ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Remove This EventListener

Jul 17, 2010

I've got a text field that initiates a function when the link is clicked, but after it's clicked I want to attach a different function to the text field, but It doesn't initiate with this one still active.

fullText.htmlText = '<a href="event:fullText"><u>Full Image</u></a>';
fullText.addEventListener("link",function(e:TextEvent){fullSize(num,fu llText); },false,0,true);


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loadingicon = new loadIcon();gridCradle.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, loadiconAdded);gridCradle.addChild(loadingicon); public function loadiconAdded(e:Event) { if ( == loadingicon) { troot.debugger.htmlText+="icon loaded" gridCradle.removeEventListener(Event.ADDED, loadiconAdded); inizRequestOfData(); } }

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Add EventListener On Return To 1st Frame?

May 23, 2011

I'm not sure exactly what's going on here (maybe I'm not understanding how the timeline executes?).

I have a game that has the menu in the first frame, the game in later frames. When the game is won, the user is able to click to return to the menu. Using trace(), I've found that the click reads, and it starts to execute the actions that have been written in the 1st frame. But, when it gets to the line that adds an event listener to a button on the stage using solo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,goSolo) (solo is the name of the button on the screen), it returns:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

The line executes just fine when the whole thing initializes, so I don't know why it's not working when it restarts. Is the code getting read before the stage is populating when I return the user to the main menu using gotoAndPlay(1) from the click listener? It doesn't make a difference if I use gotoAndStop(1). What's a good workaround?

Or is it because the button is in a layer lower than the actions? (I've always put my actions in the highest layer, and don't remember ever having this problem before). But why then would it still work at the very beginning but not with the restart?

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Actionscript 3 :: Add An EventListener To A Function?

May 14, 2010

I'm trying to setup something like Aspect Oriented Programming in Actionscript 3, basically the only thing I need to be able to do is something like this:

SomeClass.getMethod("methodName").addEventListener(afterMethodExecuted, function() {
//run code

This way I can run code after (or before) any method in any class has run, allowing numerous new possibilities.

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