Loading Two Different Sounds For One FLV File?
Aug 8, 2009
I need a flv with two sound. I want to load load two different sound for one flv file. For example I want to load my flv file in frame 1 with sound 1 then I want to load my flv file in frame 2 with sound 2. How can I do it?
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May 7, 2002
I have a main movie loading a SoundMC which loads 12 swf's that contain mp3's with preloaders in each swf.
example LoadMovie("swfName","_level10")My issue is that when the swf loads it will load in the top left corner of my movie. So I put it inside of a movieclip and tried to attachMovie("clipname")setProperty._x = x; setProperty._y = x; but no Love. Should I put this in the Main timeline or in the SoundMC timeline or not use it at all?
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Feb 4, 2009
this piece of code:
PHP Code:
var mySoundReq:URLRequest= new URLRequest("samplesound.mp3");
var mySound:Sound = new Sound();
How does the urlrequest know where that .mp3 file is located, and how do i tell as3 where it is? and another thing: when i put this on the web, how do i locate the file then?
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Jan 16, 2009
There are 8 letters in the menu. Each letter provides a linkwhen clicked and a sound when rolled over. The letters will NOTAPPEAR on stage until their corresponding sound is completedloaded. I did this to avoid distortion during playback. The soundbit are pretty small as well. Anyway, the sounds are still distorted during playback and Idon't know why. They are all MP3. HELP PLEASE!! Here's the scriptfor one of the eight letters (movieclips) only to limit size you'llhave to look through:
public function Index() {
var D:MovieClip = new dMC();
D.x = 100;
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Jun 30, 2011
I am using this code to load an external mp3 file -
var snd:Sound=new Sound();
var context:SoundLoaderContext=new SoundLoaderContext();
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Nov 21, 2010
I made an app. I figured out how to load all my images into in.I have about 1000 images and 1000 sounds that I am using in it. About 70MB of data How will this affect a users computer? Is it even possible the load up this much content?I ask because I am getting stack overload error on my bulkloader!Scares me to think that months of work will go down the drain because I can't load this much data!
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Jan 9, 2010
I made some sort of MP3 player based on an XML file, and I want to load the next track when pressed on a button. Well that part works, the problem is, when I play the next song, this is what happens:
- The next song plays
- The bar that is normally buffering is already full
- When I skip to a part of the song, it skips to the first song!
How can I "clear" a sound variable and load another one?
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Jun 4, 2011
It's got 5 tabs, and will give the user the options to play about 10 sounds per tab.I have initially been loading the sounds on runtime, so whenever the user clicked a button to play that sound, I would do something like:
var sound:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("assets/hello.mp3"));
I'm not sure, but I don't think this is very good, since I would be loading that sound over and over again if the user pressed the button too many times.
I then thought about embedding the sound in each of the views (I have one view per tab), so would embed the sounds whenever the view was loaded. I think this is a better options, but still am a bit unsure about how the embed works exactly.
[Embed('assets/hello.mp3')] private var hello_mp3:Class;
I suppose it simply embeds the mp3 files when the swf is compiled (making it bigger), but they would not be loaded anymore once the app starts, or once that view is initialized again.
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Sep 11, 2007
I want to write a function that will load all of my external sounds stored in an array which are just strings of their filenames ie:
var soundList:Array = new Array();
soundList = ["sound1.wav", "sound2.wav", etc];
And create a new array with sound Objects that will have the sounds loaded in them (for later execution). After loading all of the sounds in the soundList array, the function should return or just set a _root value to 'true' ie:
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Mar 7, 2010
i'm attempting to instantiate a bunch of sounds by creating a string array containing each sound's filepath (or name).
var soundByName:Object = {};
var channelByName:Object = {};
var soundName:String;
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Apr 16, 2010
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Feb 7, 2011
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Dec 24, 2010
I have the alphabet in a background picture, and when I click on the letter, the letter sound is played. Simple enough. I have all 28 letters in seperate mp3 files. I can embed the 28 files into the swf. I want to use add the sound files to a vector, and then just play the appropiate sound based on the location that the user clicked.
My question is what is the best way to load all these sound files.
I could do something like this:
var sndVector:Vector.<Sound> = new sndVector.<Sound>().
sndVector.push( new "name of class assigned to sound 1"() );
sndVector.push( new "name of class assigned to sound 2"() );
sndVector.push( new "name of class assigned to sound 2"() );
I am kind of lazy, so I don't want to do that. I could load the files at runtime, from a server, or my hard drive, by I would like to keep all the files embeded in the swf file if I can.
