ActionScript 3.0 :: Pausing A Timer Without GetTimer (instead Of Stopping / Restarting)
Oct 20, 2010
I'm currently working on a detailed music media management application in Flash. There is a mp3 player which plays music and has a playback seeker (keeps track of current time for track and a tiny pin that that increases its x position as the track plays). I have a simple play & pause button that does appropriate functionality of playing & pausing the track, but the issue is that I have to pause the Timer associated with updating the playback seeker. The seekerTimer object has a delay of 1000 (1 second), while I'm listening to a track, the timer may have already excuted 600 ms, only waiting for 400 ms till the next timer event is dispatched to update the playback seeker. If I hit the pause button at 600 ms of execution time and I do a seekerTimer.stop(); and then a seekerTimer.start();, the timer does not resume its execution and instead restarts executing from 0 ms. This means that the playback seeker is not updated accordingly.
How can I pause the timer when I hit my pause button (essentially store the execution time), and then resume execution when I hit the play button? The play button doesn't have any parameters to start executing from a certain time. I looked at tutorials online but they all rely on the getTimer(); function, this returns a value of how long the Flash player has been running (from initialization). The issue is that the mp3 player in this Flash app doesn't initialize upon the application initalization (I know its a bit confusing).
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import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var x1:Tween = new Tween (balloon, "_rotation", None.easeIn, -3, 4, 3, true);
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Jun 18, 2009
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Is this test a decent measure of the Timer class's performance, or are my results questionable? Will these results change dramatically on other machines? I understand this is dependent on the getTimer() method's accuracy, but the discussions I find on this topic usually center around getTimer()'s accuracy on larger intervals.
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// finalTime is a textbox
var endtime:Number = (_root.finishTime-_root.startTime);[code]...
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var TIMER_DELAY:Timer = new Timer(3000, 1); // 8 second delay
TIMER_DELAY.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, EXMove);
function EXMove(event:TimerEvent):void
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Timer code----
var timing:Boolean = false;[code]......
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poang += 1;
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Jun 4, 2002
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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
targetx = 0;
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Mar 8, 2009
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Mar 8, 2009
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My flash is set up in three frames, the first two are the main gallery, then frame three is where the sound is loaded and played. "p" is defined by which icon in the gallery is clicked.
Here is my code for reference:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
if (p == 0) {
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Jan 5, 2011
I'm trying to catch when a second is passed using getTimer. I don't want to use setInterval, because I'll need to pause, and unpause it. So.. here's my code:
What is wrong with this code? It seems that the time variable reachs 1000 milliseconds too fast.I'm not getting a second interval. How would I fix that?
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Jan 31, 2011
I have recently been working on a Flash file that dynamically loads a movie based on the contents of a simple XML file. I was concerned about caching issues so tried to set up the code to avoid the XML file being cached causing the wrong content to be loaded. I did this by adding a dummy query string to the file link which is a numerical value generated by getTimer().In practice the system mostly worked but occasionally old content would load even though the XML had been changed. The code runs a setInterval that checks the XML every 20 seconds and checks if the loaded file specfied has changed. The code loads the XML with the following code:
The getTimer() functions starts counting in milliseconds as soon as the movie runs so there is a chance that the same query string is assigned to more than one file, meaning that an old cached version is loaded instead of the new, live file. I am now thinking about ways to improve this code and generate unique values for the query string. I thought using the epoch time - the time in milliseconds from which Flash calculates time and dates which is set to Jan 01 1970 - would generate a new value every millisecond and maybe adding an additional random number to that value to further reduce the chance of the same query string being generated more than once.
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
var nowDate:Date = new Date();
nowTime = nowDate.getTime();
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Apr 19, 2004
this doesn't work...what's wrong with it. i want to stall the timeline in an MC for 5 seconds.
if (now > 5000) {[code].........
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Aug 9, 2004
I have a simple slideshow that is non-interactive. It just loops five movie clips loaded externally. Each slide is shown for a certain amount of time that is determined with getTimer.The code for the slideshow is in the last frame of the root timeline. So, basically the slideshow starts when the root timeline finishes playing. The problem is that the timer works great the first time the code plays, but when I tell the player head to back up and enter the frame again, the clips play very rapidly, as though getTimer was not being initialized.
Here is the code:
square._alpha = 0;
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May 18, 2007
Is it possible to capture the time in a timer? I have some English learning games for my students that use a timer. It works fine as it is. Its starts when they click start and ends when they drag the last thing into place. What I would like to do is have a bonus scene when students do exceptionally well and get some crazy low score. I don't know how to go about capturing the end time though.
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Oct 30, 2009
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Mar 8, 2011
Is there a way to enable a vhost without having to restart the entire fms server?It seems very horrible that you would have to kill everyone using the server to add new vhost?
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May 22, 2011
I have Flash Media Interactive Server 3.5.5 on Windows 2008 server. I developed video chat application (many to many), it's only 1 FMS application with about 50-100 room instances and 1 lobby instance to which all users are connected. There are up to 600 - 700 users at a time which produce about 2000-2500 connections to FMS. Problem I have is with steady raise of memory usage, which if goes little above 2GB will make FMS unresponsive and it would restart itself after about 1-2hours. To avoid that Im restarting FMS manualy every 3-4 days. Interesting thing I noticed is that if I restart FMS from admin console, used RAM memory won't fall at levels as if it would right after whole Windows server is restarted
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Aug 29, 2010
I am building a website where I have a fade-in MC of a box. What I want it to do is fade_in every time you switch to another page. At this point, once it fades in for the first time, the MC does not fade-in for the other pages, it is just there. I have a stop() in the last frame of the MC and no reference of the MC in the AS in Scene 1.
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Jun 9, 2011
Try to simulate the OnPress/OnRelease aspect of earlier versions. It is working so far, but when I press the space bar, it goes around once, then stops. If you check the output, it is looping back to the enter aspect, so it looks like it is not working, but it just keeps restarting. I need to make the enter frame event not work since the keypress is already down, and only work on the first time I press it.
var spacebarKeyDown:Boolean = false;
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveChar);
function moveChar(event:Event):void{
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, checkKeysDown);
function checkKeysDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void{
[Code] .....
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Dec 18, 2011
when running an SWF some variables are being changed and objects created.If I wanted to restart the clip I have to restore all the variables to their starting values, clear all Intervals if any and destroy the objects created at runtime.If instead I load the clip into itself using [code]
1. what is the difference between loadMovie(swf_file_name, this) and loadMovieNum(swf_file_name, 0) in this context and which one is preferable?
2. Both obviously reset the values. But do these functions perform rubbish collection, i.e. free memory of the objects created at previous run-time, clear Intervals etc to prevent memory leak and processor clogging ?
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