ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Text Into A Motion Tween
Apr 30, 2011
So this .swf is so display Contact Us information loaded externally from a .txt and will automatically refreshed when the source file is edited. Used to work but then it automatically changed fonts (for some reason) and then refused to show the text. I put traces at the end of the tween, on rollOver, on rollOut and on the URLRequest and everything is coming back positive. There are no debug errors either..
If you take a look at [URL] you see I created a timeline motion tween on the blue transparent image. Now I want to load this image via actionscript and follow the exact guidelines I gave there.
This is what I use in AS3: Code: loader = new Loader(); loader.load(new URLRequest(lastImage)); thisMovie.imageLoader.addChild(loader);
It does load the image, however it does not place it in the imageLoader I created in Flash (yes I gave it an instance name). This is the error I get (i.e. it doesn't access the imageLoader). It does when I put it in the first frame on the timeline, but then it doesn't follow the guidelines I gave in the timeline. TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
do a simple fade in of text with a motion tween. I have entered text, converted to graphic symbol, set alpha channel on frame 1 to 0% and on frame 30 to 100%, the add motion tween. The text simply pops back in at frame 30 with no fade in between 0 and 30 at all. I have text set as static. Is this a Flash bug? I am working with Flash CS3. The same thing happened when I tried to do a zoom with a graphic and I had to break the two objects apart before I got any motion tween between them. This is not working with text, however. Adobe Flash CS3 Mac Pro Tiger 10.4.11
If I put any text letter of any size at the top of the stage, lets say for example a "T" of 10 pts. Then move the timeline to frame 50 and insert a keyframe and then move that "T" down to the bottom of the stage and resize it to say 50 pts. (I want the effect of the letter growing as it moves down the stage).If I then isert a Motion Tween and scrub it the letter just stays at 10 pt until the keyframe at 50is hit and then it resizes to 50. Not the effect I am looking for.But if I use the classic tween then it does do what I want which is gradually grow from 10 pts to 50 pts by the bottom of the stage.
i have to create a movie where a text string move in horizontal.
the problem is that in the movie (800px wide) the text should go from right to left in about 7 seconds (so it have to go about 400px to the left in 7 sec).
i created a motion-tween with ease for my "text" and the tween is long (at 30fps) 30*7=210 frames.
the result is that the text DON'T MOVE FLUID... it's not a uniform movement... it's too visible the fact that it moves X pixel each x frames. it's the exact opposite of SMOOTH MOVEMENT.
How can i obtain a smooth slow-motion text movement?
I am new to flash but I have used motion tween before with Flash CS3. Now I need a text to decrease size and modify alpha so I wrote the text (one word), converted it to symbol (movie clip), create 2 key-frames (larger size, alpha 30% -> small size, alpha 100%) and "create motion tween" between. But it doesn't work i don't know why! This time I use Flash CS4 and I was wondering if there are some presets or something that I don't know. The arrow that suppose to appear between the frames doesn't ..only the frames change color.
I know it is very easy. Right click> create motion tween> drag to where I would like the text/object to move. But, Sometimes it doesn't seem to work when I drag the text. It will work the first time and for the second text on the frame it won't work. What are the requirements of a motion tween when it comes to text on a single layer in the same frame.
If I perform a motion tween along a curved path, Flash CS4 does not allow to change the curves to "corner point" or "linear" in the motion editor. URL...
I will have three seperate pages for the motion tween, mask effect and shape tween... would you make the seperately, in a different scene, as a symbol or on the same scene with the website.
my movieclip button was working perfectly as a motion tween. Can you use shape tweens as movie clip buttons? I just made that change, and kept my code:
I am facing a problem in one of my animation with flash CS4 - I have nested a Shape Tween in a Motion tween to get more control over the easers and effects, unfortunately I am not able to view on the timeline of my Motion Tween the action of the Shape tween nested inside.
It only show the first shape of the Shape Tween during the entire Motion Tween and that is really a problem for me because I need to see the final frame result of that Shape tween to be able to position it in a precise way on my scene according to other instances.
