ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Objects In A Straight Line?

Jun 22, 2009

I have this code inside an ENTER_FRAME event. I'm trying to move the "ball" from its x- and y-position to a tartget x- and y- position:

if (processClick)
if (ball.x < targetX) ball.x += 8;
if (ball.x > targetX) ball.x -= 8;


But the "ball" doesn't move in a straight line, I think it is because the x- and y-movements are processed independently?

Is there a way thay I can make the "ball" move in a straight line from the starting point to the target point?

Also, is there maybe a way to manually create a tween between the starting point and the target point using actionscript? If I export the "ball" movieclip for actionscript?

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package{ //package
import flash.display.Sprite;// for sprite, to prevent 1046 error code
import; //for mouseEvent, to prevent 1046 error code
import flash.display.Shape; //for shape, to prevent 1046 error code
public class gridDrawLineTesting extends Sprite //for mouseX mouseY
[Code] .....

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// --------------------------------------------------------------------
public function submitForm()


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package {
import flash.display.*;


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Flash :: Moving Objects With Timer?

Sep 1, 2010

I have this class named MovingObject which extends the MovieClip class. This class will be instantianted for several times. Inside this class is a Timer that handles the speed of the objects moving. There is another class called TheStage and this is where I will instantiate MovingObject (s).

public class MovingObject extends MovieClip{
public var tmr:Timer = new Timer(1);
public function MovingObject(){


Assuming that the code is working fine (I haven't debugged it), this makes the particles to move all at once. However after several seconds of running it, the particles seem not to be moving in synchronization with each other (because their distances between seem to get nearer).

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Apr 14, 2011

I have an array wich is filled with platforms that are supposed to move.

var MovingPlatformArray:Array = new Array();
for (var c:int = numChildren - 1; c >= 0; c--){
var child3:DisplayObject = getChildAt(c);
if ( == "movingplatform"){


Right now I have 2 moving platforms in this array. But only one moves up and down. But they both register a touch with the birdie.

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