ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Music For Different Levels?

Aug 1, 2011

I have a game that has different music files for different levels. It doesn't make sense to load the music for level 2 in frame one and I don't want to load the music for level 3 until level 2 has commenced. Is there anyway to control how the music is loaded? The music is in the library.

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Flash :: Difference 'Music / Video Is Loading' Vs 'Music / Video Is Buffering'?

Dec 1, 2011

What is technical difference between buffering and loading ? Say, i have a video, which is showing loader bar in progress. Then what's happening exactly ? Buffering or Loading ?

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IDE :: Loading Movies From Different Levels?

Oct 1, 2009

I am creating a presentation which has a main flash and then 3 sub categories to it. Main.fla is nothing but a container to load the other movies into. I could get the the first movie (movie1.swf) to load onto main.swf by using the foll code:


Now the problem is in movie1.swf the menu is like on the 3rd level, i.e. main stage>menu_mc>menu (where the buttons are).

How can I add a code on level "menu" so that when I click button2 or button3 it loads movie2.swf and movie3.swf respectivley onto the main stage. Makes sense or am making it too confusing..

I want to try this breaking a big movie into smaller parts functionality so that I can understand flash more.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading 50 Clips Into Levels?

Feb 7, 2009

for(i=1; i<50; i++){

This simple script loads 50 of "a.swf" into my movie however you can only see one on stage.I can use a create emptyMovieClip with coordinates to accurately place all the clips on stage,however I am trying to use just levels, instead.I have tried....

for(i=1; i<50; i++){
mc = loadMovieNum("a.swf",i);
mc._x = 50*i + 50;
mc._y = 30*i + 50;

How can I load and place all 50 accuratelty.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Levels - SWF Not Going To 2nd Frame

May 16, 2005

Why my "nieuws.swf' is not going to frame 2 or not showing at all when I press the button with the second piece of code on it? The nieuws.swf has a stop on frame 1 and on frame 2. I can see it right away when I take away the first stop. I use the function playNieuws, to make it all happen.

Code in main movie, first frame:
#include ""
this.createEmptyMovieClip('hok1', 1);
with (_root.hok1) {
lineStyle(0.1, 0x666666, 100);
_x = 265;
_y = 216;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movies At Different Levels?

Mar 5, 2004

I have a bit of an actionscripting dilema... I am trying load a movie ontop of another movie, so they are at different levels. This I can do ok, its just that when the new movie is launched and sits ontop of the old movie the buttons from the old are still active and interfere with the top movie. I know I could unload the old movie underneath, but my problem is that I want the user to be able to close the top movie to go back to the bottom movie at the place that they left it.!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading And Unloading Moviesclips In Different Levels?

Sep 1, 2004

I've got a mainmovie.exe, which creates 4 emptymovieclips as containersall of the containers load an external moviethe one at the top with a menu/buttonsI'd like the buttons when clicked to unload all the containers and reload the original lowest level movie from a particular frame. then it'll go through the process of creating empty clips, and load each external movie againBut since I'm playing the movies in an exe. I dont know how to unload all the containers and start the root/lowest level movie from a particular frame of a particular scene.The main movie is called mainmovie.exe, it creates containers 1 - to 4 as empty ,movie clips.DOes its thing, reaches a particular frame and loads movies into into container 1 - to 3, and topcontainer. Topcontainer is the most important. It has the buttons/menu. WHen I put an "on release action" to unload all the other containers and gotoAndPlay root ->frame 2, it doesnt work. It unloads everything, but wont load goto And Play.I'm left with a blank screen.So frame 2 of root mainmovie.exe

_root.createEmptyMovieClip ("topcontainer",4);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Levels / Loading A Swf Into The Proper Place

Jul 6, 2007

I am apparently having problem loading a swf onto the proper level. Anyways, the short of it is that I now need to create all my movieclips on their proper layers and when they are needed call them to the screen.My main screen is on the first level/layer. I then created a movieclip on layer two. I then try to load the swf into that MC on layer 2 and it doesn't display.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Levels Of Volume (peak Levels) Of Multiple Sound?

Jan 9, 2005

I believe that my question here is a little hard, or maybe impossible. But here it goes:

How can I, in Flash, get the levels of volume (peak levels) of multiple sound frequencys from an audio file, so that flash would recognize them?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading Multiple Levels Into A Main Level?

