ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Screen For Movie Not Working?
Feb 28, 2011
I have am trying to make a pre-loader I guess you would call it for a flash movie with a MP3 embedded in it.The total size of the flash movie is 4MB.Below is what I have in frame 1 actionscript:
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, Loading);
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, FinishedLoading);[code]....
Instead of 10%, 20%, 30%, ......and so on, I get just one dot, then another, then another, .....Once the reach four, the dots disappear and it starts all over again.Until the movie is loaded.
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Dec 3, 2006
I have some AS that creates a movie clip and later tries to make it go away. However, _visible isn't working as I would think. Here's a sample: I create the triangle:
It doesn't work, however. So, I tried trace(triangle30._visible) both before and after the second chunk of code, and it does indeed change from true to false. However, the movie clip is still visible on the screen.
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Oct 24, 2005
I got this problem, that if i load a movie by ckliking on a button it doesnt work but if it is on its owne it works just fine...
button code
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on(release){ if(cont_loaded = !cont_loaded){ _root.insis.loadMovie("tutsisu.swf"); }else{ _root.insis.unloadMovie(); } }
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PHP Code:
on(change){if ( this.selectedItem.label == "tut1" ){loadText = new LoadVars();loadText.load("sisu.txt");loadText.onLoad = function() {_root.scroller.text = this.sisutext;}; }else if ( this.selectedItem.label == "web" ){getURL("","_blank");}}
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Aug 24, 2011
I'm a total begginer in flash and action script, I do have some knowledge in other programming languages.By trying to help a friend I added a contact form in his company website, that was made by someone else.his site is full flash with a index frame that loads several pages.After I built the new contact.swf and tested locally and also hosted by accessing it straight from the browser and embeded I tried to replace it with the old contact.swf that had no contact form.During the tests, everything was fine but when included in the site the form is not functioning.The form has a few rules that prevent empty fields with a green text warning. when I access it embeded separatelly in a web page it works, when I access it loaded by index.swf it does nothinh even if I press the submit button.So I assume the problem is in the index.swf action script.the button that loads the contact page has this code:
on (rollOver) {
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Jan 20, 2010
It seems like the loading screen (more like frame) is the last thing to load, so you are stuck staring at a blank screen for a while. How can i prioritize how the game loads so that the instant you get on the page the loading screen comes up immediately?
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May 16, 2003
am using bitmapdata to make me a nice lil' background image, and it works great...until it's resized. Whats happening is it's creating a new bgHolder clip on the resize, NOT resizing the current empty clip "bgHolder"Here's the code(taken from various posts)
import flash.display.BitmapData;
#include ""
Stage.align = "TL";
View 3 Replies
Oct 27, 2009
Is a command for AS2 to make my movie file play fullscreen (stretch, fit to screen, anything).
goFullScreen(); is great but it leaves white bars left and right. What's odd is that I'm using Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder and it seems to display a perfect widescreen that I want as an input and output but once compiled in flash, it's more square leaving me with white bars left and right. The frame for the video in flash is also widescreen looking.
edit: I ended up stretching the width of the frame but if there is a better way through a command that would make my life easier so I don't have to adjust to every monitor that I run this on.
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Feb 11, 2009
My question is what needs to be done in order to make a .swf file go into full screen without falling to a black screen when a movie is played? I have tried coding it, however I come up with the following error.
What should I do to fix this? This is not going to be an HTML file, however, so the initial thought of changing the publish settings does not seem to work this time.
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Feb 28, 2008
Regarding System.capabilities.screenResolutionX in FMX, how would I achieve a movie clip on my stage to automatically alight to the left of the screen/browser depending on the viewers screen resolution?
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Oct 11, 2009
I have a movieclip clip that plays when the movie starts, the movieclip is a visual assets that show's that the application is loading some information but it's not showing any loading progress, just playing while the assets are loaded.I created a for loop that will load the assets using a simple loader, and then when the object is loaded the application push the object to an array.Problem is that when the loading starts all the animation that i have on screen stops until the loading is finished.The whole point is that the animation will play while it's loading.
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Mar 3, 2011
The following function never executes for whatever reason:
function fullScreenRedraw(event:FullScreenEvent):void{
traceTxt.appendText("Ok, I'm in the fullScreenRedraw function");
traceTxt.appendText(" ");
if (event.fullScreen){
FullScrn_Btn.visible = false;
[Code] .....
Yes, I do have a button handler that when I click on an icon on the screen, it brings the browser into fullscreen (not browser header). So, full screen mode works correctly. It's only the above FullSceenEvent that does not.
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Jun 25, 2010
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Jun 25, 2010
Today the FF version was updated automatically to 3.6.4 and to my surprise none of my files work anymore in full screen mode, the files go full screen but you can't interact with anything.
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Aug 2, 2010
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Aug 10, 2009
fscommand ("allowscale","false");
fscommand ("fullscreen","true");
Everywhere it says I should use this to make fullscreen in flash
I tried everything, I even copied the damn tutorial from adobe page of fscommand, still not going fullscreen at all, no errors.
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the trace just spits a whole bunch of 'undefined's at me. I double checked the variables once again just to be sure, and they're all right.
