ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Synchronize Sounds

Feb 7, 2011

I want to synchronize sounds perfectly to do a kind of Audio Mixer, using different sounds. All I have been able to do is to play 2 sounds at the same time, but I cannot do it with 3 audios or more, they don't go synchronized. does it perfectly, I've been researching and researching and I just don't know how to do it! How does synchonize audio so perfectly? you can even change sounds and the new ones will come on time! How do I do that? Is it just Action Script? or are they using something else?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Synchronize Sounds Perfectly To Do A Kind Of Audio Mixer Using Different Sounds?

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I want to synchronize sounds perfectly to do a kind of Audio Mixer, using different sounds. [URL] does it perfectly, I've been researching and researching and I just don't know how to do it! How does [URL] synchonize audio so perfectly? you can even change sounds and the new ones will come on time! How do I do that? Is it just Action Script? or something else?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use With Music Is Affecting All Other Sounds - Button Sounds And Background Sound

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I followed the mp3player tutorial (part 3) from [URL] and got it working fine. Only problem is that the setVolume I'm trying to use with my music is affecting all my other sounds - button sounds and background sound. I'm aware of the createEmptyMovieClip/attachSound approach and got it working on my other sounds. But Lee's tutorial-mp3player is using a slight different technique, and so my normal approach doesn't quite work.


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Actionscript :: How To Synchronize Methods

Oct 29, 2010

The question is how could I stop a method being called twice, where the first call has not "completed" because its handler is waiting for a url to load for example?

I have written a flash client which interfaces with a java server using a binary encrypted protocol (I would love to not have had to re-invent the whole client/server object communcation stack, but I had to encrypt the data in such a way that simple tools like tamper data and charles proxy could not pick them up if using SSL).The API presents itself to flas as an actionscript swf file, and the API itself is a singleton. the api exposes some simple methods, including:


Each method will call my HttpCommunicator (with error handling and stuff removed):

public class HttpCommunicator {
private var _externalHalder:function;
public function communicate(data:String, externalHandler:APIHandler):void {
// do encryption


Will the second call trounce the first calls communicator variable? i.e. will it behave as if its static, as there is onlyone copy of the API object?If say there was a button on the GUI which had "update balance", and the user kept clicking on it, at the same time as say a URLLoader complete event hander being called which also cals the apis getBalance() function (i.e. flash being multithreaded).

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Actionscript 3 :: Synchronize Changes To A Textfield?

Nov 18, 2010

I'm experimenting with P2P on Flash, and I've come across a little hurdle that I'd like to clarify before moving forward. The technology itself (Flash) doesn't matter for this problem, as I think this problem occurs in other languages.

I'm trying to create a document that can be edited "live" by multiple people. Just like Google Docs pretty much. But I'm wondering, how would you suggest synchronizing everyone's text? I mean, should I message everyone with all the text in the text field every time someone makes a change? That seems very inefficient.

I'm thinking there has to be a design pattern that I can learn and implement, but I'm not sure where to start. Optimally, the application should send the connected clients only the changes that have occurred to the document, and have some sort of buffer or error correction that can be used for retrieving earlier changes that may have been missed. Is there any established design pattern that deals with this type of issue?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Synchronize Two Swf Files?

Dec 10, 2008

making two web banner commercials where a bottle is supposed to fall from one banner to the other. The two files are separate and I dont think I can communicate between them. I need a quick solution to make the animation start at the same time in both files (if one file is loaded quicker than the other). Is this possible? Ive seen commercials where this has been done, but I dont know how they did it. I use as2 but if you have a solution in as3 its no problem.

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Professional :: Synchronize A Sound With Animation

Feb 10, 2011

I've just learned this process in the Flash CS4 help manual (page 276), but unfortunately the sound track I placed in a movie clip timeline (used as a button OVER state) doesn't stop playing once I mouse away from the button. So, I presume a simple myBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, clickHandler) could allow me to execute a method in a function to stop the repeating sound.

