ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Handle Displaying Buttons

Jun 12, 2011

I have been wondering how other people handle displaying different buttons at different times. For instance, let's say that a user clicks on a button and once they do that you don't want them to see that button again until they do sonething else. in the past I have handled this by simply changing the button's 'x' or 'y' so that they are moved off the screen. One potential problem with this is that the button is still active in the tab order

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Flash :: Best Way To Handle EventListeners/Handlers For 1000 Buttons?

Aug 18, 2011

I'm working on a game where users can win buttons/badges as awards. I estimate there will be around 500 awards, in all.I want to allow the users to sell their duplicate/unwanted badges to the bank and buy new ones from the bank.I am showing the badges in multiple awards frames. Below the badges, I show the count, along with a "Buy" and "Sell" button.My question is: What's the best way to handle SO MANY buy & sell buttons? Is there a way around coding 1000 eventListeners and 1000 eventHandlers?

One possible solution is to name my buttons, incrementally, like "buy_mc1", "buy_mc2", etc. Then do a loop to create listeners for this["buy_mc" + i]. However, I would then have to make VERY sure that I link these back correctly to the awards.Currently, I have an "award_mc" field in my database, which stores the name of the movieclip in my .fla. From that, I can access related assets, like the count field, like: this[db.award_mc + "_count"].txt.Unfortunately, this method does not lend itself well to looped access.Maybe I can create an array of movieclip names that are in synch with the buy/sell buttons. For example:

myArray = {aMissionAward, anotherAward, ubernessAward};

My buttons would be: buy_0, buy_1, buy_2, etc.

When someone clicks a button, I can link buy_2 to "ubernessAward", then look for "ubernessAward" on the database.How can I get the number from the button, though? Even if I can loop through setting up the eventListeners, will I have to set up individuatl eventHandlers to process the correct index number? I was not able to get this to work with buttons on the stage. Apparently, buttons are a static class. MovieClips are dynamic, so I was able to get this to work by using MovieClips. Here's what I did:

Added 3 MovieClips to the stage.
Named them "mc0", "mc1", and "mc2".

Add this AS3 code:

for (var i:Number=0; i<3; i++)
this["mc" + i].addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onMcClick );[code]....

From here, I can tie the awardKey to an array of MovieClip names. Then, I can use the MovieClip names to read my database.This is why I come to Stack Overflow, FIRST, when I have a problem. :)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Handle Sliding Menu Buttons Error?

May 29, 2009

i have a movie clip (mc_1) inside of this movieclip i made

-one button ("start") : by its event Roll_Over the animation (of mc_1) starts

-ten menu buttons (b_1,b_2,b_3,....,b_10) : at first they're not on the stage, but they appear one by one,frames by frames, after I rolled over "start".

-one invisible button (inv_btn): placed right under the area occupied by those previous its RollOut event i make the menu rewind so the ten buttons disappera one after one other.

now i have to put the menu buttons inside an array (cause i made a script for dynamic loading images from XML) but i receive #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. this is why i put in the array buttons that at first doesn't even exist...and when the menu closes disappear can I handle the situation?

//this is the array code i put in the first frame of mc_1.
var bottone:Array = new Array(b_1,b_2,b_3,b_4,b_5,b_6,b_7,b_8,b_9);
for(var i=0;i<bottone.length; i++) {
var but_var:MovieClip = MovieClip(bottone[i])
but_var.buttonMode = true; = i;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Scrollbar Gallery - Replace The Rectangular Handle With Own Customised Handle

Feb 6, 2010

I'm creating a scrollbar gallery from a tutorial on this site. Though I've completed the tutorial, and customised the gallery to my own needs, however I'm trying to make a very small change to it - and no matter what I do, keep running into problems. I'm trying to replace the rectangular handle with my own customised handle - a (20 x 20) 'circular' png image that I've imported into Flash, made a graphic and stored in the library (though I understand it can be imported using actionscript, like the other images in the gallery).


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Flash Text And Buttons Not Displaying In Browser?

Sep 23, 2009

I am currently learning to develope in Dreamweaver CS3 at night and I am just putting together my site.I am using Flash text and buttons on the site.I have tested the page on IE and Safari locally and it is fine all Flash text and Buttons display and react as required.Once I upload the page and browse to it on-line there are no flash text or buttons on the page

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Displaying Radio Buttons Dynamically?

