Actionscript 3 :: Remove EventListener Not Working On Buttons?
Feb 28, 2012
I am trying to remove an eventlisnter on a button so when the button is pressed the animation completes before you can press the button again. But based on my code below you can push the button as many times as you like:
var LeftButt:MovieClip = new left_button();
var RightButt:MovieClip = new right_button();
var topClip:Sprite = new Sprite();
I've got a text field that initiates a function when the link is clicked, but after it's clicked I want to attach a different function to the text field, but It doesn't initiate with this one still active.
I am struggling with this. I have an EventListener function that receives a parameter. For any reason, seems that Flash doesn't like it when is time to REMOVE it:
Code: var counter:Number = 0; btnCreate.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,Create); btnRemove.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,Remove);[code]......
What is the trick to remove an EventListener when it does have a parameter?
I have a movie placed on stage (on first frame of Timeline) and an Event.ENTER_FRAME EventListener inside the movie, when I click a button on stage that takes me to 2nd frame, I want to remove the Event Listener inside the movie. How can that be done.
In my scrolling code I want to remove the eventListener for my reportStageMouse event, but I get an error: 1120: Access of undefined property reportStageMouse. I am trying to remove the listener in my mouseUpOnStage event. I assume I cant remove the listener because it's in a nested function? [code]
I am trying to remove the EventListener after I click on a MovieClip so that when I rollOut of the clip the movie will stay on the "clicked" frame rather than move back to the rollOut frame.
straight into the code - mps is a OSMF video instance - when it has finished playing through the TimeEvent - I can remove its listener but not remove it from the stage - why is this not working!?
Code: mps.addEventListener(TimeEvent.COMPLETE,removeVideo); function removeVideo(t:TimeEvent):void
I have an array of buttons in a public var in _model.btnArray. I want to make a function that i can pass an index number parameter that will add addEventListener to the button at that index and removeEventListener to all other buttons in the array. The function creates a tempArray:Array and assigns _model.btnArray to it. Then it addEventListener to the index passed as a parameter to the function. Then it splices the passed index out of the tempArray and then loops through spliced tempArray to remove all the EventListeners from it. which should be the listeners on all the buttons except for that one spliced. but this isn't working, its giving me an error and i don't know why.should this be working or is it just wrong?
Code: function addRemoveEventListener(num:Number){ var tempArray:Array = _model.btnArray;
I'm trying to remove an eventlistener on (in this specific case) a HorizontalList. The list is initialized with the property itemRollOver="playPreview(event)" I'd like to remove this eventListener by switching state and stating something like: <mx:SetEventHandler target="{horList}" name="itemRollOver" handlerFunction="null" />
This doesn't seem to work. The event is still handled and playPreview(event:ListEvent) is still called. How to properly do this? (I know I can do it in Actionscript, but I specifically want to do it by means of state switching)
Problem is that I can't remove Event.COMPLETE event listener and when I call the loadData funtion twice or more, it works 2 times or more. Sorry for my bad english and worse explanation but I need to fix it today and I don't know what to do.
I have a movie placed on stage (on first frame of Timeline) and an Event.ENTER_FRAME EventListener inside the movie , when I click a button on stage that takes me to 2nd frame, I want to remove the Event Listener inside the movie. How can that be done.
I'm trying to override the addEventListener function to input an extra line of code to put the event listener type in an array so I can remove it all at once.But the override function doesn't seems to run.
Code: override public function addEventListener(type:String, listener:Function, useCapture:Boolean = false, priority:int = 0, useWeakReference:Boolean = true):void
I am trying to add an event listener to my BitMap. Tile extends gameProps, which extends BitMap. I try using addEventListener. That doesnt work. but the Adobe docs say that Bitmap has an addEventListener object.
I am trying to move an object on stage with arrow keys. I am using this code
The problem is that it do not start to move immediately after I press the key and it takes few moments to move. I have uploaded the swf file here [URL]...oqwnlssewe.swf
I've got as far as adding multiple buttons to the stage with AS3 and giving them unique instance names, but now I have a problem. There is no limit on the amount of buttons that could be present, there could be one or one hundred so I can't hard code.
How would I go about creating event listeners for each button? I tried pushing each instance name into an array then looping through but that gave me an error about how the buttons didn't exist, so it can't listen.
If you had a set of buttons called: bt1, bt2, bt3 etc all the way to "bt11" and you wanted to assign the same eventlistener to all of them how would you go about this? ie:
Working on a photography website and I've hit a speed bump. I have 5 separate movie clips for each page.on one section the Portfolio section, I have four buttons one for different areas of the Portfolio.The buttons are located within the movie clip.There's an eventlistener to direct to the appropriate frame within the portfolio movie clip. The problem is when I click on the portfolio button to go back to the main portfolio frame it does nothing. I get a trace statement but no action. I'm assuming that since the movie clip is already loaded its just staying at the same to get back to frame one of the portfolio movie clip.Here's the code:
frame 1, scene1
ActionScript Code: //handle events for buttons about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection); home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);[code]....
im working on a zoom/pan gallery and i have a problem that i can't solve.URL...the pan buttons are not working but the zoom and reset buttons works. im working on movie the image using the mouse now, if you will hold the image and move it it will drag it on stage.the image is a loader the loads and image and placed on screen.there is a mask on top of it and a frame that indicates the size of the gallery.when the user pan the image loader content i want it to stop as soon as it gets to the gallery frame,but i cant seem to find the best way to do basicly when the image is in 100% i dont want the user to be able to drag it but after you zoom the user will be able to drag it but only to the edge of the frame so there wont be any white spaces.i tried a lot of different ways to do it but all of them are complicated and not working the way that i want them to work.
I have three buttons and when I click the second one, the first stops working (e.g. no trace event and it won't go back to the frame "tab1") but the third still works. Then when I press the third button both the first and second no longer work. If I take out the gotoAndStop lines, the buttons work fine. The subsequent frames simply have stops on them.
b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,b1Pressed);b2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,b2Pressed);b3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP,b3Pressed); function b1Pressed(event:MouseEvent){ trace("b1 pressed");
I am trying to kind of go back and forth, view one chart on button click and I have a back button, when clicked goes back to the main chart. It works the first time but not the second time.
I hv am using clock movieclip as class, it have sound tick tock on it's timeline and interval funtion, if I remove child of clockmc but setinterval and sound is still working..i use this code to remove child..removeChild(myclock)myclock= null
have made interactive quiz which have 12 movieclips each movieclip contains loop animation and sound in it(on Timeline), i export them as classes, clip1, clip2, clip3....etc, now i m doing when user reach on question 1, then clip1. comes on screen and playes that movieclip and after clickicking on right answer clip needs to remove from stage, but it is happening that clip is gone unvisible but is sound is till working
var hint:clip1=new clip1() addChild(hint) when user choose right answer
I created radio buttons from an XML node[code....When I click the submit button, I want to code in the listener to remove the radio buttons.I have tried using this in my submit listener
for (rd=0; rd<myQStems.length; rd++)[code]....but that doesnt delete them.