ActionScript 3.0 :: Hiding Properties Of Extended Class

Jul 23, 2009

Is there a way to hide properties or methods of an extended class?Ie, I want most of the extended properties and methods to be accessible but I want to hide others and use my own instead (not just overriding).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Access Properties Of Extended Abstract Classes

Dec 10, 2009

Im building a project using an MVC pattern. I have (pseudo) abstract classes Model and View, each extended with particular models and views. But I cannot access properties on the extended classes of Model...Model simply distributes XML data, heres its constructor:

public function Model(data:XML)
_data = data; /*_data is a protected var of type XML in Model*/

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private var _background:Background = new Background(some XML source);
public function MainModel(data:XML)


The problem arises when I try to pass MainModel's background property as a parameter of _bgView (highlighted in red above). The compiler says there is no background property on Model, which is true, but I need it to look at its extended class MainModel, not Model. I've typed MainView's constructor parameter with MainModel, but it is still seeing it as Model.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Access Properties Of Extended Abstract Classes?

Dec 10, 2009

Im building a project using an MVC pattern. I have (pseudo) abstract classes Model and View, each extended with particular models and views. But I cannot access properties on the extended classes of Model...Model simply distributes XML data, heres its constructor:

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Flash :: Access Object Property Or Function On Extended Class That Isn't In The Super Class?

Jan 29, 2012

If I have three classes:

public class Example {
public function Example () {

You can see that the two last classes extend the first one, and both have the 'variable' property. In case that I have an instance of Example and I am sure it is also an ExtendedExample OR AnotherExtendedExample instance, is there some way to access the 'variable' property? Something like

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Function From An Extended Class Inside A Top Level Class

Sep 23, 2009

public class Character{
protected var _hp:uint = 50; //Character Health Points
protected var _power:uint = 5; //Damage dealt


I`m instancing a Character and a Player in the Main Timeline, all in frame 1.
When I use: ""player.attack(character)"" it works fine by itself.

So I added the if (defender._hp <= 0) which gives me the following error:

1061: Call to a possibly undefined method win through a reference with static type Character.

"defender" is a Character instance, "this" is a Player instance and "win()" is a Player method. I try to call the Player method inside a Character method using the Player instance adding the "." and his method name

Do I really need to define the win() function in the Character class? Is there a bypass to use a subclass method in a parent class method if it`s called from an instance of the subclass?

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Actionscript 3 :: Recasting Member Of A Library Class To New Type In Extended Class?

Oct 14, 2010

I created an flv video player using Flash Builder 4. This "BasicVideoPlayer" project is compiled into a SWC that will be eventually be used to create other video players that extend the functionality. One of the features is a view that appears when the video has finished playing that displays a "Play Again" button. This "Play Again" view has its own class, "BasicPlayAgain", that accepts a graphic asset that is exported from a .fla file that contains all of the graphic/UI assets.

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I cannot put in any baseclass when using the class, so I'm forced to remove the baseclass. When using only the class I get a whole bunch of errors don't make any sense at all, and still appear even if I comment out all the code in the Page class. 1152: A conflict exists with inherited definition in namespace public.


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AS3 :: Tracing A Class Extended From The Event Class

Feb 18, 2011

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var c:CustomObject = new CustomObject();
function fnc(e:CustomEvent) {


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Jul 17, 2009

Ok, I have spent a little time searching and I can't seem to find an answer to my question, maybe I'm asking the wrong question. here's my situation:

I have a document class called, this class has variables that instantiate a class that acts as a superclass. The class has a protected function that is overridden by other classes (I have a CreateCircle, CreateSquare etc). Those CreateCircle etc classes, use extends to extend the class, and thus have the ability to override the main method (called newShape()).


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class myclass extends MovieClip
var mc:MovieClip;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Internal Classes With An Extended Public Class?

Jan 9, 2010

If I have a class that extends another, e.g.,
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class MySprite extends Sprite{


and extend that class, if more than one internal classes are defined:
package {    
public class MainClass extends MySprite {         
public function MainClass():void{}   


ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable MainClass is not defined.Note that this only happens (as far as I can tell) when the public class of the package extends another class, and multiple internal classes are defined. The internal classes don't even need to be instanced or referenced to generate the error (the bare-bones code above will error out). If only a single internal class is defined, it works fine (no error).  Even if the internal class is instanced.