I'm making a "master movie" for an assignment and I'm stuck right now. What I've got is an Intro page that will serve at the Parent.swf to load 4 other child swf's upon a mouse click. The problem is I have a theater stage where I tweened an animation to make it appear the curtain on the stage is going up but once it reaches it maximum height....the tween abruptly stops. I want it to HOLD there until a user clicks a button.
How would I make this happen? Here is the page in question: [URL]...
I am having problems to load external swf using tween. Just starting with as3 and found a tutorial with 3 buttons, however my main movie needs to have 5. When I press the second button I get error 2025 and when I press the rest of the buttons the page appears but the previous one stays too.
HTML Code: import fl.transitions.*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; //Assign CLICK listeners for each menu button
I've made a movie clip which goes from 0 opacity to 100%, it starts when i click a button. Then i've got a text field in which external text loads. I need the text to laod when the movie clip's opacity is at 100%. How do i do that?
(for this code, check the mcBandPreloader in de .fla file)
Code: var imageLoader:Loader; var RespJpeg:String = "images/arch1Proj.jpg" function loadImage(url:String):void {
Here the problem is that I can't type html in my external txt file. (I did checked the html button in Dynamic Text Properties. What am I doing wrong here?
whether it be text, symbol, a shape that I drew. None of it works. When I create the motion tween the line arrow in the timeline doesn't show up like it should. Here is the extremely simple animation i'm doing. The problem are for the bottom 9 layers starting from frame 80. I converted all of those to graphic symbols and I'm just trying to do a very simple alpha 0-100 while resizing the letters. I've also tested motion tween on very simple shapes and it never works. I just don't get it.
I'm building a drop down menu in flash CS4. I have followed the directions meticulously...3 times... and still I can't get a mask to accept a motion tween.
I am currently using CS4 but taking a class that is using CS3. The problem is I am finding the "motion tween" is not creating a tween. What is the difference between the motion tween in CS3 and CS4.I can get the tween to work if I use the "classic tween" but the instructor is saying I must use the motion tween.
Is it possible to make a motion tween (or something) where as the page would start blank and then writing would just start to be laid down..... affectively, scribbling onto the page?
I'm trying to get the name of a motiontween in AS3. I have many tweens that call a generic function on MOTION_FINISH. mainContent3X = new Tween(MainContent3, "x", Strong.easeOut, MainContent3.x, 1750, 1, true);
I need to get the number/name to know what to do. I've tried the following with no luck: trace(event.currentTarget.toString()); trace(;
Has anybody found a way to ease motion only between keyframes, not the whole animation? In classic u get separate easings.Generally, I want to convert old tween to new for more control, but it seems to be impossible.
I created some text, converted into a movie clip and I have three keyframes - 1,5, 1 the text is as it is, at 5 i flip it horizontally, using the transform tool [q key] and at 15 i flip it horizontally it again, so it's normal again And I've put motion tween between both the places. Now when I preview the swf, from 1 to 5 the text animates as it is supposed to clockwise but from 5 to 15 it rotates clockwise
So it covers 1/2 revolution and then traces the same half back to become normal again.What must I do in order to make it swivel in clockwise sense only ?
Im making kind of slideshow for my project; assume every frame is a single slide. all of the frames have eventlisteners for KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN event. just like this example:
I am having problems with the scripted Tween as the motion does not always complete and therefore does not let the rest of the script execute. Why these Tweens are not completing? I have a few of them throughout my program and they are all doing the same. I have to "Test Movie" several times before I get lucky and they complete and then the program runs fine. I have them all set to under 1.5 seconds as I read somewhere that there this might happen after this time. I am using IE 8 I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.
in flash professional 8 there is an option for edit motion tween ease graphicallywe can adjust with x and y axisin there any semilar option in flash CS4 professional i know we can adjust ease with also we can adjust the motion tween also with mouse in the working stage