ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader For External SWF In First Frame

Jul 16, 2010

I have a .swf being loaded into a main.swf using the following:
var ld:Loader = new Loader()
ld.load(new URLRequest("nameofsecond.swf"))
addChildAt(ld, 0)

The above is in the second frame of my main.swf timeline. I'm looking for a way, using as3, to code a preloader in the first frame of the main.swf that counts the number of bytes loaded in the secondary .swf and goes to and plays the second frame of the main.swf when all the bytes have loaded.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Preloader Loads External SWF At It's Last Frame

May 8, 2009

I just watched the AS3 preloader tutorial here, and downloaded the FLA to copy the AS into my project. Here is the AS...

Code: Select allvar l:Loader = new Loader();
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loop);
l.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, done);
l.load(new URLRequest("splash.swf"));


The preloader works to load the 'splash.swf', but that SWF is a 36 frame long movie, and when it loads from the preloader, it's already at Frame 36, so you never see what was before that frame. How can I get it to load at it's Frame 1?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader (multiple Swf) Versus External Video On The First Frame?

Dec 16, 2009

I have a preloader and 10 swf that needs to be cache. My problem was that when the preloader started, it was not only caching the swf, but a lot of .flv and a lot of the same player skin (flvplayback component). I don't need and don't want to preload or cache those .flv. They need to be load only when someone is on the page not before (in real time, not preload).

But the problem is that the videos (flv) are on the first frame of every swf cause I need the video to start when they enter the page. So when the preloader start, it starts to preload the videos too (since they are on the first frame).Is there a solution to change the behavior of the preloader or restrict what he can load ?Is there a better way to make my video start on enter frame without putting it on the first frame ? Something that would not be preload and cache but that would start when the user enter the page ?

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Professional :: Merge External Preloader With An Preloader From Oxylusflash

Dec 18, 2011

I've got an external preloader from this tutorial [URL] and i would like to merge it with an preloader from oxylusflash (its a premium preloader)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Preloader Into A External Preloader?

Jan 15, 2004

changing a preloader I have into a preloader that can be used for loading external swf.Now the code for the preloader is

loadedbytes = getBytesLoaded();
totalbytes = getBytesTotal();
loadedkbytes = Math.ceil(loadedbytes/1000);
totalkbytes = Math.ceil(totalbytes/1000);


Ie the preloader and steps through a preloader animation filling the logo (ie loader)Now I have tried changing a few things but having problems tried loading into a container and a level

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader: Frame 1 Stop On 100% Goto Frame 2

Jan 20, 2010

at first, I thought I could manage this myself searching the forums about "preloader" but none of the solutions seem to work. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm using the FLVPlayer with an external file. What am I looking for?

1. Well, the preload code for frame 1 that makes sure the external F4V (movie.f4v in the same dir) is loaded 100% before it jumps to frame 2 where the movie should start playing...

2. If possible, a progress bar.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader For External Swf's - Doesn't Work For The External Movies?

May 22, 2005

... I've had my preloader successes already, but something still doesn't work for the external movies... I'm loading the main movie - which contains several chapters, loaded as external swf's - with the following preloader on the first frame, rest content from second frame on:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Action On Frame When External FLV Movie Finish Go To Next Frame

Sep 27, 2011

I'm new to actions script. I creating a presentation in which I'm loading external FLV movie files. I have a Navigation menu to go to the different chapters (every chapter is a FLV movie File)This is what I need, when a FLV movie finish I need some action in the frame to take me to next frame where I have the next FLV chapter.if is any help I upload a sample FLA with some FLV for reference.

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Sep 27, 2011

I creating a presentation in which I'm loading external FLV movie files. I have a Navigation menu to go to the different chapters (every chapter is a FLV movie File) what I need? = when a FLV movie finish I need some action in the frame to take me to next frame where I have the next FLV chapter.I upload a sample FLA with some FLV for reference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Partially Loading An External SWF (frame By Frame)?

Dec 2, 2009

I have an application swf that loads a big external swf with all GUI components/assets (skin) in it.I want to display a progress bar during loading of the external asset swf file but the images for the progress bar are also included in the external swf file.Is it possible to load only a portion of the external swf before loading the rest. The idea is to load the progress bar images from the external swf, then construct the progress bar and than load the rest of the swf. I was thinking to put it on different frames. Frame 1 containing the progress bar graphics and frame 2 the rest of the assets.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Not On Frame 1?

Jun 5, 2010

ok,so this is probably a stupidly simple fix, BUT - i have tinkered with it for a few hours now and im getting no where....i have my site tween in a graphic ( my logo ), and then the preloader pops up......the preloader is on frame 15 inside its own MC...inside the MC is another MC named loadBar, and here is the code:

function loadProgress(root:ProgressEvent):void {
var percent:Number = Math.floor( (root.bytesLoaded*100)/root.bytesTotal );
loadBar.width = percent * 3;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Next Frame After Preloader?

Feb 17, 2011

Frame 1: preloader - have progressBar_mc abd preload_txt


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader To 2nd Frame Of Another Swf?

Mar 29, 2009

I am just wondering if anyone knows how to make it so my preloader takes me to frame 2 of the main page rather than frame 1. I have added my code below. Basically I just want it to take me to frame 2 of main.swf (which is in a separate swf to 'main.swf'). Is there a simple way to do this?

[is there for example a way to insert a gotoAndPlay which deletes itself after its first use at the beginning of frame 1 in main.swf..


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Sep 2, 2009

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Here is what the bandwidth meter shows... it is showing everything on frame 1.

I need the preloader to load on frame1, and its not working. Instead the preloader loads with the rest of the site, and dissapears right away.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Preloader For Next Frame Only?

