex :: 'Root Folder' Name In Flas Builder 4.5 If Java Web Application Is Deployed In War File?

Nov 13, 2011

I am trying to develop one simple application using Java, Flex and Blazeds. I am using Flash builder 4.5, blazeds 4 and JBoss 6.I have created 'Dynamic Web' application in Eclipse, added blazeds related file in WEB-INF/lib and in WEB-INF/flex folder. I have deployed this web application in JBoss using Eclipse, so this application is getting deployed in war file.Then I tried to create new 'Flex Project' using flash builder 4.5 and I am stuck in 2nd step where we have to configure Root Folder, Root URL and Context Root.As my java web application is deployed in war, there's no folder to which I can set Root Folder.

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Flex :: Moving Down/up Row Of S:DataGrid?

Jul 25, 2011

Recently started Flex. Had some practice on how to use services in PHP that Flex client asks via zend AMF. As a part of my project I am planning to load data from Mysql using PHP (via service) and display it in a s:DataGrid.For this purposes I'm keen on knowing is it possible to move up/down datagrid row using ActionScript 3.0 depending on, say,specific row[r1][c1]'s value.Think that OnTimer event datagrid's content will be updated and sorted by column Time and dislplayed by ascending order, whenever i update the time the row which it's column's value was modified should move down or up using Animation like this example from Adobe Center

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Beat Em Up - Character Stop Moving If The Attack Is Pressed And Once It Is Released Start Moving Again?

Nov 2, 2010

im currently making an "AS3 beat em up" ala streets of rage or double dragon.Currently i have my character moving and a few animations done and i am trying to figure out how to make attacks work.I have some "basic" animation for his attack, but im not sure how to get it to work correctley.What happens is, if you press control (the attack button) whilst the character is walking he just keeps moving and is stopped on the attack frame.I want the character to stop moving if the attack is pressed and once it is released start moving again.

var left:Boolean = false;
var right:Boolean = false;[code].......

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Actionscript 3 :: Moving From Flex 3.2 To Flex 3.5?

Apr 18, 2011

what changes I need to make?

What can be the possible issues in upgrading ? Benefits of upgrading from flex 3.2 to 3.5.

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Flex :: Moving Canvases Between Several Ui Elements?

Mar 1, 2010

I need to animate a lable movement between 2 canvases...The mxml example of the code is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" applicationComplete="main()" frameRate="1">


Currently the problem is that the label actually do not leave borders of the first canvas (I see scrollbars instead of it).I think this is related to globalToLocal conversion problems, but do not understand how to use it.Also another question is how to animate the movement corretly, because move function performs movement without any visible action.

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