ActionScript 3.0 :: List All Current Listeners To An EventDispatcher?

Aug 13, 2009

Is there any way to list all listeners to an EventDispatcher instance, or at least list all event strings that are being listened for?

I know there is a "hasEventListener()" function, but you need to know the string you pass in in order to check for it. I suppose it would be bad coding ethic, but it can have its uses. (Am I making myself clear enough on what I am looking for?)

Also, how are eventListeners speedwise? Since there is a lot that needs to be accomplished when dispatching and listening for events, would it be a bad idea to use an Event system for such potentially CPU heavy items as collision detecting?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove Listeners Or Other MovieClips Except Those In The Current Frame Are Ignored From Flash Player?

Dec 25, 2011

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ActionScript 3 :: Binding Event Listeners - Only Last One In List Functional?

Jan 17, 2011

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protected function handleTriggers(raw:Object) : void {
var name:String, value:String, map:Object;
map = {
'onclick': MouseEvent.CLICK,
'ondblclick': MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK,
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Listeners, Targets, Display List On A 2 Level Menu?

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______bt_title (movieclip that contains textfield with title of the button)


how should I manage the EventListeners ?I've done like that:

menu_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverItem);

I should be able to MOUSE_OVER the menuItem to open the subMenu, and leave it open while I'm still able to MOUSE_OVER and CLICK the menuItem.bt_title and every other subMenuItems.If i do:

menuItem.mouseChildren = false;

then i don't have access anymore to its children. If i do that:

menuItem.mouseChildren = true;
menuItem.bt_title.mouseEnabled = false;
menuItem.menufill.mouseEnabled = false; = true;

then I get the "epileptic" effect created by continuously mousing OVER and OUT the menuItem. Is there something to do with the capture / bubbling phase of the event flow?Where exactly should I place the listeners?

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for (label in item) {
if (label=="spark.components.supportClasses.Skin" ||


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Actionscript 3 :: EventDispatcher Between An As And A Fla?

Mar 25, 2010

I am making a fighting game in Flash and while I have everything running, I am missing something: a victory/loss screen.Logically,I know how to do it:

if character.hp < 0
character.dead = true;
dispatchevent("death", event)

My problem is that I have no idea as to how to code it. I know I will use two classes and my two .fla files (unless I am wrong).I have two .fla files that are in play here: the Menu.fla file and the Arena.fla file. Menu.fla contains the entire navigation of the game, options, character selection screens, etc. and when it is time for the player to engage in battle, it loads the Arena.fla file, which contains only the backgrounds (depending on the selected stage) and for now is set to a length of one frame only. For Arena.fla, the real action happens in my classes, but logically, I would only need and

In, I have declared the following variable:

var isDead:Boolean = false; //is character dead?

In, believe I should have the following:

currentHp = 0;
character.isDead = true; //declared as var `character:Object;`
EventDispatcher.dispatchEventListener("playerDead", playerDead);

And finally, in Arena.fla, I want to be able to detect the above-mentioned eventlistener and simply move on to a second frame which will display a message in the style of "PLAYER ONE HAS WON" or "PLAYER ONE HAS LOST" with a button that will allow me to go back to the character selection screen. This is the first part in which I am stuck: how do I detect the dispatched event listener in my main .fla file?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Add Eventdispatcher

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now i am not 100% sure, but i think the solution to this has something to do with EventDispatcher.can anybody please tell me if that is correct and how i can add EventDispatcher to my code without recoding everything?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 2 Re-R&D

Feb 10, 2012

For some while I am researching on dispatching Events on AS2 which can bubble as it happens in AS3. This is not the first time in this world and I hope you all know how to do it in AS2. My issue is not on addEventListener but the removeEventListener which is not removing that particular event from that object.Cause the handler argument in the is throwing undefined where that should be [type Function]. At the time of registering on addEventListener it is registering the handler as [type Function], but it throw undefined on removeEventListener method.


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Nov 6, 2009

I am trying to dispatch an event from one class to be received by another another class.The second class has a function that shoud trigger when the event is caught.When I compile I get this error:1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type to an unrelated type String.