Nov 12, 2010

How could I make a preloader with multiple levels in as2? Should I use loadMovieNum or the MovieClipLoader class?
I want to make a main progress bar, that represents the loading of all the levels, not a progress bar for each level.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Platformer - Moving Character And Loading Levels

Jan 28, 2012

I am currently working on a platformer using accelerometer to move the character and xml to load levels as so..
level.x += (e.accelerationX*40);
if (e.accelerationX > 5) {
e.accelerationX = 5;
} if (e.accelerationX * 40 < 3 && e.accelerationX * 40 > -3) {
[Code] .....
And it is all added into one movieclip called level. My problem is when the character hits under a platform it will go up it which I don't want it too, I don't know how to fix it heres the gravity code.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: _level Syntax - Loading External Swf Into Levels?

Feb 18, 2008

i read about the tutorial on loading external swf into levels. I have the following codes in Layer Frame 1:

loadMovieNum ("World.swf", 1);

When i execute this code, world.swf is loaded, but i cannot get it to go to frame 2, and even if i use _level1.stop(); or _level1.trace("HI");,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Individual Levels Before Play Them To Remove 1 Long Wait?

Aug 10, 2008

I am currently doing a project which involves quite a large swf file at the end. I was wondering if anyone knows a way that i can easily make it so that at the begging, when first loading up the flash, it just loads the menu and a couple of other frames, but when i go onto play the game, it will load each level just before you play it, so that the player doesnt get bored from waiting right at the begging for a while when they can wait 5 seconds before each level.

Im pretty sure ive seen this done before but im not sure whether it is preparing it in that time, or downloading it. I want it so that there will be a 10-20 second wait for the game to load up, then you go to the menu, press play, loads the next frame, or certain number of frames, you play that level, then it keeps on doing this for all the levels.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading & Unloading Music?

Jun 26, 2009

add a couple of music files to a CD presentation using actionscript. I know how to load one track but how do I unload a tack when it's finished and load another after that? Here is the code I have so far:

myMusic = new Sound(myMusic_Mc);
myMusic.loadSound("Doin It.mp3");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading And Activating Music Into Another File

Nov 30, 2010

I'm trying to load music into a another file using the loadMovie method. This is my script:

ActionScript Code:
audioStatus = false;

As you can see, first I created an empty clip. Next step was to create a variable named "audioStatus" to know if the button has been pressed or not. It seems I'm doing something wrong because the movie is not loading the music and it-s not detecting my var.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Music Animation / Stopping And Loading?

Jul 15, 2002

Basically I have a remote with forward, play, stop, and rewind. There are 5 songs. The mc, called player is within the main timeline. First thing I want it is to load the nomusic animation... which is a mc within the player mc. then when the music loads it'll play the workign animation when the song loads.also i'm trying to avoid going to different keyframes and states. so when song 1 is played, and if the forward button is pressed i want it to go the next song. etc...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Multiple External Music Files?

Sep 4, 2010

I am working on a photo gallery with music and everything works good except I can not seem to load multiple music files one right after another. This is the code I have that works with one music file.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Fade Out Preloader Music As Loading Completes?

May 27, 2011

I have an external preloader that plays music while the main swf is loading. Everything works fine but it sounds a little abrupt when the music just stops as soon as the swf is loaded. Is there a way to start fading out the music when the progress bar gets to, say, 80%, so that by the time the main swf opens, the music is completely faded out?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Levels - Nieuws.swf Has A Stop On Frame 1 And On Frame 2

May 16, 2005

why my "nieuws.swf' is not going to frame 2 or not showing at all when i press the button with the second piece of code on it? The nieuws.swf has a stop on frame 1 and on frame 2. I can see it right away when i take away the first stop. I use the function playNieuws, to make it all happen.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Music Player - Create Four Different Sound Objects Since Later Songs Are Loading While The First Are Playing?

Apr 21, 2004

I've been messing with this for almost six hours now and am at the end of my wits. I need a flash mp3 player that follows the following guidelines:

*all encased within its own movie clip
*loads four different songs, one after the other (event)
*each song displays its own loader
*user scrolls through song selection and plays available (loaded) ones
*first song plays when loaded and continues to the others

any tips on where to go with this? do I create four different sound objects since later songs are loading while the first are playing?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Music Separate From Flash File / Still Have Start Stop Music Buttons?