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Feb 23, 2012

All my custom classes that extend MovieClip simply trace as "MovieClip" when using stage.getChildIndex(i); I'm trying to search the stage to see what objects have been placed and then add them to the correct array. E.g. if I place 5 "Enemies" on the screen, I want to then add them to an array by searching the stage for the "Enemies" class, without naming each one and adding it manually in the code.


for(var i:int = 0; i < stage.numChildren-1; i++)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamically Creating Instance Of Extended MovieClip Class?

Nov 6, 2006

I have recently started out with flash oop concepts and was wondering how to do create an instance of an extended movie class without dragging and dropping the clip from the library ....I have figured out this method..

for(i = 0;i<100;i++)
{var mc:MovieClip = attachMovie("ball","dasd"+i,_root.getNextHighestDe pth());
mc._x = Math.random() * 600;
mc._y = Math.random() * 600;

but this way I cant pass arguments to the constructor function of the ball class..

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Actionscript 3 :: Accesing Function On The Maintime Line From A Extended Movieclip Class?

Feb 21, 2010

I have some movieclips on my main timeline with a class to extend these movieclips


But the I can't 'reach' the testing function. I get this error: "1061: Call to a possibly undefined method testing through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer."

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Can't Change TextField's Text Inside An Extended SimpleButton Class

Oct 18, 2011

I've created a Button in Adobe Flash CS5, it's a Symbol, and its type has been set to Button.

The button has a dynamic textfield with the instance name label.

I've set the class of this Button to MenuButton, and I've set the class to Export for ActionScript.

This is the code of the MenuButton class:

import flash.display.SimpleButton;
import flash.text.TextField;


Whenever I put a string in MenuButton's constructor, label's text doesn't change.

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Actionscript 3 :: Stage Properties In Custom Class, Not Document Class?

Oct 14, 2011

I need to use stage.width/height in my CustomClass so I found some topics about it.

if (stage)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Properties Of A Member Of A Class From Within The Class?

Jun 9, 2011

I have a class, call it MyClass, and there are several variables that I need to be able to access each instance of from within the class.So for instance, I need the object myObject1, a member of MyClass, to store the variable myNumber.From the main timeline, if I trace myObject1.myNumber, I get whatever number I've stored.
However, I need to check the numbers against another parameter, so I need to be able to test if myObject.myNumber == myOtherNumber. But from within the class, if I trace this.myNumber or myNumber I get null.What is the proper syntax for accessing a variable within a class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Class And Base Class In Properties Panel?

Jul 6, 2011

I have an mc called sunny. In the properties panel I export her for actionscript. I put Sunny in the main class and Drag in the base class. The reason for this is that I want her to be draggable. I can't use Drag in the main class as another object is using that name. The has the drag functionality. Why can't I drag her. I already have a solution - I wrote a specific class for her and extended the Drag class. However, if I have 10 mcs I'm not going to write specific classes for all of them. Summing up: Using the base class Drag in properties panel - why isn't she draggable?

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Oct 12, 2011

I'm pretty new to fully using class's for my programming (in-frame scripting satisfied me for a while). I am having a problem accessing the properties of a class from another class. The first class (I'll call it controller) receives a reference to an object of another class (I'll call it display). Display have several specialized subclass (I'll call one SequencedDisplay). SequencedDisplay has a timer in it that I need to access:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Properties In Sub Class

Oct 13, 2009

i have created a file and a file which are in the same project. The problem i am having is trying to use the properties in my from my file.


When i type this line of code, _gasMileage = mpg; and build it i get the following error, C:UsersvistaDocumentsFlashDevelopProjectsVehi col: 4 Error: Attempted access of inaccessible property _gasMileage through a reference with static type Car. Now i tried to add an import statement i.e import Vehicle but that did not work. How can i use the private attributes of my Vehicle class in my Car class appropriately?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Another Class's Properties From A Different One?

Jul 1, 2009

I have two movie clips on the stage at frame 1 and frame 2. Both are instances of seperate classes. (They are not dynamically created, just their linkage is set to their class names)I have created soundChannel and Sound Objects in Class 1 and I want to access them from Class 2. (I want to stop the sound channel that was started in class 1)Is there any way to do this? If yes, will this be true for other properties also?

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