Here is the class that dispatches the event:
package{  import flash.display.MovieClip;  import;  import;  import


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Nov 6, 2010

How to dispatch events from a class (.as) to a document (.fla) ? In my example there's no compiling error but nothing displayed by trace(). What's wrong and how to do to make it works? example.fla


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ActionScript 3.0 :: EventDispatcher And AddEventListener?

Dec 17, 2010

I just don't get it. I've studied a lot, looked, researched but I don't understand why this isn't working.

import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: EventDispatcher And XML Events?

Jan 16, 2006

These days I'm learning the different usages of EventDispatcher class and understanding it's working.


Considering the above code if for example I want to broadcast the event of onLoad of xml to different listeners objects with the scope of movieClip in which the xml object is declared, so that later mcs from the library can be attached dynamically.However this approach does not seem to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: EventDispatcher - Getting Rid Of Events

Jun 15, 2006

Theory question, more than anything.
var page = _root["pageinstance"+num]; //num is a variable,
page_li:Object = new Object(); // page_listener object
page_li.onPageLoad = function() {
trace("hey, look, the page loaded");
[Code] .....

The code is much more complex than this, but thats the skeleton of it. Anyone, my question to you is that I need to use this over and over again, for each time the user presses a button. My problem is that Flash seems to have trouble when I try visiting a page I've already been to, because the events don't properly execute. I've tried page.removeEventListener(); and delete page_li; but both seem to be ineffective. Basically, how can I whip the slate completely clean, so that the next time when Flash goes over this code, it executes properly?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Write An Eventdispatcher

Apr 1, 2007

How to write as2.0 using class to respond a simple event handler for several mc's?[code]does anyone have some good examples of using eventDispatcher method in a class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: DispatchEvent Without Extending EventDispatcher?

Jan 27, 2010

How should I dispatch Events in my objects without having to extend the EventDispatcher?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Watch Variables With EventDispatcher?

Feb 14, 2007

I would like to know if there is a way to watch / listen to variables or object properties using the eventDispatcher class ? I checked tutorials about this class and I understand basics but I really don't see how to do this..

I know the existence of the watch() function, but I heard its possible to use eventDispatcher instead...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [Flash Cs4] EventDispatcher Class?

Jun 20, 2009

i have a class called "RandomErrorClass" that extends Error:

public class RandomErrorClass extends Error {
public function RandomErrorClass() {
super("random error...");[code]....

my understanding is that the second class, the one that throws the error, will have to extend the EventDispatcher class. is that right? but it already has to extend the MovieClip class. my questions: Does the movieClip class already inherit from the EventDispatcher class? if so, i won't have to implement the IEventDispatcher interface, will I?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: EventDispatcher And Inaccessible Variables?

Dec 10, 2010

I'll try to explain my problem as simple as possible So, I have class A (main class) and class B, and I need these to communicate with each other.


This gives me the error: Access of undefined property RNDMCOLOR... but, I made it public, so it should be accessible by other classes right? Apparently, no I have also tried to type the string "rndmColor" directly into the eventDispatcher and listener, and that gets rid of the error, but the chooseColor function is never called. So what the heck am I doing wrong? How do I make variables accessible from other classes if public doesn't do it?

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Jul 30, 2009

On a recent discussion I had a problem accessing a function on my main timeline from an external SWF. Muzak gave me the answer using eventDispatcher from que external SWF. Ok everything works fine. But when I test my website on my localhost embedding my SWF using swfobject it stops working.

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Flex :: Listen To All Event Types Of An EventDispatcher?

Oct 6, 2010

In Flex, is it possible to listen to all event types of an object that's an IEventDispatcher? addEventListener's first parameter is the type, which is a string. In many cases the documentation is not clear what event type it fires. I'd like to attach a generic listener to inspect the events.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatch An Event With Extending EventDispatcher?

Feb 3, 2010

I need to send a signal from my class, to my main class extends (and needs to extend) Sprite.

So, how can I dispatch an event from that class to the main class without extending EventDispatcher?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: EventDispatcher Tutorial By Jesse Marangon

Feb 10, 2009

I'm reading Jesse Marangon's EventDispatcher tutorial. Most of it makes sense. However, when I copy the code into Flash I get a return of objEvent. count = undefined.It looks like the external class Interval is being properly found/used as the rest of the function works.

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