Aug 24, 2009

In my main application I consume a web-service which gives me an array of vendors.There is a add button in the main application, which when clicked a pop-up is opened.I want to display one radio button for each vendor in this pop-up window.This is all I have done so far: 1. In the pop-up I created a radiobutton group (id = vendorGroup).2. vendorGroup has one radio button called Others (this is the default).

In the main app I call pop-up using:
private var addItemDB:addItemForm;
addItemDB = PopUpManager.createPopUp(this,addItemForm,true) as addItemForm;


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Displaying Items Of An Array As Buttons / Playlist

Jul 27, 2009

I have a project I am working on and I am stuck on this. I have an array that holds songs. I want to somehow print these items out and make them buttons so that when I click on it, it will call a function. For proof of concept, i will just make my own code here and you guys can give me insight:

Code: Select all
var a:Array = new Array("song1.mp3", "song2.mp3", "song3.mp3", "song4.mp3");

Now i want this to firstly display:


I tried a for loop and a dynamic text field but that just overwrites itself. Next, it would be nice if it could add an event listener or call a function loadSong(curentSong[1]) ===with whatever position it is in the array between the brackets==

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Handle Image Border

Dec 31, 2009

ActionScript for Handle Image BorderLike this???

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How To Handle Video Parts

May 5, 2011

I have a project where I need to have a video clip play as soon as the SWF starts, and once it's done, the video stops at the end and a prompt to continue appears to transition into another video.I just need to figure out how to handle the video parts of this project, and I need to do this without showing any playback controls on the screan.

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Handle NetStatusEvents With OSMF?

Jul 12, 2011

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FLV Playback Seek Bar Handle Not Disappearing?

Sep 22, 2009

I have child movie in a project that contains a FLV Playback instance with an associated Seek Bar component.  The child movie fades in and fades out when a button is pressed.  When a the child movie fades-out, the handle of the seek bar is retained.  If I watch the movie multiple times, multiple seek bar handles remain behind.

Click the "View Entry Footage" button and then click the "Return to Map" button. 

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What Types Of Files Can Flash Handle

Oct 8, 2009

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Professional :: Handle Different Aspect Ratios?

Mar 7, 2010

I am trying to create a Flash based website that runs full screen. It will have a series of still photos or possibly, a video as a background with a few menu buttons on top of them. What I don't understand is how to compensate for the various monitor aspect ratios. If I make it wide screen, a square monitor will show blank bars at the top and bottom. You can see an example of what I'm trying to do at [URL] Also, what is the optimal size to make the Flash video? I am running Flash MX 2004 (Version 7)

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Mar 11, 2010

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Anyway, I thought of exporting the DB out to an XML file and importing that to a flash app and then using the data there. The problem with that is that I would have to recreate all of the logic (e.g. if you choose "model A" you can only choose "colors 1, 2, or 3") that manipulates the elements in the DB and also the client would not be able to easily manipulate/edit/update the DB without having to export it to XML, etc...What would be a smart way for me to access/manipulate a MS Access Database through a flash front end?

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Mar 28, 2010

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Aug 26, 2010

I have some XML. The apostrophe and dashes don't display. Is there a way to handle it without resorting to & ? It is the dash right after the underlined title. For the apostrophe, I went ahead and used ITSD&apos;s (for ITSD's). Just wondering if I have to that with every special character.


The display in the TextArea Component puts a little box in places where the dash and apostrophe are.

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Flex :: Handle Events Without Using A Framework?