Oct 11, 2009

I want a site to have background music, but when I attach the music to the file it makes it quite large ...3 meg and the site is slow to load. Is there any way of having the music separate from the flash file and still have start stop music buttons?

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Movie Clips And Background Music - Unable To Stop Music At The End Of The Animation?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm working on an animation where I have my "dog" fighting the evil vacuum cleaner. I got most of it to work the way I want it to.

1) I have movie clips entitled pepper_mc (where my dog is supposed to be walking), swirl (where a swirly-type symbol is supposed to spin over the dead vacuum's head), and vacuum_mc (where the evil vacuum is supposed to have a swinging arm (called vacuumarm_mc) that I created using the bone tool). When I add them to the stage and test them, the animations within the movie clips don't happen.

2) I have background music that I'd like to stop playing at the end of the animation, but I'm not sure how to do that. (using the stop(); actionscript doesn't help).Where am I going wrong? I'm using Flash Pro CS5.

Here's the file --> Pepper and the Vacuum of DOOM!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Music To Continue Playing But The GetURL Function Seems To Stop The Music

Dec 13, 2005

When the movies performs the getURL action, I want the music to continue playing, but the getURL function seems to stop the music at frame 152 (where the getURL action is placed), when I wanted the music to continue to frame 257 (the end of the movie). I hope I've explained this clearly

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Music Sync Animation - Create A Music Animator?

Nov 9, 2010

I am trying to create a music animator. It will have bars that move up and down do the beat of the music. This is like windows media player where the music animations play. I want it to be verticle bars, where some are in sync with like the base and others are in sync with the tempo. Does anyone know of a tutorial for this? I am trying to emplement it within my website so that whatever music I am playing will auto control the bars and sync.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: When File Loads In The Browser - Music Immediately Plays And Loops Until Click A Button To Stop The Music

Mar 30, 2009

I downloaded a flash template and have modified it to suit our company but there is something that I can't do. When the file loads in the browser, music immediately plays and loops until you click a button to stop the music. On our video page, we have video
that we need to play that has sound in it. How do I get the background music to stop when my video plays without having to go up and stop the music manually. The videos are loaded via an external XML document and there are no buttons in the FLA file to link code to. the website is [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Streaming Music Using Flash, But After The 3rd Music Is Done, It Just Stops?

Feb 21, 2007

I am streaming music from my site using flash, but after the 3rd music is done, it just stops. Do i have to flush something or create a new music object for each 3 songs?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Music Loop - If Statement - Check Whether Or Not The Music.swf

Apr 5, 2005

I have 'Sound On' and 'Sound Off' buttons on mutiple scenes and I am playing the music loop in my flash movie by loading an external swf. When I move to the next scene the sound reloads which I do not want. How do I use an if-statement that checks whether or not the music.swf, that needs to be loaded is found and when it is found, go to a frame?

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IDE :: Play Music File Once Only On Click Of Play Button Until Music Stops

May 1, 2009

Using Macromedia Flash Professional 8.

I have a website banner made in Flash. I have added a music file to it and Play and Stop buttons. I also have a Replay button to replay the banner animation once it stops.

I have put the music on a separate frame so that it will not play automatically when the banner loads. I have made the Play button direct to the frame the music is located at so that when clicked, it will go to that frame and play the music file.

The problem I am currently having is that if I click the Play button more than once, it will play the music file again on top of the current play-through.

So if I click Play, the music will play. Then if I click it again, the music will play again, but on top of the first instance of the music, so two instances of it will now be playing and it sounds horrible.

I would like to make it so that if you click Play when the music is playing, it will not play the music again until the music has stopped.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Text To Change From "music Off" To "music On"

Oct 22, 2003

ok i have a music off button...i want the text to change from "music off" to "music on" and for the actionscript code to change so that the music will turn on when you press on and not off when you press on.

Would I use attachMovie and just convert my button to a movieclip or is there another way? etc, loadmovie.

I know there is an easy answer to this and it is at the tip of my tounge.

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Swap Levels On Rollover?

Jul 6, 2009

I'm planning navigation for my new site (see screen grab of proposed navigation corner). I want the words to swap levels and appear in front of others on roll over.

OK, just found this tutorial [URL] but I put the buttons into the MCs.

*BUT* - I want them to return to their original positions on RollOut - is this possible. I tried duplicating the code but substituting rollover to rollout and set the parameter to 0 or 1 or 2 to make them go back to a level I want them at.

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