ActionScript 3.0 :: Keeping External SWF In Memory
Feb 22, 2011
So I am loading external swf's. These swfs contain a 16 frame image sequence on the stage. When I load the swf's and go to each frame via actionscript, they load into memory and they play fast and smoothly. If they sit on a single frame for a certain amount of time, the rest of the frames are dumped from memory and the image sequence plays slow again until each frame is displayed and stored in memory again. I really want to keep all the frames of these timelines in memory until I choose to unload the swf's manually.
I am working on a modularized Flex application, and I am trying to cut-down on the amount of client-server interaction.Every time a module is opened, a request is made to a web service to get values to bind to the Flex form. If a user closes the module, and then reopens it at another time during their session, the same web request will be made.Since this data is static, i.e. not changing, I am thinking about creating global variables to hold the data providers. On the initial application load, a series of web service calls will be made to fill all needed data providers. Then, any time a module is opened, it can use these global providers instead of making unnecessary and repeated requests. These are NOT going to be huge providers, so I don't think browser memory should be a concern.
I'm loading some images with Loaders, cloning the BitmapData to a new Bitmap, and adding the Bitmap as a child of a Sprite. So far, so good. I want the Loaders I'm using to be removed by garbage collection, which they seem to be. The problem, or so it seems, is that when the Loaders are cleaned up, the Bitmaps I'm creating lose their data.
Edit: All this is happening when a class is instanced, and many copies of this class are being used as actors in a game. As the Actors are being created the older ones are losing their BitmapData to garbage cleanup. When all of them are finally loaded, only the last few are visible. I've rewritten my posted code as a class. If I prevent the Loaders from being cleaned up by somehow keeping a reference to them, the Bitmaps don't lose the data, but I don't want these Loaders hanging around.
I am leading a team of developers on a project where we create distance learning classes to be attendedby students on the Internet.We created classes in Flash, ActionScript 3 in but I'm facing a big problem.I had an idea to create a kind of "software" using the flash in which my team could be better organized and where I could put (in the animation swf) what they should do that day(todo list).Until then it was all right, I created this software by loading text from the internet and created some php code inorder to edit them easily, even then no problem.[code]...
I am displaying a photo from an external link when called upon from my swf. When the user clicks a button, up pops a corresponding photo in a new browser window. After the photo window has opened, if the user clicks another button the photo browser will update but its no longer in front. I know I need to use the focus() command but cannot figure how to incorporate it into my AS3 code.[code]....
Did a website, but at the end of it... i needed to translate everything So I simply made a duplicate translated all the text, and added a button on each that will jump between the languages. Button added to main stage. Inside button on DOWN action:
if (MovieClip(parent).mainContainer.numChildren!=0) MovieClip(parent).mainContainer.removeChildAt(0); var ii:int=parent.numChildren-1; trace(ii);
I have tried to remove all children from the stage, but then upon loading, I get an error; looks like I removed the stage,timeline etc. So I had to leave the parent.numChildren at -1 to leave the mainContainer (but clean it inside). It works, but now Firefox memory increases each time I click on the Language Change button:
126K 208 K 288.5K 369.7K 450.0K
EDIT: The line stage.addChild() creates error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at final_webMon_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
I have read many many post and I don't find the answer of how to remove completely a swf load external.Every time I load and unload I see the windows memory task manager and see that the memory increase and don't reduce when remove child.
this is my code: var oneLoader=new Loader(); bt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, swf1);
I'm currently building a website that contain different game. each game is an external swf. I'm auto-preloading it while displaying textual stuff in order to have a minimum of preloading time.
Everything work well but imagine I've got 5 external swfs. If I decide to close one game and remove the loader child, when I click back to view this game, I have to reload it again.
So, is there a problem (memory or performance) if I do not delete my 5 loader childs in order to lead them only 1 time?
I'm using the Flash 9 AS3 Public Alpha IDE. I'm loading a suite of 256 external png images using the Loader class. There are multiple "suites" of these images, but once the .swf starts and a couple of settings are loaded, only one of the suites actually needs to be loaded for that session. Only a small handful of these images are displayed at a time, but this handful changed rapidly. Images are quickly loaded, animated, unloaded, etc. Currently I'm using the Loader class to load the images whenever I need them and then I remove them from memory when I'm done. Because they are used so often, and without much forewarning before they become needed, this solution is no longer effective.
