ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip Is A Class But Can't Call It's Functions?

Feb 22, 2012

I have a document class that assigns some button on the stage an function.
I have 2 cards on the stage. They have their own class.
From the buttons script i can trace the cards and i get: [object MovieClip]
But I cannot call a function in them like card_0.flipUp();
it errors:
TypeError: Error #1006: dimMe is not a function.
the card class is public starts out like:
public class FlipCard extends MovieClip {
The function is public:
public function dimMe ():void {
this.alpha = .1;

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public function Main():void   {   if (stage) init();   else


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I'm guessing the function doesn't become available immediately, perhaps not until the next frame and I've also noticed this problem with timeline based graphics - they have to be added a frame earlier than when a function they contain is called.
Here's my code:

for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
targ = eval("tCir"+i);


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import gs.TweenLite;
fsAnim.filmstrip_mc.photo8_mc.addEventListener(Mou seEvent.MOUSE_OVER, photoOver);
fsAnim.filmstrip_mc.photo8_mc.addEventListener(Mou seEvent.MOUSE_OUT, photoOut);
function photoOver(evt:MouseEvent):void {


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First movie clip:

That works!


doesn't become a clickable movie clip.

Yes, I have given it the appropriate instance name. The above is the only code I have added so do I need something else to get the second bit to work?

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function backhome(event:MouseEvent):void

At frame 10, I have a movie clip that animates and stops. Inside of that movie clip is a button that I want to go back to frame 2 when someone clicks on it. I want to be able to click on that button and call the function above.

panamacitybeach.returntomap1.addEventListener(Mous eEvent.CLICK, backhome);

When I put that code on the movie clip keyframe on the root timeline, I get this error.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at intmap_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

The addEventListener is laying on the keyframe in which the movie clip is. Why can't I call that function later on where the movie clip shows up?

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At frame 10, I have a movie clip that animates and stops. Inside of that movie clip is a button that I want to go back to frame 2 when someone clicks on it. I want to be able to click on that button and call the function above.


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Call A Movie Clip To Play From Within Another MC?

Aug 5, 2009

Here's a simple one I'm sure but I can't get it to work or find a solution online.
I have a movie with 2 movie clips on the stage, the first clip is triggered to play on a button click (which works fine) but I want the 2nd clip to start playing when the first ends. I've tried putting MovieClip2.gotoAndPlay(1) script on the last frame of MovieClip1 but I get  "1120: Access of undefined property".

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IDE :: Movie Clip Buttons That Call Each Other?

Feb 17, 2009

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Jan 7, 2011

I have a movie with 3 frames. The first is a place holder for a loader and has some actionscript in my actions layer saying "on click goto 2" etc. The second and third frames hold movie clips, these movieclips hold many layers and have their own actions layers.

Say I am inside the frame 2 movie clip, in the actions for frame1 of that movie clip, I am trying to say goto frame 3 of the root and call a function from the movieclip that lives in frame 3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call A Movie Clip's Function From Outside Of It?

Jun 28, 2011

I'm trying to use a movie clip's function from a fellow movie clip 2 children up and I can't find the right code.  I've used:

and none of them work.  The function is "onpauseButton" and it is inside of "content" which is inside of "scrollb" which is inside of "datalist." I'm trying to call it from datalist's neighboring movie clip so that it activates along with another function:

manualButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadFile_1);
function fl_ClickToLoadFile_1(event:MouseEvent):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest("M-23 6263.pdf"), "_blank");// want to add the onpauseButton code here

I recall that there is a way to do it, I just can't find the right sequence.  Everything online is about how to call up to a function outside of the movie clip and not down to a function inside of one.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using A Variable In Movie Clip Call?

Aug 4, 2011

I want to use a variable in my movie clip code. Right now I generate a random U.S. state name and assign it to "correctAnswer". Then I want to assign that to myMovieClip.correctAnswer.gotoAndStop("down"); The problem is that the variable is not recognized and is seen as correctAnswer instead of the U.S. state that was assigned to it. My code is below.

ActionScript Code:
// Correct answer is randomly generated and can be any U.S. state name
correctAnswer = "utah";
// Using the variable correctAnswer this should come out as myMovieClip.utah.gotoAndStop("down");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call Scene From Movie Clip?

Jul 22, 2004

I'm trying to call a scene from a movie clip. But nothing works. I tried to label the first frame in the second scene but that didn't work, root and crap also failed. I'm deparate. I was trying to link the chalkboard from the first scene (clipboard) to the second scene (board). There is a button within the movieclip I'm trying to use, but it just doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Call A Function From A Different Movie Clip?

Aug 1, 2006

Does anyone one know if it is possible to call a function from a different movie clip than the one it is in. For example, a function named loadData() which is on the first frame of a movie clip instance named thumbNail which is on level 0 on the stage i was thinking that it should work to call the function from frame one on the stage with..

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I can't figure out how to call each one. I've tried:
ActionScript Code:


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