Actionscript 3 :: Libs For Complex Animation Of Groups Of Objects?

Apr 3, 2012

Are there any libraries for animation groups of objects in as3? I need something like this: for example, I specify an array of images and creates the animation of all objects in the array - fireworks, the spiral vortex, 3D rotation, undulating, etc. Tweenlite and other libraries not fit, because there is no pattern complex motion.

I need to quickly apply complex animation paths to the set of objects.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Groups Of Objects Dynamically?

Jan 21, 2010

I've built a simple file to demonstrate what I'm trying to do (it's all dynamic, with AS3, no physical assets). Basically I've created 3 groups of objects via AS3: squares, circles, and triangles. I've placed 3 menu buttons on the side of the stage. I added all objects to the stage just so you can see them. Ideally I'd like to have each button call one of the groups to the stage and begin the tween that is assigned to the object. In this case I've made all the tweens 'alpha' for simplicity. So for example if the '1' button is clicked, it will add the group of squares to the stage and initiate their alpha tweens so that they fade in. Then when the '2' button is clicked, the squares will be removed and the circles will be added and their tweens initiated. I've never seen a tutorial on this so I'm not quite sure how to proceed. What I'd imagined is to group the objects into arrays then add the arrays to the stage with addChild?

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Actionscript 3 :: Creating A Complex Flash Rollover In Stages (loop > Rollover Animation > Timed Animation)

Jan 24, 2012

Okay, now things are getting a little complicated. I need to build a Flash object that can sit over the corner of an image to serve extra content. It's way beyond my Flash skill level, my work is usually limited to print work in Photoshop and Illustrator so please excuse me if any of the following isn't clear. I am trying to learn though, So this is how it's all supposed to work, along with my issues; When the image & Flash item load a small looping animation will play to draw the eye/show the item as interactive.

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"Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:.text=Error was unable to invoke callback sendState.error=TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@b9210b1 to flash.utils.Timer."

How can I send complex data types or are some data types not send-able?

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Javascript :: Complex FlashVar Objects Using SWFObject?

Nov 10, 2010

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When I get the object in Flex, I simply get a String that looks like this: "[Object object], [Object object]" which leads me to believe that my array is being serialized into a String before entering Flash. Is there any known workaround?

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Dec 29, 2011

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public class Main extends MovieClip[code]......

I have literally been working on this all day, and only feel like I'm making it worse every time I change something. You don't have to spoon-feed me code, the idea should be enough...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating An Instance / Duplicate Of The Complex Objects?

Jan 22, 2009

have a imageHolder_mc wich is calling the image from the local drive / server, and this container is inside of PictureHold_mc and that inside of Image01_btn.image01_btn.pictureHold_mc.imageHold01_mcand all this for 1 image tobe displayed in the website. But I am going to have something like 300. This is for example HomePage to ProductPage to SpecificIndividualProduct.I have created an instance but DO I NEED TO DUPLICATE ALL _btn and _mc all the way down? Or is there any better ways.And next question. I have done Home Page with 18 images called from the local drive but despite of Preloader showing 100% loaded page look empty for about 30 sec. and suddenly all images starts popping out ramdomly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Build Complex Animation With Tweens Or After Effects SWFs?

Jul 3, 2009

I found myself wondering whether it would be wiser for a person to construct complex animations (using multiple eases, transparency effects etc) in flash using the tween systems, or rather to create it in software like After Effects and export SWFs with transparency. I would imagine that for short, but complex animations, AE would be best because of the small SWF size of fewer frames being rendered. Another wonder I have would be whether creating complex tweens on a Flash timeline, then converting them to AS3 would be a processing nightmare. Should Tweens be restricted to simple tasks? Would anybody like to take a speculative 'stab' at the pros and cons of each method?

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Flash 9 :: Invert Mask - For Complex Camera Moving Animation?

Aug 26, 2008

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Mar 1, 2011

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import fl.motion.MatrixTransformer; Gives the error: 1172: Definition fl.motion could not be found

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Changing Objects Registration Point For Animation?

