ActionScript 3.0 :: Font Not Showing Correctly After CS 5.5 Upgrade?
Jul 25, 2011
I have a site I was working on that I am using two main fonts in. I had the fonts embedded in the SWF. I upgraded to CS 5.5 this morning, now some of the fonts have changed.
I have two SWF's that when loaded into the main site, no longer have the correct font. When I preview them independently, they are fine. When they load into the main SWF they use a standard font instead of the embedded one.
I have a textInput field form that's not displaying the characters it should when typed into. E.g. when the letter "¦" on my keybard is pressed "¾" shows up. This only happens once the flash movie is being displayed in a browser (that is embedded in html), preview through flash does not have this problem. The font is properly embedded as "nameInp.text = shows the correct text in the textInput. It is only when I try to type when it doesn't work as it should. I have Window mode set to window and I've tried setting "System.useCodePage = true;"
In my flash game the font i choose looks perfectly fine on my computer (being played from a website) but when i use a computer at school or my friends computer, all the font is ALWAYS times new roman.. this happens with every game i make..
I tried switching from tlf text to classic text.... but it didn't change at all.. can someone help please? I have been facing this problem for months now.
I have a PC fiash file with static body text that is New Gothic font. The published swf looks great on the PC, though when testing on Mac, none of the text appears. I thought that with static text fields, the font is automatically embedded?
how I can get the font to display properly on a Mac?
ve attached 2 screenshots. The first shows the flash stage at its default size - as you can see my font is all distorted and weird looking but when you zoom in (image 2) it's exactly like it should be. What would make it look like this when the stage hasn't been zoomed out or anything, it's just from pressing cmd and enter from flash?I embedded it by putting it into the fla's library.
I was coding an AS3 file and it worked great until I started writing a class to extend the textfield class. After that, every time I tested my movie, the text field is created but nothing showed up. After some troubleshooting, I discovered that the text was actually in the text field, but was outside of the bounds of the text field and the field's height cannot be resized through code or with multiple lines of text. I found this out because I could copy the text and paste it into a text editor (and no, the text isn't set to white). Everything works properly with dynamic text fields created on the stage, just not when created in actionscript. I have tried embedding a font and using the default with no luck. The code even works on a different machine!! The same problem occurs in AS2. I have tried dumping the class file I created, reinstalling Flash, the Flash Player, and even uninstalling my font management program and still nothing.
I've attached 2 screenshots. The first shows the flash stage at its default size - as you can see my font is all distorted and weird looking but when you zoom in (image 2) it's exactly like it should be. What would make it look like this when the stage hasn't been zoomed out or anything, it's just from pressing cmd and enter from flash?
I'm learning AS3 with Flex Builder 2, and have run into all sorts of difficulties when trying to embed a font so that a group of textfields will display correctly when they are tweened. There are a number of examples posted across the web which apparently work fine for other people, but I've tried them unsuccessfully. Perhaps this is because other people are using the Flash 9 alpha and it works differently in Flex, though I don't know why that should be. For example, with this code I receive an error that says "Unable to resolve "C:WindowsFontsARIAL.TTF for transcoding" even though the file exists in that location.
I have an English based flash set that I'm localizing in Japanese. The client has written to embed the fonts in a font.swf. So I figured I can just add 'New Font' for Japanese fonts, add the class ID to the script file:
var font:LoadFont = new LoadFont('fonts.swf',['ArialRegular','ArialMedium', 'MSUIGothicReg', 'MSUIGothicBold']);
then export the fonts,swf, and launch the main.swf, JPN fonts should show up correctly. But instead, I get blanks for Japanese characters. Does anyone know what I missed? I've tried other methods: 1) add a layer in main file, 'Character Embedding' in Properties; 2) 'Character Embedding' each text boxes in main; none has worked.
I've flex application and am using arial font family. My problem is, arial fonts are shown up in windows while on Mac, it's been replaced with Times New Roman. (Arial font is there on both systems).