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Flash :: - Synchronize Video On Multiple PC's?

Dec 8, 2009

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Jul 27, 2010

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Professional :: Synchronize The Audio With Text In Flash?

Sep 9, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Synchronize Objects Animated At Different Speeds?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm building a game with two main objects on screen.

1) An animated MovieClip with 144 frames inside.

2) A ball that will be moving around the screen.

I've animated both objects with two different timers. One has a delay of 0.0333 seconds (30 fps) and the other has a speed of 0.0222.

Now there is something I do not understand. If both objects start moving/animating at the same time... When my ball reaches certain point on the stage, I check the currentframe property of the other animated moviclip but it's never on the same frame at that point. It varies...

If they are both at a constant speed, even though they are different speeds, why would the animated movieclip be on a different frame each time? It varies a few frames each time I output it to check.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Getting Sounds To Start Again After Using Stop All Sounds

Nov 29, 2009

I have a film with 4 scenes in it: Here's a link to the film and as you can see the film does not play the music the second time because of the StopAllSounds function which is probably the wrong code to use. The first scene is just a button with 1 frame, a stop action and a music clip. The second scene is the film. The third scene is the credits fourth scene is a Play again button. I have a Stop all Sounds action on the fourth scene because if I do not use it and I press the Play Again button, the music from the first song keeps playing but also the music from the film starts up again so it starts to play twice. What I want to know is, how do I get the music to stop at the end of the film but start up again once I hit Play Again?

I am using Flash CS3 if that helps and using Actionscript2.

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Actionscript 3 :: Synchronize Timer Event To Actual Time?

Apr 19, 2010

I plan to use a timer event to fire every second (for a clock application).

I may be wrong, but I assume that there will probably be a (very slight) sync issue with the actual system time. For example the timer event might fire when the actual system time milliseconds are at 500 instead of 0 (meaning the seconds will be partially 'out of phase' if you will).

Is there a way to either synchronize the timer event to the real time or get some kind of system time event to fire when an second ticks in AS3?

Also if I set a Timer to fire every 1000 milliseconds, is that guaranteed or can there be some offset based on the application load?

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ActionScript :: Flash - How To Synchronize Multiple Video Streams

Oct 29, 2010

I'm trying to play multiple video streams simultaneously. However, I cannot synchronize these videos to play at the same rate.

I have three 45-second videos in FLV format and I use to play these videos. I call of these netstream at the same time (by using a for-loop). However, these videos are out-of-sync even all videos files are on my local machine.

For example, when the wall clock is at 10th second, the first video is at 7th second, the second video is at 10th second, and the last video is at 5th second.

I think it may be affected by different jitter delays when streaming. However, I still cannot find the way to solve this problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Synchronize Movies Depending On User Choice?

May 1, 2011

I have a flash project where I have two movies that are supposed to synchronize, depending on user choices. Most of the time they do, randomly they do not. So I thought perhaps there is something wrong with the code I am using.

on (press){
if(this.movierandom.enabled == false){

What's supposed to happen is, when the button is pressed, movie1 goes to a random frame and plays. If movierandom is not enabled, movie2 is supposed to go to the same frame as movie1 and play. Movie1 and movie2 have the same number of frames. Occasionally, movie2 goes to a different frame.

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Actionscript 3 :: Synchronize Playing Of Multiple Video Files In Flash?

Jan 23, 2010

I would like to have one controller to sync and control multiple video objects(start/stop simultaneously).

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Add Sounds In Your Flash?

Jul 5, 2009

how do u add sounds in your flash?im using macromedia flash pro 8

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Stop All Sounds Permanently

Mar 21, 2012

im using stopAllSounds();command to mute all sounds, and it works fine with sounds that are already loaded (background music), but if there is button which triggers some new sound (after activating mute button ) or any other function to import new sound object you still can hear it despite stopAllSounds();.which command to use to permanently block all sounds already loaded and those which can be triggered by future actions.Now i have stupid situation> background music is muted but you can still hear sounds when cliclking buttons (which is ok but NOT in muted stage).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mute All Sounds?

