Flex :: Get A List Of All Skin Classes In The Current Application?
Jul 4, 2011
Is there a way to get a list of all the skin classes that are in the current application? I'm using Flex 4.5.1.
Here is the loop that I'm using now to get all the skins,
for each (var item:Object in styleManager.typeHierarchyCache) {
for (label in item) {
if (label=="spark.components.supportClasses.Skin" ||
The reason why is because I want to list all the skins in the application and then be able to apply them in real time so I can see what they look like.
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[Bindable] public var global:Object = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication;
<s:Button label="My Text" skinClass="{global.skins.menuButtons}" />
And this, but then it can't compile anymore:
[Bindable] public var global:Object = FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication;
<s:Button label="Button 1" skinClass="global.skins.menuButtons" />
<s:Button label="Button 2" skinClass="FlexGlobals.topLevelApplication.skins.menuButtons" />
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%" >
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Nov 26, 2011
1. I need Import MovieClip from Library into Current Frame (Current Frame mean, if we on frame 1, the movieclip will show on frame 1)
2. Hmm... i guess if we make Browsers on Flash its IMPOSSIBLE lol...
3. Do you know Windows ?, if we click and hold the title bar it will dragging, and if we click and hold the inside of windows, it will NOT Dragging.
4. Load an EXTERNAL SWF.
5. Load an External MUSIC or SOUND.
6. Save Current Setting, like changing the username it will ask you want to save your current setting?, yeah like that. the game is shooting, kicking, punching. there's Enemies, Traps, and Fall into Fire or something he will die.. i need basic of it..
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Nov 29, 2008
Is there a way in AS 3 to list all classes and their associated methods? Or at least a way to list the methods within a particular class?
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Nov 1, 2010
I'm working on a project where I need a sort of quick list of class functions.
To clarify, say a user starts typing MovieClip. I want to bring up a list of classes as the user starts typing, complete with the package name. Kind of like the action you get when typing in a Google search or something.
Really, I just need to find an XML or JSON list of all classes, including packages, that I can load when the application loads up, so that I can create the quick list.
I've been scouring the net, but perhaps I'm not formatting my search query quite right, and I'm getting no hits.
I'd really hate to have to create a program that goes through the LiveDocs and parses all of the HTML to output a file with all of the classes.
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Mar 6, 2010
I'm making the game Breakout as an AS3 application using OOP. I am getting very confused though. I know that objects should be only responsible for themselves. But this is where I get stuck, they need to communicate as some level to add and remove screens, and I am getting majorly confused as to what is going too far, when it could maybe achieved in a simpler more OOP way. I've worked out the hierarchy of my classes, in terms of where they are being added (I think). I've added a screenshot of the hierarchy.
Have I got the order right based on OOP principles? Like, Introscreen will listen for play being pressed then call a method of the document class that will remove introscreen and then attach gamescreen. Is that right? Another thing that puzzples me. It seems to me if I made a level and put the paddle and the ball in that, then arranged all the bricks in that level, that I'd be duplicating work (based on the fact I need paddle and ball for level 2 also). So it would be best if I could have gamescreen with paddle and the ball and then add level1/2/3 to display list which would therefore set up the appropriate brick placement. But then, wouldn't that mean that I couldn't do hittests because my level 1/2 or 3 wouldn't be a sibling to the bat and the ball, them residing as a sibling in the level's parent class?
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Feb 16, 2009
I have created a list of Classes in a school in Excel and saved it as an XML file. In each row it contains the name of the class followed by a list of class members. In col 1 is the word "Class", in the next col is "7C1" ( or equivalent) then each cell after that contains the names of the class members. I can load the XML file no problem, and display the full contents using 'trace', but I don't seem to be able to extract just the class names and student names to use in a Flash application. The code I'm using so far is attached.
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Feb 19, 2009
I would like people to be able to change this custom scrollItem class, but as the scroller class has some interaction with this scrollItem class (sets id etc), I have the scrollItem class implement an interface to guarantee the presence of the required methods.This works fine, but only if I keep the type of the scrollingItem class within the scroller class. I would prefer to substitute in the interface type for each scrolling item. However, I cant, as the interface is not a DisplayObject. I can get around this by casting the interface type as a DisplayObject whenever it needs to do DisplayObject type things, but this seems like a hideous hack.
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