If I place all of these images in the Library and setup their linkage properties individually, everything works fast and efficient loading them with getDefinitionByName, but this is not practical to have to recompile my .swf file everytime the images change (not to mention setting up the linkage for 256 images is very tedious). The other complication is that multiple classes that are not directly connected with each other need access to these images, which means the images need to have some sort of global access (like they with getDefinitionByName). most effecient way to load all 256 images into memory and then give them global access to be *quickly* reproduced, duplicated, multiplied and animated by any class?
The idea is very simple: I have a submain.swf with 5 buttons. Each button loads an external .swf loader.load(URLRequest);After playing first external swf, before I go to next one, I try to unload it1. remove all its associated listeners:com_loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.INIT-PROGRESS-C OMPLETE, idFunction);2. unload it:
I have developed a touchscreen application that works perfectly fine except for the memory issue. Basically, the touchscreen app works kinda like a website with navgation on the side and content displaying next to it. I separeate each section into external swfs, and load each one up when it is needed, thinking it would reduce memory used on the pc. But unlike actionscript 2, AS 3 would not remove the external swfs from the memory. You can remove it from the stage and you won't see it, but the swf will still stay in the memory! So... as you navigate through the app, loading up all these external swf, even I do loader.unloadAndStop();, the swf is still there, and they just keep piling up in the memory as you navigate from the app. After leaving the touchscreen for a day or 2, having all these users naviage through it, all the external swfs will just completely consume all the resources and freeze the pc.
I have been working on an Actionscript 2.0 project that basically loads external images.Everytime i load and unload a new image, memory increases to 1 or 2 MBsIf all the images are in cache, then it increased to 4 or 8 KBsIn the unloading of images, I have removed loader and the container of the image.
I have an interface that needs to load in external activity pages - there's quite a few of these. I've been trying to create an external class to take care of movie loads, but it has a bad memory leak. I've been reading about using unload() and unloadAndStop() but haven't gotten these to work (there are no noticeable differences in system memory usage or performance). Everything grinds to a halt once I've used up about 13+ Mb of memory.
The document class has lots of code (of course) so I'm just showing the code that relates here:
Code: package { public class Interface extends MovieClip { static public var _ui:MovieClip;
I have a problem in that i have a holder swf which loads in other swf's externally. My problem is that the holder loads all the movies in correctly but the memory usage of the swf just keeps going up and up even though i am trying to remove the movieclip after each has finished it's run.
I have a flash application running on some local machines. There are 3 movies the flash loads and plays. Each time a movie is played, it makes the amount of RAM the swf is using increase. This is being ran in a museum and users step through the 3 movies over and over and over, causing the swf to use gigabytes of RAM and eventually locking up the flash player.
Here's where I create the movie playback component.
ActionScript Code: var flvPlayer:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback(); addChild(flvPlayer);
The 3 movies are on 3 different frames in the timeline, for each frame I have this code that loads each movie.
I use the cuepoints to display some text on screen. I also call a function that does flvPlayer.stop(); each time the user navigates away from a movie frame. So is the RAM usage growing because of the flvPlayer.source = "whatever" being triggered each time the movie is called up?
I have developed a touchscreen application that works perfectly fine except for the memory issue. Basically, the touchscreen app works kinda like a website with navgation on the side and content displaying next to it. I separeate each section into external swfs, and load each one up when it is needed, thinking it would reduce memory used on the pc. But unlike actionscript 2, AS 3 would not remove the external swfs from the memory. You can remove it from the stage and you won't see it, but the swf will still stay in the memory! So... as you navigate through the app, loading up all these external swf, even I do loader.unloadAndStop();, the swf is still there, and they just keep piling up in the memory as you navigate through the app. After leaving the touchscreen for a day or 2, having all these users naviage through it, all the external swfs will just completely consume all the resources and freeze the pc.Also, is it better to develop touchscreen application with actionscript 2 since it doesn't have this pressing memory issue?