Sep 16, 2008

anybody knows the AS to mute all sounds?

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Using Hittest And Attaching Sounds?

May 12, 2009

I am working on a game that involves a play head (called playHead) moving along the screen and when it encounters various movie clips it triggers a sound to be played. It is all going well except that the sound seems to want to play more than once, so there is a staggered wierd sound. Is is possible to make the sound only play once and also it needs to play until the the sound has finished. (the sounds are all very short).Here is the code:
onClipEvent(enterFrame){    if (this.hitTest(_root.playHead)){            _root.sound15.stop();    _root.sound15.attachSound("over");    _root.sound15.start();            }       }

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New Sounds To All Buttons On The Site?

Jul 7, 2009

When I updated my Flash website I added new sounds to all buttons on the site. I also animated the main section buttons with a movie clip in the "over" frame. I added sound to the "down" frame of the animated buttons in the same manner that I added sound to the no n-animated buttons. When I click on one of the non-animated buttons and release, the complete sound plays.When I click on one of the animated buttons and release, the sound stops the instant I release the button. If I click on one of the animated buttons and do not release but continue to press the mouse button, the entire sound will play. How can I make the animated buttons behave like the non-animated buttons and play the entire sound even though the button is released?

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Loading Two Different Sounds For One FLV File?

Aug 8, 2009

I need a flv with two sound. I want to load load two different sound for one flv file. For example I want to load my flv file in frame 1 with sound 1 then I want to load my flv file in frame 2 with sound 2. How can I do it?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Stop All Sounds?

Oct 31, 2009

i load external swf to the main movie. They all have sound. Have no problem to stop sound of the main movie (by the behaviors), but it doesnt stop the sound of the external one. What AC should be used to stop all sound, external and internal?

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Imported Mp3 Sounds Tinny?

Nov 11, 2009

Im preparing a Flash piece that includes several audio files. I imported the audio successfully but for some reason when I play the swf, the audio sounds tinny.  I set the settings to speech compression and synced to stream.  Some of the audio files were edited in Soundbooth to add silence at the beginning of the audio files. HOwever, all files (edited in Soundbooth or not) sound tinny.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mute All Sounds In A Swf Except For One?

Mar 31, 2010

To stop all sounds in a swf, I'm using the following code.
var transform1:SoundTransform=new SoundTransform();transform1.volume=0;;

This mutes all sounds. Now there is an issue, I want to stop all sounds but one (i.e. "music.mp3").

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Flex :: Use Music And Sounds In AS3?

Feb 27, 2010

I participate in a important project right now and I have to implement a class that manages music and sound.The project that I'm making is developed in AS3 using the Flex enviroment.Is there a "best approach" or only different ones?

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Actionscript 3 :: Stop All Sounds But One?

Mar 31, 2010

I posted a question earlier about stopping all sounds in a swf. Now, to do that I'm using the following code.

var transform1:SoundTransform=new SoundTransform();

Which solves the problem (mutes all sounds) but now there is an issue, I want to stop all sounds but one.

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Flex :: How To Stop Sounds

Jul 2, 2010

How to stop this sound ?,100,null);

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Flash :: Delay Between Two Sounds?

Jun 3, 2011

ask:i want to create an audio sequence.there are 8 predefined sound-starting-points in the timeline.for each starting-point, the user can select wich sound is played (dropdown menu).when the user made his choice for all the 8 bars.actionscript should gather this information and create a fluid sequence of these 8 sounds.then there will be a "play" button available for the user to start the sequence.the sounds don't have to be synced to a button or so.there is time for actionscript to put the sequence together.problem:when i put two sounds directly one after another in a movieclip, there is no delay between the sounds, which is exactly what i want, but i can not control which sound is played through actionscript.when i use actionscript, there is a delay between the is what i tried with as.this is placed in the frame where sound2 should start

if (_global.Sound2 == "Piano" {
var SoundA:Sound = new Sound ();


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