Jun 1, 2009

My preloader itself takes a small chunk of time to load. I want to keep it this way, as it is important, but I am making a pre-preloader with a simple text such as "Please Wait" to display until the actual preloader loads. My coding for the pre-preloader is below. How do I make my variable "pretotal" be only the total needed to load the next frame which is my preloader rather than that of the entire movie?


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Actionscript :: Last Frame Of Mc Lost When Placed In Preloader

Mar 11, 2010

My primary movie clip is 1200 frames long and on the last frame I have a small action: gotoAndPlay(190) so that it will loop back to that spot upon reaching the end, It works very nicely. UNTIL, that is, I place the primary movie in a frame within a preloader. When placed in the preloader, the primary clip doesn't loop back to frame 190 anymore; the actionscript is lost.
I wanted a preloader so the area on the website dedicated to this flash file wouldn't appear blank as it loads. I found a tutorial online and followed it;


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Professional :: Preloader Not Going To Frame 2 After 100% Loaded

Nov 9, 2010

After site is loaded a 100% it is stuck on the preloader image in frame one instead of going to frame to of my project.
I suppose further information about my project is needed so just say what to post and IŽll post it.

View 12 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader - Transition Between Last And Second Frame

Sep 19, 2011

I've made a simple preloader to my animation and its works great except transition between last frame and second frame (1 frame is preloader). In animation it looks for a disappear for a moment. For many flashes it doesnt make problem but in my case I must have continuously play after loading my flash. I'm attaching a ".fla" file to my post. [URL]. I think I must use loop in timeline from 2 frame to last after the preloader appear... but how I can do that...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Get The Preloader To Open In The First Frame?

Jul 8, 2010

I worked through this tutorial about coding a preloader.and got everything to work great.but then I tried to embed this into a working project and I cannot get the preloader to open in the first frame.

I built my timeline like in the tutorial, if you don't want to look at the tut that is, I have 2 layers, actions and assets, each with 3 frames, the actions has a stop(); on frames 1 and 3, and the assets has a blank keyframe on 1, and a my background, "AssetHolder" movie clip on 2.

anyways, the game loads fine, no errors, but no preloader with the simulated download. just a white screen for a few seconds, then the game pops up.


All my trace functions assigned in the preloader code is working. So I think its popping up and then turning off immediately before the game starts, rather than popping up when the data is being loaded, and I don't really know how to change this. Ive been racking my brain over this for a few days now. Im sure its something simple though, I probably just have something out of order. But im lost now.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Jumped Onto Another Frame?

Dec 11, 2010

my preloader and movieclip works at the same time and movieclip ends on frame no. 510 but the problem is this that everything works fine except it not jumped onto another frame, here is my script,

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loading = _parent.getBytesTotal();
total = _parent.getBytesTotal();[code]....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Embedded In First Frame Of Swf

Jan 18, 2012

I have a preloader embedded in the first frame of the swf that it applies to. The preloader itself works fine but it's waiting to load the whole swf before the preloader is visible.Is this something new in the export process of cs5? It doesn't seem like the files I made in cs3 have this problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Jumps To A Different Frame ?

May 29, 2005

I can make "normal" preloaders work, you know, with a bar that goes up and all. But I'm curious about a preloader wich jumps to a different frame in lets say "loader" MC. I can't really explain so here's the code that I thought would work:

bytes_loaded = Math.round(getBytesLoaded());
bytes_total = Math.round(getBytesTotal());
getPercent = bytes_loaded/bytes_total;[code]....

and so on...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Preloader On Just One Frame?

Aug 7, 2005

Very odd but when i move my movieclip of frame one and on to say frame 5 all my images turn nasty and start pixel shifting.

if there is no fix does anyone know if there is a way to make a preloader on just one frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Loads Only First Frame?

Aug 29, 2005

in the main movie I have a preloader, which loads external swf files.But preloader always loads the first frame of the loading swf.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swf Percentage Preloader On First Frame?

Oct 10, 2007

I would like to use animateFlourish.fla (see attached file) as a percentage loader in the first frame of a movie where the beginning of the animateFlourish animation equals 0% of frames loaded and the end of the animation equals 100%.I have tried the percentage preloaders tutes here on Kirupa and on Senocular; but, none of them work.So far, I have been able to get the animateFlourish.fla to work as a preloader; but, it keeps replaying the animation until the frames have loaded: http:[url]... I would like it to play once timing the animation with the % of loaded frames.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Same SWF Frame 1 Preloader Will Not Show Up Until 84%?

Nov 23, 2009

Well, since it is all supposed to be one SWF file, I'm doing all the preloading in Frame1.I have a simple textField on the stage which displays the percentage, and this code every frame:

// Check if already loaded


the textField will not show up until the SWF is loaded to about 70%.

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Loading Picture Gallery - Preloader Frame

Feb 26, 2010

I am building a web site and I have the main movie, which loads a picture gallery (another .swf file) using "loadMovie();" and then the problem comes in - my gallery movie has a preloader which after finishing is supposed to move on frame 2 of the gallery movie, but instead of that it moves to frame 2 of the main site...

This is the main movies button code loading the gallery:
on(release) {

Here is my preloaders code on the frame 100:

And at last my gallery movie's code on the preloader frame:
percent = Math.floor(getBytesLoaded()/getBytesTotal()*100);
if (percent == 100){
_level5.gotoAndPlay (2);
I tried using loadMovieNum(); but somehow it didn't work as well.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader - Animation Not Going To Specified Loaded Frame

Oct 18, 2009

Here is my preloader code:
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loading);
function loading(e:Event):void{
var total:Number = this.stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
var loaded:Number = this.stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
[Code] .....

Why the animation [logoANIM] isnt going to the specified "loadedFrame" frame #... Additionally the
trace(loaded frame);
isnt outputting the loadedFrame #

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