ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Through Each Instance Of A Class?
Oct 26, 2009
Is there a built-in function to loop through each instance of a class (like for each for an array) or must I put them in a container and loop through every child of that container?
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[RemoteClass (alias="com.myco...')]
public Class Base
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Sep 15, 2011
I'm using a library that has a function that returns an instance of some class Engine.
I'd like to tack on some interfaces to Engine, so I subclass it class InterfacedEngine extends Engine implements AwesomeInterface. but when I change the code that uses the classes from this:
var engine:Engine = generateEngine();
to this: var interfacedEngine:InterfacedEngine = generateEngine();
It gives me a runtime error (elision mine):
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert ...::Engine@1bc2bf11 to ....InterfacedEngine.
What about AS3 classes am I misunderstanding?
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Oct 14, 2009
I have to admit I pretty much ran away from Flash when AS2 came along and only used it for animation purposes over the last 5 years.So I'm having a major crash course in AS3 in Flash CS3 and I'm not enjoying it one bit. I'm getting maybe 10mins of finished work per hour as I try to figure out the limits and rules of AS3. Quite often it seems that AS3 simply can't do what I want it to. Anyway: is the main class and it loads a bunch of XML into four arrays. The file starts like this:[code]If I trace the value of, say, cc._Categories from the main FLA, it's empty. I'm guessing that the next line of AS in the main FLA doesn't wait for the previously called function to complete? (This may tie in to my next problem)My next step is that I want to display various things based on the data in the array. I have another class, which will hold all the functions to create the items on display. I thought it would be best for these to be a separate object. I wonder if I'm right?
So I declare an instance of Characterchecks in the main FLA and call it cc, and then run the functions to populate the arrays... Now I create an instance of Display and call it cd. How can I get functions in cd to see the values of the variables in cc? And if the main timeline can't tell that the functions aren't finished filling the arrays, how is cd supposed to know?I might be asking dumb questions, or maybe I'm doing things ***-backwards, I don't know. I'd appreciate any help, I really would. This whole thing has me at the end of my tether... being the most technically advanced person in my circle of co-workers and web design friends means I have no-one to explain why things need to be done a certain way or what the best way is.
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Apr 14, 2011
I'm creating a little game - The player controls a character that follows the mouse. Pigs run away from the player, and the player has to get them all into a pen. To make the game a little more difficult I'm trying to add an enemy - wolves, that attempt to perform a 'hunt' method every x seconds. This method sends a reference of the wolf instance to Main (my document class) and Main then loops through the pigs on stage to see if there's any nearby. Now as far as I know this works - my problem is I'm unsure how to send the pig instance reference back to the wolf that called the hunt method, so it can then 'target' the pig, and then attempt to pounce on it.
This is my Wolf class:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Dec 10, 2010
Quick question. I have been Googling this all morning, but it's either not there, or else written in a way that doesn't register. I am inclined to believe the latter, as this seems like it should be something completely trivial to me. I made a small Flash file using AS 3.0, and this is the first time I've really been able to stick to the OOP way of doing things and not hack together a mix of stuff from the timeline to get around not having everything work in the classes.
So I'd like to keep it that way, but one thing is eluding me: I can't call a method of an instance of another class (than the one I'm calling from) without resorting to "DocumentClass(root).instanceName.method." Intuition tells me there has to be a better way of doing this (like, without having to reference the document class every time I call another class instance's function; and CERTAINLY without having to use the word "root" - that just seems so Flash 5 to me. Does anybody have a better way of doing this that they can share?
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Jan 26, 2009
I have a general / somewhat newbie question. Is it better practice to call a function from another class like so:
Does one way free up more memory or enhance performance?
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Feb 17, 2011
Is there a way to generate an instance of a class that implements an interface based on the name of the class?
I am trying:
var ClassReference:Object = getDefinitionByName("movement.OuterSpaceMovement") as IMovement;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference as IMovement;
trace("startup..." + m);
-But I am getting an error message ReferenceError: Error #1065 (OuterSpaceMovement) not defined.
I have several classes that implement the same interface (IMovement) but I need to be able to generate new instances of these classes and then pass these instances as a datatype (IMovement datatype) to other classes...
So then I tried:
var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName("OuterSpaceMovement") as Class;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference() as IMovement;
and this doesn't seem to work...but the following
var m:IMovement = new OuterSpaceMovement();
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Jul 22, 2009
I'm trying to create a new instance of a MovieClip when the original one has been used. Would sound easy enough. Just use: var
instanceName:ClassName = new ClassName();
the class name/mc in the library im trying to duplicate is MCg1 so
var instanceName:MCg1 = new MCg1(); right?
However, the particular object in the library i'm trying to duplicate has a base class that is an external class file (just to control it's drag drop functionality)... i.e baseclass is not set to the standard flash.display.MovieClip, or whatever the case maybe. So i end out with a: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
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May 11, 2006
I've done a class to be able to listen to the event for a CLASS not on an instance.
class {[code]....
why did I do this.It cames with my rugby game.I have player in two teams. When a player throw the ball I want the other teammate to act like "wait for ball" and the opponent like "seek for ball". Plus I'm lazy (and I don't want to register the listener for each instance of the player I'm creating). So this class is made to be able to handle as many instance of a class I want without adding a listener on each of them. I'm just creating a global listener on the class and then I will be able to receive dispatched event for any instance of this class .so in my team I can do
this.addEventListener("throw", "", "wait");
and in my opponent team I can do
this.addEventListener("throw", "", "seek");
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Dec 23, 2006
Let's say i have a bunch of balls/cells. I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it so that every other ball bounces off of every other ball.
so in short, it's really one instance being able to check all other instances of the same ball class?
