ActionScript 3.0 :: Playback Slows Down After A Few Minutes?

Apr 4, 2011

I've made this flash intro:[url].....(make sure you get the Dutch version to see it).It works fine, but after a couple of minutes, playback starts to slow down and it gets slower and slower. It's a simple looping timeline slideshow. I figured that perhaps of the looping, new instances of the slides are created every time, so I added this to my code, to remove a slide after it has faded out:

ActionScript Code:
var clip:MovieClip = MovieClip( "Slide" ) ); clip );

It doesn't make a difference.Removing the large bitmap images doesn't make it better either.Playback in FF and IE slows down faster than in the desktop flash player.

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Professional :: Touchscreen TV App Slows Down?

Sep 5, 2010

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The Touchscreen is already in the showroom. Every morning it is restarted. By midday the whole application slows down to the point were it becomes very slow. I presume this is a caching problem. In order to resolve this we close down IE and restart it (playing the SWF file through Internet Explore on full screen mode). Once it has restarted it plays at the correct speed.
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After a few minutes of execution, the app slows down substantially. Given enough time, it will come to a lowly crawl. I get the same result regardless of release/debug build on chrome, IE, and Firefox using Flash Player 10.1. Presented below is the Flex project in question:

ActionScript Code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="..." [code].....

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IDE :: SWF Slows Down When Key Get Pressed And Hold

May 28, 2009

My actual project I need a event configuration wherein I can hold a keyboard key down and move mouse. While trying to implement this, I recognized that the flashplayer begins to lag, saving actions in buffer and playback them when the KEY_DOWN event is already over...

For example I have a
PHP Code:
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, false, 0, true);

And in the handler I got only this:
PHP Code:
private function keyDownHandler(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
if (event.keyCode == 88) manoverDrive = true;

I also do have a
PHP Code:
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);

In this enterFrame I do animation for a movieclip that is animated regarding the mouse and keyboard action and events. Now when I hold down any kind of key the animation of this moviclip gets slown down if I hold down the key for 10 seconds and then lift the keyboard key the mouse movements I made before gets somehow saved and the animation got a playback of the mouse movements. I removed the keyboard eventlistener and the behaviour stays. Is that an official flash player Bug?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Repeated LineTo Slows Down

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I am making a demo where an object is moved around the screen with a line tracing its movement. The speed of this noticeably slows down over time. I tried it both with an enterFrame and by setting an interval. I imagine it has something to do with the graphics class vector drawing and garbage collection. Here is a simplified version for demo/testing. If you run it you will see the line drawing slow down over time. Is there a way to achieve it without the slow down?

I read somewhere of a technique where you use the bitmap data class to draw on a stage-sized bitmap.(I've never programmed the bitmap data class before).

Here is the code:

code: var lineX:Number = 100; var lineY:Number = 100;
var deltaX:Number = 10; var deltaY:Number = 10;
var lineDrawing:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


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Actionscript 3 :: Combo Box Slows Down Flex?

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Mar 18, 2010

I had to write a script that pulls image names out of a mysql database and load them into a flash. It's some kind of slide show, 2 movie clips objects that go from left to right and when one reaches the end of the main frame borders then go back to starting position, change its picture and go from left to right again. I think that problem might be some memory leak (from the Loader). i have to finish this project ASAP.This is the script:

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.system.System;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Game Slows Down When Published

Dec 4, 2009

I recently finished a game that I was really excited about. But when I publish it and try to play the published .html file - or if I upload the .swf file to a website and play the game from there - nearly everything is slowed down to the point of the game becoming unplayable. When I test the movie in Flash CS4 itself, it works fine.It's a fairly big game, mostly due to music. However, the problem still occurs if I remove all the music and sound files. I read that a preloader could solve such problems, but it didn't. Originally I thought that the framerate was slowing, but it wasn't.

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Multiple Instances Of Dynamic Text Slows Down Game?

Feb 25, 2011

My game is rather dependant on dynamic text fields, for giving players in game hints, signalling to them how far they've progressed (round/wave), how many points they've scored for destroying an enemy ect.

It's come to my attention that, the game lags whenever I update these dynamic text boxes. This happens particularly with the in game messages, (black glow filter) that fade in and out. Without any dynamic text messages at all, the game seems to run fine even on battery saving mode/slow computers.

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Oct 21, 2003

I'm trying to do the ease to effect where it slows down as it gets closer to the certain area. What i have is a white box with an instance name of nav. I have 5 buttons. When I click a button i want the white box to ease to these certain X, Y. So when someone clicks on 1 of the 5 buttons it goes to a certain X, y. Each of the 5 buttons takes it to a different location. I've tried a variety of actionscipting and each one is unsuccesful. How can I acheive this effect?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Externally Loaded Swf Slows Rollover Buttons?

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I beginning to create a portfolio online. I have a pretty standard setup so far. I have a main swf which loads external swfs. One of my externally loaded swfs loads another external swf. When it does, my rollover animated buttons are slow in the main.swf.

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Actionscript 3 :: Shared Object Slows Swf Down And Makes Webpage Unressponsive?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a swf that I would like to cookie to control the frame the user see's depending on whether it is a first time site visit or returned visit. My code is below - it works, it doesn't bring back any out messages however when I load the swf into my site that uses this technique the page becomes extremely slow and unresponsive

var my_so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("visited", "/");
if ( != undefined) {
//object exists: return user


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Animation Ease Out So It Starts Fast And Slows Down At The End?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm creating a thermometer with the mercury animated as donations come in. I haven't touched flash in a long time, so be gentle. How can I change the code below so the animation is faster without increasing the framerate?

ActionScript Code:
var maxMercuryHeight = 192; // Mercury height at 100%
var currentDonations = 80; // Percentage of donations taken
var currentHeight = (currentDonations / 100) * maxMercuryHeight;


How can I make the animation ease out so it starts fast and slows down at the end?

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Actionscript 3 :: Prevent Flash's Input Events From Stacking Up When Framerate Slows?

May 7, 2010

My Flash game targets 24 fps, but slows to 10 on slower machines. This is fine, except Flash decides to throttle the queue of incoming MouseEvent and KeyboardEvents, and they stack up and the Events fall behind. Way behind. It's so bad that, at 10 fps, if I spam the Mouse and Keyboard for a few seconds not much happens, then, after I stop, the game seems to play itself for the next 5 seconds as the Events trickle in. Spooky, I know.

Does anyone know a way around this? I basically need to say to Flash, "I know you think we're falling behind, but throttling the input events won't help. Give them to me as soon as you get them, please."

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Jul 6, 2010

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Here's how i load and unload the external SWFs using buttons :

Code: Select allbt1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,onLoadClick);
function onLoadClick(evt:MouseEvent):void


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Jun 25, 2003

I have made a pixel font using an array and have made it so it scatters from the mouse, (magnetic effect).Example at BladeMonkey Test Page.However if i make this string longer it slows down quite severly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PV3D: When Adding Text3D To Planes In A Carousel The Rotaion Slows To A Crawl?

Jan 13, 2010

I have added 2 text3D textfields for each plane that gets rendered via xml.Everything works fine, yet as more planes get added via xml the carousel slows down considerably.If I remove the text3D fields the carousel rotates very smooth and at normal speed. Is this just a limitation of text3D in Papervision3D or is there a way to optimize this better? Yes, smooth is set to false and images have been optimized.

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