ActionScript 2.0 :: Mc Is Not Stopping When The Timer Stops?

Apr 25, 2011

i want my mc to stop moving (speed=0) when the timer reaches 5 seconds, the timer is placed on the main timeline and the code for making the mc move is placed inside the mc.How can i get access to the var (if(elapsedS == 5) in the main timeline so the mc knows when to stop?

Timer code----
var timing:Boolean = false;[code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timer Stops The Sound

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function EXMove(event:TimerEvent):void


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function wobble()
var ws = .1;
var dis = 1;


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public class Main extends MovieClip {
private static var _stage:Stage;
private static var _timer:Timer;


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import flash.display.*;this.stop();
this.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loading);
function loading(event:ProgressEvent):void {var


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IDE :: One Button Stops Working?

Oct 16, 2009

I have some movie clips that hold the contents. (ie I have a movie clip to hold my navigation buttons and another to hold the actual content.) I wrote some action script on a separate layer that is outside of the movie clips, the AS adds event listeners and a few simple functions. All my navigational buttons work prefectly, I have a button that I use for email, this works the first the frame is loaded. If I go to another frame (another page of the website), and then go back, the button no longer works, I tested with just using trace("the email button was clicked"); oh, I thought I might add that each page of the website is a different frame, that is inside my content movie clip. my AS looks like this:

navigation_mc.home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent .CLICK, homeClickF);
navigation_mc.rates_btn.addEventListener(MouseEven t.CLICK, ratesClickF);


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Apr 4, 2011

so when i use it it has no errors no bugs and its like just goes to an animation or just stops (its been happening with ALL my games ive made and all the codes are correct and should work i've had help on it already i'm the animator i had a actionscript person working on it but he bailed and said he cant fix it but anyways i can send you the file if you gimme your email i tried uploading it to zip but i dont know how its too hard anyways on media fire and mega upload you cant send stuff to other people with a basic account.but anyways if you know what the problem is already from the description that would be helpful cause it should be something SOOO simple to fix cause this is happening with ALL my flash games

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Works At First And Then Stops?

Mar 19, 2009

I'm attempting to make a website, using flash with AS3. All of it's going pretty great, I'm somewhat tech savvy with the 3D rendering so alot of the concepts in flash are easy to pick up.

others.. not so much.Okay I don't know the proper setup in flash but I have one layer that has my background. one layer for my buttons. and another for my action script.

In my buttons layer I have a link to a pictures gallery, graphic design, a contact page and then back home button . The problem is, when I click the "contact" button, then click the home button, I can't click the contact button again. It won't work.

Frame 1:

function(evt:MouseEvent):void {


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Mar 10, 2009

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