Jan 4, 2010

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|- mainview
|-- toolbar


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Jan 7, 2010

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AS2 :: Handle Missing Sound Card

Feb 25, 2010

In my AS2 Flash game, I play a number of sound files and wait for the "onSoundComplete" message/function before proceeding.The problem is if there is no sound card in the system (or it is disabled in device manager) - everything acts like it is working (no errors, onLoad handler gets "true") - but the sound never actually gets played, and as such, my event never gets triggered.I had planned on dealing with this by hooking into my sound code, and if I detect no sound card, just kick off a timer to wait a few seconds before manually firing the "onSoundComplete" function.The only problem is that I can't reliably find a way to determine if there is a sound card in the system! AS3 seems to handle this quite nicely by passing back a NULL soundchannel - unfortunately I am stuck in AS2.0

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Flash :: Handle Server Response In AS3

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Actionscript 3 :: AIR App Be Programmed To Handle A URL Protocol?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm writing what is essentially a browser in Adobe AIR (ActionScript, not AJAX). A great bit of functionality to implement would be protocol handling. iTunes, for instance, handles itms protocols; when your friend sends you a link beginning with "itms://", it's going to launch iTunes as long as it's installed. Is there a way to write an AIR app (requiring AIR 2 would be fine) that can be the "handler" for a protocol in this way?

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Handle Application Views In Flex?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a Flex application with three different views. Only one view is shown at a time, and the choice of view depends on what part of the application the user is working with. If it had been an ordinary HTML webapp I would have created three different HTML-templates/pages for each view.

What is the recommended way to handle such application views in Flex?

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Oct 28, 2010

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Access of possibly undefined property data through a reference with static type

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Dec 1, 2010

I am using WatiN for browser automation. Its cool. But today i ended up in a problem where i need to call the flash object (uploadify button) in my page.

This code seems working fine, but doesn't show any actions

Element ele = window.Element(Find.ById("uploadifyUploader"));

Is there a way to achive this in WatiN.?

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Actionscript 3 :: Handle Profile Without Vanity Url?

Jan 16, 2011

I'm working on an AS3 Flash only facebook app - and I'm confused about how to download the users picture when a vanity url is not in use.Once authorized - i'm able to access the basic information fine first_name, last_name (not profile pic tho).. but I do recieve the link which can come in 2 forms [code]when 1. is in effect, I can access the remote profile picture fine via..URL...

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Flash :: Handle Manual .swf Caching?

Jul 8, 2011

I have a .swf in my rails application, located here:


It works fine, with one flaw, it gets cached often, so when we release a new version we are usually needing to tell the customers to clear their cache when they experience issues. My question is, how could I force the .swf to break cache when I release a new version? Something like:


I tried the above, but it did not seem to work.

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PHP :: Adobe Flex - How To Handle Sessions

Nov 17, 2011

I am thinking about porting my social netowrking site code to Adobe Flex / PHP and was wondering how does one go about handling sessions in this case. I would imagine Adobe Flex doesn't really know if a PHP session has been started or not therefore, I would have to research how to accomplish this. One idea I had was to created a session token string after a successful login and pass this token to each http request the user makes for data. E.g. [URL]. Each time a request is made to this page, a MySQL query is run to check if the token I passed in the url matches against the token created for that user during login. If this is true, then data is returned.

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Actionscript 3 :: Handle MouseEvent Transparently?

Mar 8, 2012

I have a DisplayObject docked at the top of my interface that displays debug information (frames per second, etc.) and is translucent with an alpha of 60%. I would like to interact with items under this surface, such that when the mouse rolls over it, it dims to 10% alpha, and mouse events pass through it to the underlying objects.

Normally, I have this debug info panel's mouseEnabled and mouseChildren properties set to false, so objects under it receive mouse events. The problem is that in order to hide it when the mouse rolls over it, it needs to have mouseEnabled set to true. However, if mouseEnabled is true, the mouse events are not picked up by objects underneath it.

As far as I know, I can't selectively enable mouseEvents, so it's either going to receive them all or none of them. That means that I'd have to handle and forward ALL events, if I took that approach. I really wish the mouseEnabled property had a "peek" mode or something, so that it could receive the events if it is on top, but also allow them to pass through to objects underneath.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SeekBar Handle Won't Alpha Out

Aug 7, 2006

I have a seekBar component that controls a video clip. I want the seekbar to be invisible (alpha = 0) when the video first comes up,a nd then when someone rolls over the video, have the seekbar tween to alpha = 100; I got the seekbar to do this, but the handle on the seekbar is always visible and I can;t figure out how to control it. The id of the handle is SeekBarHandle, but when do something like SeekBarHandle._alpha = 0, it still doesn't work. I have searched the forums for an answer and can't figure it out. Has anyone had this problem before and know how to control the handle on the seekbar?

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