ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Keeps Getting Created In CS4
Sep 11, 2009
I am using the reflect class at [URL]. It works fine for the first playthrough. Yet, when the movie loops again, it creates another instance and again on the next loop through. There is only one object on the page and the script is: import com.pixelfumes.reflect.*;var r1:Reflect = new Reflect({mc:box, alpha:50, ratio:50, distance:2, updateTime:0, reflectionDropoff:1});
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var objectA:ObjectA = new ObjectA();
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import com.learning.as3.*;
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1172: Definition com.learning.as3 could not be found.
1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant:
1180: Call to a possibly undefined method BTN.
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package{ import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import*;
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<EventHandlers type="{FlexEvent.INITIALIZE}">[code].....
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Sep 21, 2009
I wrote a class for an object that as soon as it is created moves around the screen and can create another object (replicating itself). That seems to work fine for a while, but after like 20 or so objects on the screen things slow down a lot! I create the first object on frame one. The rest is all done by the objects themselves.
Would it be better if the objects did not move around on their own, but rather through a loop on frame one or does it not matter? I am working on a simulation that should go up to over 100 objects, but with this problem can't get there. The object is just a movie clip (imported png picture about 4 by 7 pixel, not animated). I was going to replace it with an animated one later, but that seems unlikely now.
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Dec 17, 2006
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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
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Mar 19, 2007
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Mar 7, 2004
i've been struggling with the following:
i am creating a list of buttons with an attachMovie. the AS is :
var i = -1;
var user = userlist[i];
okay the problem is this: then i assign an on click function to every button right in the while loop that uses the data parameter of the "ob" object and when i play the movie the data parameter is always the parameter of the last object created for all the buttons. I know why this is happening- it overWrites the old "ob" with the new with every itteration of the loop.
But how would i go differently about creating an individual "ob" for each button created and still be able to have a function with a data parameter like this.onRelease.userClicked(data)?
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Aug 24, 2004
In the code I'm writing, I use a with block to reference a newly created object thus:
I tried doing this.xot, xot, and other stuff, but it just keeps sliding under _root.xot instead of ArrowL##.xot.
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Apr 5, 2005
Here's some background: I am working on a project in which we have one main Flash file that loads other Flash swfs into an empty movie clip within the main file.The main file instantiates a class I've made (stateManager) into a _global variable.This object keeps track of the most recent states of the other individual files so users can navigate between them all and come back to the same status they left it.Here's the issue:In the sub files, I need to access the _global object, which was created in the main file, many times so I would like to use the 'with' construct to reduce typing. However, because the 'with' statement needs an object to reference, I am unable to publish my files .I've tried adding an if-statement at the top of each file (if(_global. stateManager == undefined){ ), but this doesn't work either.I've included a portion of my code for you.
import classes.stateManager;
if (_global.stateManager==null) {
_global.stateManager = new classes.stateManager("./InitFiles/global.xml");[code]....
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Aug 16, 2010
If you once run an ObjectBuilder the object instantiated will be cached and next time you use an PropertyInjector or something else, the instantiated object will be used instead of creating a new object. Or at least this should be like this :) But in the example below it seems that mate tries to instantiate the object again: The following error occurs:
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