ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Recursive Button Event?

Mar 14, 2011

I have a menu of 4 buttons and I'm trying to not be redundant and recursively use the same over, out, clicked function for each button by passing it's instance through the event handler.

I haven't had a whole lot of success finding the answer except locating a thread about creating custom classes....Which would be great, but I don't want to re-create my entire structure now. So I was wondering what the best approach might be.

Here's the code I've been working on.


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package flashmaster.classes.application
import flash.filesystem.File;


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//call function that starts loading my image
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function frm94to93 (event:Event):void{  while (currentLabel != "Frame1993"){  trace(currentFrame); prevFrame();  }

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- Red
- - Empire
- - - Fresh

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256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list.

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function addFillRequest(x0, y0, x1, y1, d) {
// que up a request to fill a region


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private start():void { f1();}

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private function f2():void { f1();}

And it's standard recursion. SWF either breaks or loops as many times as I tell it. One f calls the other, which calls first... I do not want that.

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Like having 2 sets of code that loops through.
What's the cleanest way to do that?

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function searchXML (theItem) {
trace("theItem.*.length() "+theItem.length());
trace("theItem.* "+theItem);
if (theItem.*.length() > 0) {
[Code] .....

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private start():void { f1();}
private function f1():void { f2();}
private function f2():void { f1();}

And it's standard recursion. SWF either breaks or loops as many times as I tell it. One f calls the other, which calls first... I do not want that. I want f1 to do some stuff, calls f1 and closes itself. Than f2 works, calls f1 and closes. And so on. Like having 2 sets of code that loops through.

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var targetsCase_ary:Object =  new Object();
var targetsLower_ary:Object =  new Object();        testttt = 1    testttT = 1        function getCase(clip:MovieClip, recu:Number){        if (recu==undefined) recu = 1;        var n:String;        for (n in clip){            var sPath:String = clip._target + "." + n;            var sPathLower:String = sPath.toLowerCase ();                        //trace(sPathLower + " " +


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for each (var myItem:* in this.MasterContainer.childDescriptors)

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May 2, 2010

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function callRecursiveFuncAgain(ob:Object):void{
//do recursive stuff;
for (var i:int = 0; i < 4; i++) {

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Is it possible to use pause/resume function to this??

source.copyTo( destination );

It would be great if you can send it at the earliest.

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AS3 :: Flash - Recursive Object Scan Without Repeats?

Jun 12, 2011

While recursive scans are commonly use to scan through nested objects / data. It can go on an infinite loop, if some of the objects references one another. So what is the most effective way to scan all items, without crashing the computer, nor skipping a specified parameter?

Here is an example of a recursive scanner...

* Triggers the scan function for each object given
function recursiveScanner( object:* , scanFunction:Function ):void {


The objects will trigger scans for one another in an eternal loop.

I do believe in C/C++ : Each scanFunction call, will be added into a list consisting of scanned 'memory address', thus preventing a repeat. Is this even possible in AS3? Is there a more elegent way?

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Actionscript 3 :: Recursive Flex View Component?

Sep 15, 2011

I have a Flex component that is a view of a data Object that recursively has a reference to itself.

For example if you had an Employee class that references a boss field of type Person, I'd like to nest the same view for that Boss. This shouldn't be an infinite recursive relationship (e.g. I'd only be viewing the boss field of each object).

I've tried creating an MXML component that references itself but when I run it locks up (seems like it gets into a recursive loop).

Is there anything you can do like includeInLayout conditions that will make sure it doesn't even instantiate that component.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Timer To Recursive Function?

Nov 16, 2010

I made an app (Towers of Hanoi) and i added a "demo" button that solves the problem based on a recursive function. The button is supposed to make a move one step at the time, i mean one step at every few seconds so you can actually see how the algorithm works. The problem is i haven't really used the timer event before and i have no idea how to implement it in this particular scenario.

function hanoiPlay(n:int,a:Stack,c:Stack,b:Stack):void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Recursive Function Returning Null Value

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Apr 25, 2010

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package {
public class Tile {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An Xml And Looping Through It Using A Recursive Function?

Jul 22, 2004


I am loading an xml and looping through it using a recursive function. The problem is that it only reads through the first tree and then quits..?


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