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Apr 30, 2009
I've freshly installed the FSM demo on a redhat linux box, and have everything working. From that start screen running on Local Host, I click the "Play video (HTTP)" and that video of a train shows up. Cool. But when I click the link above it ("Play Video (RTMP)") I get an error message: "Connection Error. press Play to try again." and no matter how many times I hit play, I get that same message. The Dynamic stream doesn't work either, and the Interactive sucessfully displays webcam feeds, but doesn't show the "Play Live Stream" button thing. Is there anything special you have to do to get the RTMP stuff working? Some special command or server you have to run?
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Mar 28, 2010
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Dec 13, 2011
I recently discovered that the MouseEvents in my Flash animations aren't working on touch screen Android tablets. Is there some extra code that I need to add to make this work? There's an example at [URL]. My other issue is more of a web design issue, but the animations are not placed correctly on the webpage.
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Mar 20, 2010
i've drawn an ellipse sprite and added it to the display list of a container, which is added to the display list of the stage. to move the sprites with the keyboard arrows, it appears that my shiftModifier:Number variable is not working when the stage's display state is set to full screen. shiftModifier works as it should when the stage's display state is set to Normal.
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyboardDown);
function onKeyboardDown(evt:KeyboardEvent):void
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Aug 6, 2009
My full screen flash site works oerfectly on Mac's (I have a mac). But on PC IE and Firefox the full screen flash site is cut off 1/4 of the way down the page (see screen shots in zip or test if you are on PC). live site [URL] The site uses a swf object (files included in the zip). I got this from a template on flashDen. my problem is that I only have my mac and can't test on PC IE / firefox. Not that I would know where to start. I think that the problem might be the swf object from [URL] but not sure? I need to sure my site to apply for jobs. But recruiters use PC and it is very embarrassing that they can only see 1/4 of the screen.
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Jun 8, 2011
I have an SWF file with a full-screen button working perfectly. I have added an FLVPlayback component, working correctly.
However, if the whole stage is in "Full Screen" mode, and I click on the button which loads the FLVPlayback component, the screen becomes black and the FLV doesn't even load.
I have tried addind the action movieHolder.fullScreenTakeOver = false; but it did not help.
I m working with Flash CS5 and AS 3
View 14 Replies
Nov 9, 2009
i have an fscommand with ActionScript Code:
fscommand("fullscreen", "true");
and i have checked the flash - allow full screen in html tab in publish setting but it doesn't working
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Apr 11, 2012
I am building a book application in Flash Professional CS5.5 to be released on tablet devices and I am trying to understand the best structure for loading the application. For iOS devices I know I can include the default.png, but how can accomplish a similar task for Android? The book application is also going to be large as it includes a lot of assets and animations, is there a good way to show that this is loading on both platforms?
One thing I was trying was a loading screen where the main application was actually a loading system that would import the compiled SWF book, but further research shows that it won't work for iOS devices.
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Nov 23, 2009
var imagearr:Array = new Array();
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Jan 12, 2010
when my website screen is loading the Flash content may take a second or two to load and what I am getting is an area with a white border and and little 'x' in the left hand corner. Just been to a clients and it did it on their computer also. Have a look at my index screen to see what I'm talking about [URL] Is this just how it is or is there something I can do to sort this, like get rid of the border, or something??
I use SlideshowPro and Flash Eff with Flash CS4 so not mega into doing Flash from scratch so go easy on me if this requires some mad code or something.
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Apr 23, 2010
so for my loading screen, I want a block to appear for every 10% loaded (so they'red be 10 blocks at the end). I know how to make a loading bar, but I'm having trouble making this one.
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Mar 9, 2012
I'm trying to get a loading screen to work in Flash. This is how my project is set up:All of the game occurs in "Layer 1," which is set up into many differentscenes: "Level 0," "Level 1," etc. Its code is run in a ".as" fileI tried implementing a simple loading screen (with a progress bar) in a new layer, "Preloader." Its code is run in the layer's "Actions."I realize that putting the Preloader's code in its "Actions" wasn't the best idea because I had Layer 1's ".as" file load Level 0 at first. So the "Preloader" and "Layer 1" layers tried to run at the same time. This caused problems.Now I have tried putting the Preloader into a scene of its own. That is not working.Here is the code I've tried using for the Preloader - "scene" version:
// This function loads the Preloader
public function loadPL(event:Event) {
// Load the Scene associated with the Preloader
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Jun 6, 2007
Using my intermediate but growing AS skills I can place 3 MC�s onto the screen.
I do not want these 3 MC loading on at the same time. I would like to load the first one and X amount of time later load the second MC and the same for the third one.
How would I go about putting in X amount of delay between the MC's as they are placed on the stage.
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Aug 8, 2011
I'm building an .swf with video to play in the standalone Flash Player. It works perfectly fine when the swf is not full-screened. However, as soon as I test it as a published swf, the video does not load. I know the video is not loading because:1) I can't see it.2) Elements that are triggered by cuepoints in the video are not triggering.3) The movie clips and graphics that over lay this video still play, but only when the swf is not full-screened.I am adding the video directly onto the timeline. Here is the Action Script I am using at that frame:
Actionscript Code:
import;import;var curCue:Number = 1;//This is the current cue point.introVideo.fullScreenTakeOver =
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