Feb 9, 2010

Basically, I have a lil truck that needs to rotate around a point in the rear of the vehicle to give the illusion of the front making the turn.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Up Tween Animation On New Created Objects On The Stage?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm currently making my own 2D shoot' em up and I've created a simple  enemy spawn state machine which allows the game to automatically keep  spawning/creating new enemies on the stage. Before I had this spawn loop machine/code set up, I had only one single  enemy which was already on the stage to test the gameplay of my game and  the enemy as set up tween object using tween animation. I'm wondering  if its possible to add/able tween animation on all new created enemies  as appear on the stage giving them movement/ai? This is possible? I've experimented with some code, I'm failed to succeed withs such  functionality, I just wondering where I am going wrong or if anyone knew  of any alternatives to my approach?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making An Animation That Tweens Two Different Objects At Different Speeds?

Feb 4, 2009

I am making an animation that tweens two different objects at different speeds dependent on the position of the mouse. This is working fine, however, when the user takes the cursor outside the flash box and enters the frame it jumps to that position.

I have created a tween for this first instance however, if the user continues to move there cursor before this tween has finished it continues to jump.

Here is the code I have written

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, CheckDirection);
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Interactive Animation Which Allows The User To Click On Objects?

Dec 29, 2011

I am trying to create an interactive animation which allows the user to click on objects which then starts a new animation and i'm having trouble with removing the old animation movieclip and adding the new one my code is this:

var snake:Loader = new Loader();
var box:Loader = new Loader();
var snake2:Loader = new Loader();


(its after the box is clicked I want the snake animation to be removed and the 2nd snake animation to be added)now I reckon I dont need the boolean.

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Oct 8, 2010

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Flash :: CS4 Losing My Panel Groups

Aug 27, 2010

I've noticed recently (the last week) that when I open Flash CS4, the Tools panel and the Actions/Timeline/Compiler Errors/Output panel group are not automatically open, like they always were before. Does anyone know of anything I could have changed by accident?

At the same time this started happening, I have a file that has a moving hot spot that is set with keyframes (depending where the active button is on the bitmaped screen capture behind the button). Even though the  button's onRelease handlers are advancing the timeline correctly, my button is not in the right place in the runtime version. If's still fine in the development environment. It's like the layers are out of sync with each other.

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Flex :: Resize Groups Within A Group?

Apr 19, 2011

I am trying to automatically resize the children within an s:Group. The children are another s:Group and a H:Group. Each have a percentage width of 10% and 90% each. The problem is that when one of the groups is resized (using a transition and rotation combination in the Skin), the other group does not automatically resize to fill the space?

Shouldn't Flex do this automatically? or do I have to code this?



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating The Logical Groups?

Aug 6, 2009

can I somehow create logical groups of objects without actually combining them into symbols which would appear in the libraryI was thinking of this approach

ActionScript Code:
var vertFloatGroup:Object = new Object();  // the logical object
vertFloatGroup.addChild(splashPhoto);  // splashPhoto is an existing instance on stage
vertFloatGroup.addChild(nav);  // same for nav

interact with the group as a whole this above tells me that addChild is not a function...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Get Radio Button Groups

Mar 11, 2009

Using the Radio button component and I have 10 groups of buttons. Each group has a group name of g1, g2, etc for each yes/no button. I want to determine which button was clicked. When I run the code below I only get the first one and then each other button clicked I don't get a trace statement back.

var rbListener:Object = new Object(); = function(evt_obj:Object) {
trace("The selected radio button group name is ";
for (rb=1; rb<=10; rb++) {

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Flex :: Load Data For Groups In AdvandedDataGrid?

Aug 24, 2009

Load data on demand (lazy load data ) for groups in advanced data grid control.When the user expands a node the flex component can make a webservice calla and retrieve data for this group.

ignoring the webservie part, I am trying to figureout how to do the UI part in AdvancedDataGrid ?

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