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Aug 31, 2011
When I declare a class variable
private var myVar:MyClass = new MyClass();
It creates a new instance of that class that will trace as [Object MyClass].
However, as soon as I assign it to something
myVar = thisOtherVar;
It will now trace as [Object thisOtherVar].
I need to get it back to where it's just an "empty" blank class instance, if that makes any sense at all.
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Jun 28, 2010
Given that both of these calls to getQualifiedClassName return the same thing (mx:Label), how would one go about programatically differentiating between an instance of a class and a reference to the class...
var lab1:Label=new Label();
var lab2:Class=Label;
var qcn1:String=getQualifiedClassName(lab1);
var qcn2:String=getQualifiedClassName(lab2);
In other words, how could I know that lab1 is of type Label, while lab2 is type "Class". typeof() simply returns "object" for both... getQualifiedClassName returns "mx.controls::Label" for both...
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Dec 28, 2005
I have a class called Unit. When I use this class in a .fla file, I create it by saying:
var unit00:Unit = new Unit(...);
So then it creates a gfx representation of the screen for me. I would like to have a method like this:
PHP Code:
So how do I get this to work? I know that delete this will not work when defined inside the class. How do I target the .fla's instance name when I don't know what it will be called?
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Apr 6, 2010
I mean a have a class called Login and when I make an instance of this class
PHP Code: var log:Login = new Login();
doesn't give me the wanted results.
- When it is declared Document class it adds a child on stage
- When the same class is called manually (via the above code) although I get no errors nothing is added on stage.
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Apr 24, 2006
if i have several instances of a mc with names such as BR1, BR2... BR10 or whatever, how do i write a for loop that will cycle through them all?
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Sep 17, 2011
What I have is a lot of buttons (over 200), and I want to loop through them all. They're all instances of the same graphic symbol in the IDE, so there should be a way to loop through them all.
If I was doing this or something similar in JavaScript, I could do something like: document.getElementsByClassName('MyGraphicSymbol') and then I'd have an array of all the elements. So looking for something like this in AS3.
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Mar 31, 2011
I'm having a problem where I can't make an instance of a class in one class like I can in other classes all in the same package. When I call the update function from another class it doesn't work. I traced the xPos of the instance of the class I was talking about and I get zero, but that is incorrect so I'm thinking it's the above problem. If anyone knows what the problem is please tell. Here's my code:
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Oct 7, 2010
I'm creating a Papervision3D scene in a document class. I have added an instance of a PointLight3D object. I'd like to create a class that uses the light instance in the main document class for its material. What would the Actionscript be to do this? I can't refer to the light as super.light because my class is inheriting the Sphere class. parent.light does not work either (even if I wait for the class to be added to the stage).
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Mar 15, 2006
I want to retrieve the var reference of an instance of a class from within the class. For example:
ActionScript Code:
var ref:MyClass = new MyClass ();
//then via some method, I would like to get the var ref inside the class
ref.getRef(); //returns "ref" instead of [object Object]
You may ask why, well I want to do some spring cleaning inside this manager class I am making. Of course the above is a simplistic version of what I am trying to do.
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Jan 7, 2005
how can I self refer to an instance of a class within the class definition file?Here is an example
PHP Code:
public function fireBullet(target:MovieClip) {
Bullet_mc = target.attachMovie("Bullet", "Bullet1", 1);
Now everytime I want to call the function I have to put this as my target, (fireBullet(this))I cannot just put it in the code as it gives me an error.
View 9 Replies
Jan 14, 2010
how could I make a simple loop which loops through the childrens of specific movie clip and add each of them instance name lets say "iname", since I have movie clip in which childrens are not added by code.
And if I'm sure I could acces those childrens then by code like iname.x = 100?
View 6 Replies
May 10, 2010
I have a few MCs named fruit1, fruit2, fruit3, all instanced off a MC...I would like to loop to shorten my code and just loop through and stop all of them at once... My Code:
for (var i:Number=1; i<=7;i++){
I get an 1120: Access of undefined property fruit.I want the result of my loop to do:
View 4 Replies
Jan 14, 2010
how could I make a simple loop which loops through the childrens of specific movie clip and add each of them instance name lets say "iname", since I have movie clip in which childrens are not added by code.
P.S.: And if I'm sure I could acces those childrens then by code like iname.x = 100?
View 2 Replies
Sep 11, 2008
I have a movie clip that needs to loop inside a movie clip in Flash. Would someone post the code to paste into the ActionScript window? The .flv has no skin on it. I have done this so that I can put the video file outside of the Flash movie.
View 2 Replies
Jun 3, 2010
I have several movie clips labeled thumb0, thumb1, thumb2, etc.
How do I refer to these instance names inside a for loop? I want to do something like:
//DISPLAY THE THUMBNAILSfor(var thumbCount:int = 0; thumbCount < loadedThumbs.length; thumbCount++) { ["thumb" + thumbCount].visible = true;
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Nov 8, 2009
five instances, five different numbers on theText. Five different names for each instance.
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Nov 30, 2010
Upon the stage of my flash movie, I have several symbols (movie clips) which I need to address dynamically using a loop. The symbols that I want to address all have instance names beginning with the string "lamp_", they then each have a different number concatenated on the end to distinguish between them (e.g. lamp_1, lamp_2, lamp_3.....).
The following noobish effort I have devised is totally useless, and I am hoping someone can show me how I might get this working[code]...
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Jan 3, 2006
I have 35 textboxes with the names "t1" to "t35". How would I call these names in a for loop? I have tried this with no luck:
I know I'm doing something wrong with the ("t"+i) but I dont know how how to combine a string and number like that.
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