ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip (root) Doesn't Work Inside A Function?

Aug 4, 2011

In fact, when i publish my FLA with player 9, there is no prob. When i publish with selecting player 10, there is this problem.

I paste my code :

var leng:int = MovieClip(root).program.websiteXML.pages.titlePage.length();
trace ("leng"+leng);
setInterval(function () : void {


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import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
fadeIn = function(mc) {
var myHoriTween:Tween = new Tween (mc,"_x",Back.easeOut,900,0,1.1,true);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Inside Movieclip Doesn't Work?

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b1_01 is the instance of the button inside designer_mc movieclip~ however I ealized that buttons won't work in movieclip and i just don't know what's other solution

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intID = setInterval(selfReferential, dupe, 30, 0x000000);

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Professional :: "Single Frame" Inside Nested Movieclip Doesn't Work, Always Changes The Whole Thing

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I have a character, every body part is a movieclip. Now I wanted to put a movieclip for the eyes inside of the headmovieclip so that I can change them independently from the mouth. So in the eye-movieclip that is inside of the head-movieclip I put two keyframes, one for opened eyes and one for closed eyes. I put it to "Single frame" in properties. Now, whenever I make a pose and I change the frame number under properties so that it displays the closed eyes, it does that for the whole movie, not only on the frames that I changed it.

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I have a set of Cue Points in an FLV I'm playing. It's an interactive quiz, so the idea is that flash will change a variable, theAnswer, to a different letter depending on which question it is. The answer to question 1 is B, question 2 is D, etc. Either the cue point event listener isn't working, or else it is working and Flash isn't declaring the variables. 1120: Access of undefined property theAnswer. I literally can't find a single problem with my code. I have an almost identical Event Listener further down which works.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: "stop" Inside Frame Doesn't Work When Loaded Inside Swf?

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Here is the loading code..

var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
if(Security.sandboxType == Security.REMOTE){ context.securityDomain = SecurityDomain.currentDomain };
var objLoader:Loader = new Loader();var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("SomeURL.swf");objLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event .COMPLETE, onSWFLoadComplete);objLoader.load(mRequest, context);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Linking Buttons Inside A Movieclip To A Root Frame?

Feb 18, 2009

I've been working on a new issue while giving a break on cracking the other one.I have a movie clip acting as a button with rollover/rollout animation- we'll call it menu_mc for simple reference.I'm basically creating a rollover submenu. I've set it up a few different ways but the most user friendly has been hiding the submenu_mc (which has 4 linked buttons to root frame inside) by doing:_root.sub5_mc._visible = false;then inside the menu_mc with the rollover I have the submenu trigger set to show: _root.sub5_mc._visible = true;The links are working fine but the problem I am running into, is that the rollover state, once over the submenu_mc, does the rollout function and leaves the submenu_mc hanging there by itself- still functioning perfectly.You can go back over the menu_mc and it will play out the rollover again.On the other simple animated buttons (which do not have submenus) I have coded:

on(rollOver) {
_root.sub5_mc._visible = false;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnEnterFrame Inside Prototype Doesn't Work?

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colors = [0x66FF00, 0x20DFD0, 0xEE1164, 0xDAE31C];
MovieClip.prototype.drawCube = function(_moveY, _amount) {
for (i=0; i<_amount; i++) {


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// Create xml-object
menuXml = new XML();
// Ignore tabs, spaces etc.


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// Create xml-object
menuXml = new XML();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling Function In Root Movieclip?

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I've got a movieclip on the root of the stage called "bgImg", in that clip I've made this function:

Actionscript Code:[code]..........When you click a button in the nav it loads a movieclip to the stage from the library, inside this movieclip I have a row of buttons,when you click one of these I want to call the function in the movieclip on the root (ie. the function inside "bgImg" .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Inside A Movie Clip Code Doesn't Work?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a button instanced "howto_weblink_btn" which is located inside a MC instanced "HowTo_maininfo_mc". I would like to write a code allowing me to access this button from the main navigation menu. Here is what I come up with:

HowTo_maininfo_mc.howto_weblink_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick_openJTV);
function onClick_openJTV(event:MouseEvent) :void {
HowTo_maininfo_mc.navigateToURL(new URLRequest("


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyboard Listener Of A Loaded Swf Doesn't Work Inside A 'mother Clip'?

Sep 23, 2009

Atm im putting a a game i build into my main flash app.Everything works fine except the keyboard listener.unny.AFTER a mouse click on the 'loaded' swf the keys 'arrow UP' + 'arrow DOWN' start working.I created already a script that loads the listeners IF they are not loaded yet, but i think thats not the problem. Same situation.After clicking on the movie it starts to work, but apparently the listeners are already applied. All other listeners work besides the keyboard listeners.Stand alone(the game swf running by its own) the game works perfectly!btw the game is importing a main document class.

var keybListenerLoadedUp:Boolean = false;


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Call A Function In Root From A Nested - Dynamically Loaded Movieclip?

May 13, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Doesn't The Same Function Work From Different Frames

Apr 10, 2009

I'm making an educational software by AS3.I call "part1Act()" from frame1 and everything works very well.But when I call the same "part1Act()" from the frame 58, flash throw me this error.