Im creating a flash projector which has a holder swf with an empty movieclip. A series of external SWFs are loaded into the empty movieclip on the push of a button. Once the clip has been loaded, other external SWFs can be replaced in the empty movieclip at the push of a button. As memory leaks and garbage collection seem to be an issue, I was wondering the most memory efficient way of loading, unloading and replacing these external swfs so that memory leaks are kept to an absolute minimum.
I'm having real problems with unloading external SWFs, I've spent 2 days looking for a solution and looking at this forum and using the code supplied and Flash help files and much much reading and trying, I still cannot achieve the desired results.I have a Menu.swf which hosts many buttons which loads External SWFs ... simple enough and fairly common.These External SWFs are the same size as the menu and so loads completely over the top of Menu.swf which is exactly what I want to happen.I have a button on these External SWFs which I want to, delete the External SWF from the Flash player's memory and remove all event listeners (which I guess will happen if the External SWF is deleted from memory)The reason why I want it to remove the movie completely from memory is that I have 18 items and by the time it loads the 18th item, the player is going slower then trying to swim in hummous.[code]
I have a bit trouble with LoaderMax memory occupy, i have a queue, and i am keep loading images depend on user's action. if they click load more and it keep load, but i would like to clean the memory which been occupied by the previous queue (i have remove all the children been added by the loading previously). is there a way i can do it? the behavior like this.
I have an FPS monitor running and notice that I am getting choppiness here and there, bringing my game from 40 to 27 fps and back and forth at certain stages. I have an idea of where it is happening, but do not know for sure. I looked up quite a few memory monitors but haven't found anything decent yet. Is there a memory monitor that allows you to see the memory leaked and find its location? If not, how about just he memory leaked?
I'm making an isometric game and I need to know which takes less memory for scrolling, making everything invisible that you can't see? Like if(!this.base.hitTest(worldHitter))this._visible = false; Or would it be better to remove the movieclips unseen and then reattach them when i should see them?
I wrote an application in flash AS3, and when I trace from flash the total memory usage of the total application is only about 9MB, But at the same time Task Manager Shows the memory usage as 110MB. Around 100MB difference.Flash Trace Method System.totalMemory difference of the Trace from the Beginning of the application to end of the application.
I can't seem to remove / unload the external swf files e.g when the carousel.swf (portfolio) is displayed and I press the about button the about content is overlapping the carousel (portfolio) . How can I remove / unload an external swf file from the main flash file and load a new swf file, while at the same time removing garbage collection from memory?
I have created a website header that rotates through various images. I have another image that I would like to be off to the left side but partially cover the main header images. I really don't want this image to change with the other images. Is there a way to put this image on its own layer in flash and have it visible the whole time, while the other images change?
i am doing a mario game with flash, as3. i want to mario stay above box when jump above it or i dont want mario to pass through box while walking. mario should crash box like wall.
I'm making this banner, or FMA if you rather call it that, for a company (school assignment). I have some text fading in and out displaying the message. But I want an interactive FMA.I want to make some buttons, and when you go mouse-over on them, I want a picture to be displayed (different image for each button), WHILE the animation keeps going. Thats not the tough part.However, when the animation repeats (starts from the beginning), and if I'm holding the cursor over the button connected to the picture, the picture disappears and I have to go over the button again. [code]
I have an as3 app that loads SWF's with various movie clips inside with a size of 1280 width and 720 height. I would like to fit these SWFs into a content box of height 885 width by 500 height. The SWF must keep a ratio of 1.77. This would be easy if as3 recognised the SWF being 1280 height by 720 width. It doesn't however, and takes the size of the movie clips inside the swf which varies (as long as it's within the original size boundaries). how I can make the SWF's fit into the content box even if the movie clip sizes and therefore the original SWF sizes vary?
I need to use a custom cursor.I am doing so by simply hiding the cursor and having a small MC follow the mouse around with a setInterval.I need to make sure the cursor stays at the highest level. The stage is blank and all content is loaded using script. I was just setting up the cursor at the end of the script and using getNextHighestDepth. That was working fine, but now I need to load external stuff into the movie. How can I set up my cursor so that it will stay above all the other clips, regardless of when they are loaded?