On the website I'm currently working on:I'm running into a problem with my flash pages. If you click on About Us from the menu, on every computer but mine the About Us header at the end of the animation shows up as regular text and not the style I used.Here is a screen shot of what it is suppose to look like:on why this would happen? I thought it may be because the font wasn't installed throughout, but it's the same font as "embrace hope' which comes up fine.
I'm adapting an off the shelf mp3 player and would like to make some text bold - namely [URL] the text that shows the current artist/song at the top. This is dynamic text from an XML file. I've embedded the fonts [Verdana regular and bold - OpenType] in Flash CS5 but the bold won't display even though the special characters do display [JĂ³nsi].
i have a font that is installed on my system Mac OSX Lion and can view it fine, however i have a fla file that i used the font in and when i look at the drop down box of fonts, this is not showing, i have tried reinstalling the font with no luck what so ever.
henever I try to embed fonts for dynamic text fields, no text appears in my text box. The text is loaded into the dynamic field from another variable, long story short it all works, except for if I try to embed fonts. One thing, the dynamic textbox is html enabled, and I have <b> tags within the code, so the text ends up being bold. This is how I want it. Do I have to 'embed' a bold variation of the font as well as the regular variation?
So I have a MovieClip asset with a dynamic textfield sitting inside of it. I export my .fla as a .swc to use within Flash Builder 4, and create instances of the asset with code, populating the text dynamically from XML.
My issue is that even though I have htmlText enabled, bold and italics tags don't appear to be working. I have a feeling it is because when I created the asset in Flash CS4, the text field makes you specify the font, and the subset of that to use (Regular, Bold, Oblique, etc).
Is there any way to get the htmlText to render bold and italics tags properly without having to completely rethink the way I'm creating all these fields?
Here the text is "Press â–²+â–¼ to reset it to default." But when I set testTF.embedFonts = true; up and down arrow is not shown in output. If you set the value to false, characters are shown.
I googled this relentlessly, but was unable to find an answer. I have a font --- P22 Hopper (PC Postscript Type 1) --- that does not show up accuratly in Flash CS4. The font is script, but it shows up as a generic sans serif. I have inserted a screenshot to illustrate. Oddly, this font shows up perfectly in all other CS4 products and also works fine in Flash 8.
I am facing a problem while embedding font(Arial) in as3. Please check the attached fla. Here the text is "Press â–²+â–¼ to reset it to default." But when I set testTF.embedFonts = true; up and down arrow is not shown in output. If you set the value to false, characters are shown.
I'm trying to embed a font in my project by using url("font.ttf") rather than local("Font Name"), but it doesn't seem to pick it up. The font in question is called "Gotham Bold". When i view the details of the font, the font weight is regular, however when i use local("Gotham Bold") in the css i have to specify fontWeight: bold or else it wont pick it up. But when I use url("folderGotham-Bold.ttf"), and specify fontWeight: bold, it says that font weight is not found for that TTF. If i remove the fontweight, there's no errors, but the font is not applied to the text.
Simple questions: can I upgrade FMS 3.5 to FMS 4 and not have to change any setting or our programs - so I upgrade and our existing system keeps working without any problems??? and - how many concurrent streams (audio only) can be streamed with FMS 4?
currently i have installed flex builder 3 with the default sdk 3.0. Now i want to upgrade flex sdk to 4.1. is this possible or i have to purchase flex builder 4?
I've written android app, and its working. Now i got task to upgrade app's GUI. I have new UI made in Flash. Is there any way to import .swf files into existing android app? and used them like layouts or some kind of custom views? Or how to make some kind of callback functions, that are triggered when something happens in flash GUI, and process some JAVA/Android code?
I was wondering if I could get your opinion on whether or not I should upgrade from Flash CS3 to CS4. I understand It has 3D and IK capabilities as well as what is supposed to be an improved IDE. But what other good reasons are there? I tend to code all my animations. I probably should take more advantage of the timeline. The work I do tends to be for clients in the music/tv industry, so I'm not doing hardcore database apps, well not yet anyway.
Tried to upgrade to FMS 3.5.2 on CentOS 5. No dice. Listener doesn't start. No other (as far as I know) services running on :1935. Admin server works, but not Streaming Server.