TypeError: Error #2007: パラメータ child は null 以外でなければなりません。 at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChild() at L_oni_fla::MainTimeline/loadSnd()[L_oni_fla.MainTimeline::frame2:699] at L_oni_fla::MainTimeline/part1ActT()[L_oni_fla.MainTimeline::frame58:6 7]

I only called the same function from different time frame.The script I wrote is following.

//--------------------- code ---------------------------------//
var progressBar:progressBarL=new progressBarL();
var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();context.applicationDomain=appDomain;var ldSnd0:Loader = new Loader();var ldSnd1:Loader = new Loader();var ldSnd2:Loader = new Loader();var ldSnd3:Loader = new Loader();


View 9 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: OnPress Function Doesn't Work

Sep 10, 2007

my problem is that my onPress function doesn't want to work. Here�s the script: PHP Code:


the hilite function should let the buttons disable or not, but it just will not work.....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Doesn't Work According To Path

Jun 10, 2008

I'm programming a dinamic flash/xml website. up until now I've kept the info for the menus and the one for the gallery (the site has a gallery that displays both text and images) in separate xml files. but I'm trying to make all of it work out of a single xml file. I've managed to make the menus and the gallery all go get the info correctly to the xml (text and images), but then I came up with a problem that jeopardizes the whole show: a path inside the xml's onLoad function refuses to work! the code that bears the function has to be placed into the same clip as the clips that contain the text fields to wich info will be passed or it won't do a thing.

supose this is my actionscript code:

var contentSubMenu = new XML();
contentSubMenu.ignoreWhite = true;


no information is passed to that clip. If the path targets that clip one should expect it to, right? even if all this code is placed on _root, right? well, it doesn't happen...I tried tracing for info that comes from the xml, but nothing is displayed in the output window.

I've attached a zip file that contains a fla file, an xml file, a txt file with the full chunk of actionscript code and the fonts you'll be needing should you decide to take a look (they're only two).

The fla file has been built in the following manner:

_on the right side, the clips that hold the text fields to wich the contentSubMenu.onLoad function will pass info to are directly placed upon _root (so, following the code example from above, it would be like having var buttonList = _root;)

_on the left side, the clips that hold the text fields are down into buttonListSlide_mc and the contentSubMenu.onLoad function is there as well, only commented so it doesn't display anything.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Function Doesn't Work

Oct 2, 2010

I am trying to stop a function in as3, I tried: delete.functionName - but it didn't work, I tried to achieve the same things using addEventListener and then removeEventListener, but that is not what I need that function has caurina tweener inside it and it has multiple tweens with multiple delays seconds, so all of the tweens are started and the seconds continue to tween but what I want is to simply stop that by stopping the function which holds the tweener so it should stop everything what is inside that function for example it could stop that function when it is mouse hovered on any object

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Buttons Inside External Files Wich Controls Its Timeline Doesn't Work

Apr 11, 2010

i'm loading an external swf files in one but the buttons inside the external files wich controls its timeline doesn't work, i'm using AS3 but why it doesn't work.The external file just has some simple actions to move between keyframes in the timeline with buttons goto and some other similar actions

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function Called By SetInterval, But Doesn't Work?

Dec 14, 2009

I have a function ("advance_slideshow()") that ticks a slide show up by one, then it loops back at the end. It works when called from the key listener I set up for debugging. However it does not work when called from setInterval. I added a trace to the function to confirm that it was being called, which it is; it just doesn't work when called via the interval



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ActionScript 3.0 :: Event.MOUSE_LEAVE - Sometime Function Doesn't Work?

Jan 14, 2010

Here is my scenario

1: I am using custom hand cursor in my application

2: When the mouse leaves the stage I am making my hand cursor invisible

3: Further I am using PV3D for animating plane.When the mouse moves in the stage the camera rotation is changed

4: When mouse moves out of the stage.the camera rotationY is set to zero

Problem:I am using

ActionScript Code:

There are other animation added to this function also.So the function works well but sometimes when I move the mouse out of the window from middle of stage to its out,the function doesn't work.Meaning it works for some fraction of time and then hand cursor is shown and camera rotation is not set to zero.Is there any trick that must be done to force Event.MOUSE_LEAVE work properly.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call The ImageSize Function With The If Statement It Doesn't Work?

Aug 18, 2006

_global.picWmax = 436;
But when I call the imageSize function with the if statement it doesn't work.
function image(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call The RemoveMovieClip Function In A Callback Handler, It Just Doesn't Work?

May 6, 2007

whenever I try to call the removeMovieClip function in a callback handler, it just doesn't work! Maybe I'm tired, or I've just missed something this is apparantly obvious. In my code exert below, is just a simple script that attaches a movie clip to stage (square_mc) and creates a duplicate instance. When the component button is clicked, I want the original movie clip to be deleted, but nothing happens!

this.attachMovie("square", "square_mc", this.getNextHighestDepth());
square_mc.duplicateMovieClip("square_mc2", this.getNextHighestDepth(),
{_x:50}) var listener:Object = new Object;[code].............

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