ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Access MovieClip From External File

Apr 29, 2010

I'm working on what might be called my first OOP project using AS3. I have no prior programming experience and I'm just starting out learning AS3. So here's my question - The project FLA file has no graphics on its timeline. All the graphics are imported externally through a display class which loads several .swf files onto the main stage. In one of these .swf files there is a MovieClip instance (which is functioning as a mask) by the name of viewArea_mc.

Now I'm working on a new class which has something to do with graphics that will be revealed through the viewArea_mc mask (mentioned above). My question is basically how do I address this viewArea_mc object from this new class? Let's say this new class is a kind of container whose width and height are dependent on the width and height of viewArea_mc. How do I address those properties of viewArea_mc? For example, say I have a variable in this new class called container. Why is this code giving me an error?

Select allvar container:Sprite = new Sprite;
container.width = 2 * viewArea_mc.width;

The error I get is:
Access of undefined property viewArea_mc

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(contentLoader is my loader, the mc iam trying to access is mask_mc)

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1120: Access of undefined property xmldata.

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[mx:text id="myText" />]

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[TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference]

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about_but.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){
var aboutURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("about.swf");
contact_but.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){
var contactURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("contact.swf");
cat_but.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){
var galleryURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("catalogue.swf");
port_but.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){
var portURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("port.swf");

Ok but it had the navigatetoURL function but I took it out. Reason is because I want these buttons to load in a movieclip (mc_loader) as external swf files. I am not sure as is to linking these buttons to the loader movieclip.

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import flash.display.MovieClip;


How do I access item1_mc? In reality I have 6 different clips and I desire to access much more than frame changes...what's the overall best way to be able to interact with an item placed on the stage via an external .as file that is not the document class?

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//will load "example.swf" into the current "sample_mc1" of the same swf file

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on (release) {
loadMovie("black.swf", holder);

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Oct 6, 2009

I have searched the archives here, but cant get a clean answer on this.I am loading an external SWF sucessfully, but I need to manipulate a MovieClip instance within that external SWF from the main file.

var slide1Loader:Loader = new Loader();
var image1:URLRequest=new URLRequest("slides/1.swf");

That is the successful code to bring it in - but now I need to be able to use a movieclip within it called COPYMC

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I'm using Flash MX 2004, and using the loadMovie() function to draw an external .swf file into a blank movieclip. My question is how the browser (let's assume Internet Explorer) caches this information. I know that after a Flash movie is loaded within an HTML page, the browser caches it, so that on the next load the movie appears nearly instantly from the cache. However, does it also cache the movie loaded using loadMovie(), or does it always redownload that external movie regardless?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Movieclip Instance On Stage From External Class File?

Nov 21, 2010

I've been searching around all afternoon, and am pulling my hair out. 1) I have a movieclip instance on stage (simple graphical element that represents platforms for a hero to run and jump along). I have placed it on the stage with an external class and in this class it is called myPlatform and is an object of The movieClip is called platforms and from a trace( the instance name is instance3.

2) I am attempting to access the properties of myPlatform in an Enterframe event loop in my character control and collision class (called

Basically here is the bit of code I am trying implement within :


This all worked when I was writing actionscipt within the FLA file, on the timeline frame 1. I simply don't know how to access myPlatform from within the external class! Do I need to create a variable? Is there a really easy way to do this with some syntax/command that I have not learned yet?

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Flash :: Loading An External SWF File Into A Loader Movie And Type Casting To MovieClip

Nov 13, 2009

I am trying to import a SWF file into a custom loader and then treat the loaded SWF file as a MovieClip object. The code for the functionality can be seen below.

public function loadMyMovie(movie:String)
var now:Date = new Date();
var rnd:String = "?randomize=" + now.time;


When I do this I get the following error.

"Implicit coercion of a value with static type flash.display:DisplayObject to a possibly unrelated type flash.display:MovieClip."

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Actionscript 3 :: Access Function In External Class Located In External Swf

Oct 22, 2011

I am trying to access a function in a loaded swf that has external class.. I would like to avoid having to put the function on my "Main" Doc class in the external swf and instead access the function directly from the class

This is what ive tried so far and it's a no dice:

private function startLoad(){
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("one.swf");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Command External SWF-file To Play Outside Of The Main Movieclip Via Button From Main?

Jan 17, 2012

I Have a flashmovie thats almost done and will soon hit the internet, but I want to add some animations into the website it�s two gears that I�m about to put at the bottom of the page and when a button releases in the main flashmovie the two bottom gears will turn a few frames and just stand still.These three movies are all separate (main movie, first gear and second gear).

It's a homepage designed in HTML and flash that has this "main flashmovie" in the middle of the screen, the size is about 1500(width)X800(height). And the gears is about 800wX200h placed at the left and right side bottom of the page. Dont worry the site is easy to apply to any screen resolution.I have been looking everywhere for any soul out there who suffering from the same problem but no success. Is it possible to script a button in the main movie to launch two separate movies in their own contents?

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Flash :: Access Dynamically Loaded Movieclip (stage > Scrollpane > Myloader > Movieclip)?

Oct 16, 2011

what I'm trying to do is accessingsnapText = scrollPane.source.textSnapshot;from an external swf. I've tried:

trace("-->: "+scrollPane.source.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
trace("-->: "+myLoader.content.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));
trace("-->: "+mc.textSnapshot.getText(0, 1000));


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Actionscript 3 :: Access A Movieclip On The Main Timeline From Within A Movieclip?

Mar 6, 2012

Working on an RPG type flash, and I have to be able to control a text-box from quite a few locations. The one that is causing me trouble is the inventory. I need to be able to access the textbox with an instance of "statusWindow" from within the inventory clip (instance name "inventory"), so when I mouse over an item within the movieclip it will change the status window on the stage.In this instance I want to mouse over inventory.invHealth from the main timeline to get the display.itemName and itemProps are strings containing information about the item.I tried the following but it gave me a "possibly undefined" error.

invHealth.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, itemStats);
function itemStats(e:Event):void
root.statusWindow.text = itemName+"

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Movieclip Via Its Instance Name In Another Movieclip Class?

May 28, 2011

how can i access a movieclip via its instance name in another Movieclip class?

and a nother question how can i access a movieclip via its class name in another movieclip class?

BTW i want to access the movieclip child

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