ActionScript 3.0 :: Ribbons Or Snake Effect Class
Feb 22, 2010
I'm working on writing a class that kind of creates a ribbon/snake effect. The class itself just needs to draw a box when initiated. I'm having trouble with some of the math though. I'm going to be passing in information into the initialized class, angle, speed, width, etc. When the instance is greated, the first two points are going to be the last two points of the box. Then I need to place a line at the angle passed in, and draw two more lines to that.
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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
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import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Point;
var bottom = bg.getDepth();
this.createEmptyMovieClip("bgBlur", bottom+1);
[Code] .....
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Feb 7, 2006
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is this to complicated to attempt or is it doable??
var rows, colm:Number;
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doc = """
<RootObj val1="ValueOne" stat1="Stat1" stat2="Stat2">
<internalarray type="array">
<InternalObject val1="12" val2="12" />
<InternalObject val1="13" val2="13" />
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Aug 16, 2010
I have two classes. The Main class calls a function, which is defined in a Second class.I'm getting the following error:Error 1120: Access of undefined property myFunctionBasically, I am creating buttons in the Main class that will add a corresponding Child to an Object in the Second class (if you click one button, child x1 will be added, if you click another button, child x2 will be added, and so forth).Here's the relevant code for the file:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Jan 29, 2012
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public class Example {
public function Example () {
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Sep 23, 2009
public class Character{
protected var _hp:uint = 50; //Character Health Points
protected var _power:uint = 5; //Damage dealt
I`m instancing a Character and a Player in the Main Timeline, all in frame 1.
When I use: ""player.attack(character)"" it works fine by itself.
So I added the if (defender._hp <= 0) which gives me the following error:
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method win through a reference with static type Character.
"defender" is a Character instance, "this" is a Player instance and "win()" is a Player method. I try to call the Player method inside a Character method using the Player instance adding the "." and his method name
Do I really need to define the win() function in the Character class? Is there a bypass to use a subclass method in a parent class method if it`s called from an instance of the subclass?
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Nov 8, 2009
I have question regarding removing instantiated objects. Let's say i have a main class in which i instantiate a custom video player (or whatever) class:
var videoPlayer = new VideoPlayer(...);
And inside VideoPlayer class i have of course dozens of objects (movie clips, sprites representing different parts of VideoPlayer) and dozens of event listeners attached to them. My question is, if i want to remove this VideoPlayer class from my main class is it enough to just do:
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Feb 14, 2011
i) Create a symbol called SimpleSquare. This should consist of a simple red square graphic
ii) Create a class file to define a class called SimpleSquare. This should be linked to the SimpleSquare symbol. SimpleSquare ashould have the following functionality: When the instance is placed on the Stage, it should start to disappear by decreasing its alpha at 0.01 in every frame (hint: alpha)
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Feb 23, 2011
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Apr 8, 2010
I have a which instantiates a class which needs to access the "currentState" property and the States array as well. However we cannot get this to work as we cannot see how we can access this information.
Within currentState is accessed via "this.currentState". This does not work in the class which is instatiated within The following error is thrown:
"Access of undefined property currentState."
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Oct 14, 2010
I created an flv video player using Flash Builder 4. This "BasicVideoPlayer" project is compiled into a SWC that will be eventually be used to create other video players that extend the functionality. One of the features is a view that appears when the video has finished playing that displays a "Play Again" button. This "Play Again" view has its own class, "BasicPlayAgain", that accepts a graphic asset that is exported from a .fla file that contains all of the graphic/UI assets.
In my new project, "EnhancedVideoPlayer", I'm using the BasicVideoPlayer SWC as a library to create a new video player that will add more functionality to the "Play Again" view; specifically it will add more buttons to that view.The EnhancedVideoPlayer uses a default class that extends the BasicVideoPlayer class. The BasicVideoPlayer class has a member called "playAgainScreen" whose type is BasicPlayAgain. The EnhancedVideoPlayer needs to override the playAgain member and recast it as EnhancedPlayAgain so it can control the new buttons properly.
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Feb 17, 2011
Is there a way to generate an instance of a class that implements an interface based on the name of the class?
I am trying:
var ClassReference:Object = getDefinitionByName("movement.OuterSpaceMovement") as IMovement;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference as IMovement;
trace("startup..." + m);
-But I am getting an error message ReferenceError: Error #1065 (OuterSpaceMovement) not defined.
I have several classes that implement the same interface (IMovement) but I need to be able to generate new instances of these classes and then pass these instances as a datatype (IMovement datatype) to other classes...
So then I tried:
var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName("OuterSpaceMovement") as Class;
var m:IMovement = new ClassReference() as IMovement;
and this doesn't seem to work...but the following
var m:IMovement = new OuterSpaceMovement();
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Jul 28, 2011
Using Flash CS5 Professional I have created a symbol, dragged it onto the stage, and given it an instance name of GreenLight1. If I want to make this visible from the document class, I can simply do the GreenLight1.visible=true; and poof it's good to go when I test the file. As long as I stay in the document class I am good to go, but now I'm trying to move to another class and hitting ALL kinds of trouble just trying to get Flash to allow me to access this simple object. All I am looking to do is have this GreenLight1 go invisible (visible=false) when a certain condition occurs in this new class and Flash just won't let me access GreenLight1 at all. Things I've tried thus far:
stage is passed to the class and is referenced by _stage and is working just fine when I do _stage.addchild or anything like that. So I have tried "_stage.GreenLight1.visible=false;" and I get "ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property GreenLight1 not found on flash.display.Stage and there is no default value." My document class extends Sprite, so I figured I'd try the root function. So I tried "Sprite(root).GreenLight1.visible=false;" and I get "1119: Access of possibly undefined property GreenLight1 through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite." I tried to create the Resource class as described therein. To which I came across the same problem that I started with in that it doesn't know what GreenLight1 is to begin with so I got "1120: Access of undefined property GreenLight1." Here is my code for (am I supposed to pass something to this class from the document class?)
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Aug 16, 2011
If I have a Document class that extends MovieClip, and I want to use it as the basis for another Document class, is it possible to create a subclass that extends the main document class and use that for a different FLA?
For example,
fla1.fla has a document class of MyMainClass:
public class MyMainClass extends MovieClip
fla2.fla has a document class of MySubClass:
public class MySubClass extends MyMainClass
I've tried, but now I'm getting errors that all of my variables that reference stage instances aren't being found.
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