ActionScript 3.0 :: Link Dynamic Content From XML And MC's On Stage?
Jul 8, 2009
I'm pulling news information from an XML file. The root node is "article", the child nodes are (for example) "date", "title", "caption", "copy", "link", etc.
For each article, two new buttons are added to the stage.
1st button - on rollover, display the date & title for that article in a small movie clip w/ dynamic text fields.
2nd button - on click, display ALL nodes listed for that article in a large movie clip updating only the dyn text fields
What are some methods I can use to automate the process? That is, to avoid writing an if/else statement and some code to filter the XML properly for each and every article?
I need to somehow connect the XML content and the movie clips I add to the stage dynamically.
Is it common to write two ID attributes for each XML node? Unfortunately, each article isn't in sequence and older articles could be added even amongst the new ones... so a better "ID" would be the date of the article. Would that screw up automation?
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about.onRelease = function(){
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info.onRelease = function(){
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Sep 28, 2010
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-input1 is for quantity
-input2 is for page count
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Feb 22, 2008
I project I want to do than a technical question.URL...What I have:
1. A very large image that is deliberately going off the stage (width: 2000px~, height 1000)
2. Empty movieclip outside of the stage that content will be loaded into
What I want to do:
1. When a button is clicked on the main stage, it will fire a tween that will move the
scope of the stage over the image and to the empty movieclip.
2. Effect: it will (hopefully) be like the stage is gliding over the large image until it stops at the empty movieclip's coordinates.
What I've already done:
1. I've downloaded Tweenlite after researching what I want to do
2. I've looked at this example code:, 1, {x:1500, y: 1000});
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_root.float.page_body = '';
loadVariables("content/flash/color_studies.txt", _root.float.page_body);
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Aug 28, 2009
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1. I have an external .swf banner which is 900x250 pixels
2. I want to load this .swf into my main project, using this code:
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("ptp.swf");
3. The problem is that the .swf banner that is being loaded has content 'outside the stage' so instead of just showing the 900x250 area I see all the off-stage content as well.
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Dec 9, 2009
I created "symbol1" movie clip. And I have dynamic text "myscore" on the main stage.
I have this code inside of "symbol1".
mybutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, b1);
function b1(event:MouseEvent):void {
myscore.text = "30";
And it gives me this error. (1120: Access of undefined property myscore.)
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Aug 5, 2009
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The current database fields look like this:
This is very simple to do in ASP or PHP but I am having a tough time trying to tie everything together in Flash. Should I create two separate ASP pages, one to query the questions and one to query the answers? How do I carry the QuestionID to the next frame in Flash?
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Feb 9, 2011
I would like to create a Flash menu but want to load HTML inside a targeted div on the same page dynamically without refreshing. I've seen several people say iframes can be used but I would prefer to stay away from iframes and use divs if possible. I'm guessing some fancy javascript would be required?
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Dec 16, 2008
I have created a Address Class that uses Remote Hosting to get addresses for site locations and creates the appropriate listings in a MovieClip.
I am trying to use this class as the source for a scroll pane inside another movie clip.
I get the site locations to show up in the scrollPane but they will not scroll.
I believe I need to pause some how in the constructor until I have all the site addresses created. how to get the scrollpane to scroll.
Here are some snippets
The container MovieClip
import FlashCFMXApplication.AL_Addresses;
import fl.containers.ScrollPane;
var scrollPane:ScrollPane;
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Feb 3, 2009
I'm loading images into an otherwise empty MovieClip called container_mc using UILoaders and spacing them horizontally. I also have the image names as TextFields below the images all within the container. I'm masking the container clip using the following syntax:
container_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
mask_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true;
container_mc.mask = mask_mc;
This USUALLY works, but for some reason when I load over 20 images into the container -- the mask no longer works. At first it appears as though it's working but then the text disappears and when I mouse over the images to scroll them horizontally, the mask (which is magenta) appears and disappears -- flickering strangely. Should I be caching? I was under the impression I had to for the dynamic text to show up. Maybe it's the where I placed the code (load-order)?
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Jun 29, 2009
I'm using CS3 and i wrote a in actionscript 3 an .as file that sends a request to a server and gets as a response an xml file. After loading the xml i create dynamically i big number of questions each one of them with some possible choices for the user to select(Radio buttons). The problem is that i have about 40 questions with about 120 radio buttons to show the user but only 5 fit the screen and the others are not visible. Can anyone give me a help using scrollpane or something else so i can give the user a way to see all of the questions and radio buttons available?
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