Ideally I would like to just throw all my sound files into the library, NOT assign them class names. (because I am lazy again), and then access them anyway form actionscript and push them onto the vector.
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Feb 3, 2012
I am trying to create a Flash application(more like a game) where a user can add sounds to a timeline and then play the resulting "song". That is not really hard to do, and the resulting track can be saved and played within my app, but the problem is that I would like to export the created track as a .wav(or .mp3). I know that recording from a microphone with MicRecorder is possible and then the record can be exported with WaveEncoder, but I didn't find a way to create a custom sound stream from multiple sounds and than export it. Is this possible?
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Nov 29, 2009
I have a film with 4 scenes in it: Here's a link to the film and as you can see the film does not play the music the second time because of the StopAllSounds function which is probably the wrong code to use. The first scene is just a button with 1 frame, a stop action and a music clip. The second scene is the film. The third scene is the credits fourth scene is a Play again button. I have a Stop all Sounds action on the fourth scene because if I do not use it and I press the Play Again button, the music from the first song keeps playing but also the music from the film starts up again so it starts to play twice. What I want to know is, how do I get the music to stop at the end of the film but start up again once I hit Play Again?
I am using Flash CS3 if that helps and using Actionscript2.
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Jun 12, 2010
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Nov 15, 2010
How would you defer loading of other graphics on the page until after the images in a Flash gallery's images.xml file are finished loading?Is there any way to detect for this, or would I only be able to check if the flash swf object is finished loading? I'm pretty sure the swf object would be loaded/ready as with document.getElementById('flashobject').onload = function(){}; before the corresponding images have loaded though, instead of after.
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Sep 4, 2009
I have a "loader.swf" after which my "main.swf" loades. I have used a loaderPro v3 (AS2) component. Doing that was easy but then when it starts loading, even before the loading completes the main.swf starts playing in the background. And i have no coding in my actions panel.
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Jan 6, 2011
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Jan 6, 2010
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Feb 6, 2010
I have a flash file that is 1.5mb in size. As it takes about 6 minutes for someone on dialup to load this file, I have created a smaller swf file and loaded the larger one from it but I don't want the larger one to begin to play until it's fully downloaded. How do I set this up? I have set up the action script 2 as follows: loadMovieNum("top2.swf", 0);
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Mar 10, 2011
Is there a way to extract a single file from a zip file in Adobe AIR?
I'm using NoChumps zip library to extract files from a zip. In this library the entire IDataStream is loaded into memory and after that you can extract file entries easily. In cases where the zip is 5 to 10MB there are no problems. But when the zip is 80MB, which many are, 80MB is loaded into memory. This causes the app to crash and run slow on mobile devices. According to the zip specification,
"A ZIP file is identified by the presence of a central directory located at the end of the file, this allows appending of new files. The directory stores a list of the names of the entries (files or directories) stored in the ZIP file, along with other metadata about the entry, and an offset into the ZIP file, pointing to the actual entry data."
Also, I do not have control of the size of zip files but most average is 60 to 100MB. Files inside are ~4MB.
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Sep 5, 2009
I have a "loader.swf" after which my "main.swf" loades. I have used a loaderPro v3 (AS2) component. Doing that was easy but then when it starts loading, even before the loading completes the main.swf starts playing in the background. And i have no coding in my actions panel.
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Sep 21, 2009
Is there a way to check file name case when loading a file? For example:
My URLRequest has this: "filename1.swf", but the actual file on the server is this FILENAME1.swf. Since the file names do not match case, is there a way i can have flash and AS3 catch this?
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Jan 28, 2007
I have a problem loading remote XML file into SWF file. Im doing a banner for a client with adds that is supose to load constantly updated XML file from my clients server and load some images into flash form it. Everything works fine when i test the movie (CTRL+ENTER), but when i publish it and test it from explorer, XML file is just not loading into flash.
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May 18, 2011
I have problem in loading multiple swf file into a main swf file. I will state the things clearly at first. I have a main Index file to which i have to load some swf files which i have placed in a seprate folder. I tried to load those movies to main swf file using loadMovie it worked well when i give the exact path of the swf movies in subfolders. Aslo it worked when i placed the entire swf files including the Index file on a single folder, this worked only on my local machine suppose if i copy those entire folder to some other Computer and tried to run the Index file it doesnt works if it is in an single folder it works. The thing i need is the Index file alone has to be placed on the main folder and rest of the Swf file has to be placed on sub folder so when i run the index file it has to load the required swf file from sub folder this even have to work when i run the application on some other computers.
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Feb 2, 2009
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Feb 7, 2009
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