ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling From External Point

Jun 23, 2009

I want to create an animation which simulates a camera pulling backward through a forest of trees. I've created a tree symbol and I can scale it down over time, which looks pretty good. So theoretically I can generate a whole punch of these trees on either side of my stage and gradually scale them down toward a common vanishing point in the middle of the stage (and I will also gradually move the vanishing point off to the side to simulate the camera pull back transitioning into a sideways pan). The problem is that scaleX, scaleY attributes always scale down toward a preset registration point on the symbol that I don't seem to be able to change programatically at runtime, whereas I need to be able to scale the tree toward the vanishing point.

The only solution I've come up with is to parent the tree symbol to another invisible symbol whose registration point IS at the vanishing point, then scale down that invisible symbol so that the tree scales down and also transposes itself in the direction of the vanishing point. But this feels cumbersome. I bet there is a way to do this with matrix math, if only I had a better understanding of it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling To A Different Point?

Sep 17, 2010

But i have a rectangle and i want to scale it using actionscript with a tween (part of a series of functions that i am writting for one of my buttons) so i am able to adjust with a tween its width but it uses the left part of the rectangle. I want to scale the width of the rectangle from the center point of the rectangle and not the upper left corner. How can i actionscript that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: [papervision] Scaling From Other Cube Point?

Apr 13, 2011

I am testing with scaling a cube, like so

private function growCube():void {, 2, {scaleX:1.5 , scaleY:1.5, scaleZ:1.5} );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Mc If Scaling Of Loader Reaches Set Point?

Nov 4, 2010

I have a scale up and down function that increases or decreases the size of an external loaded image inside a loader. What i am now trying to do and having trouble with is playing certain messages when the scaling reaches a certain point.

For instance when the user uses the 'increaseScale' function and scales 'image_Content' up by 40% its original size then 'warning_msg.visible = true;'

When they increase it by 65% then 'stop_msg.visible = true;'

This will then respond the same way if the user decreases the scale back to 40% and so on.

I cannot work this one out, i have posted the code below and have attached the fla file...

// Messages


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Flex :: BitmapData - Scaling Always Taking Place On Previous Point

Feb 1, 2010

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Here is my current code:
private var sourceBMD:BitmapData = testImage.source as BitmapData
private var matrixScaleX:Number = 1;
private var matrixScaleY:Number = 1;
private var baseScaleX:Number = .05;
private var baseScaleY:Number = .05;
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Zooming In (scaling Up) To A Specific Point Within A Clip

May 24, 2011

I'm trying to scale a container/parent movie clip up so that I effectively zoom in to a point referenced by one of its children. I've figured out how to use globalToLocal to get that point at the center of the stage, but the problem is the registration point for the container clip is (and needs to stay) at the upper left, so when I scale the container clip up, the point does not stay in the center of the screen. Here's my code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Vector Scaling Object Without Affecting The Original Point

Mar 30, 2005

Vector Scaling Object Without Affecting the Original Point

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Bunch Of Point Objects Relative To Center Stage

Jan 8, 2012

All though I can scale down the size of my objects and can shift them to their correct positions when scaling. I cannot shift them to the correct relative positions, relative to the screen centre.

level=1; //starting scale level
public function scaleOut(level:int) // scale to a level 1-4{
for (var r = 0; r < Main.ballArray.length; ++r){
// scale radius
Main.ballArray[r].bRadius *= (oldLevel / level);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling External SWF Before Window Resize?

May 23, 2010

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The AS (3.0) that I am using can be seen below.

ActionScript Code:
var Xpos:Number = 0;
var Ypos:Number = 0;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: External SWF Scaling To Objects Outside Of Stage?

Dec 24, 2009

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function open_puzzle(openSWF:String)
//Load SWF
container = new MovieClip();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Proportional Scaling External Image To Stage

May 6, 2010

I know but basically I want to place some images on the stage and I want every image, whether big or small, portrait or landscape, to be scaled to about a quarter of the stage size.
I have tried coding this myself and even tried many suggestions found on the web, but they all seem to do the same thing. The code either sizes every image to be equal in width and varying height, or scale every image to be equal in height with varying width.
Say you have some images all the same size, but some in landscape orientation and some in portrait orientation. Most of the code I found for "proportional scaling" would scale the landscape images okay, but make the portrait images the same height as the others, so they looked alot smaller. Or the reverse was true.
example:image.width = stage.stageWidth;image.height = stage.stageHeight;
( image.scaleX < image.scaleY ) ? image.scaleY = image.scaleX : image.scaleX = image.scaleY;
This makes all the images fit on the stage all right, but they all have the same width. reversing the equality amkes all teh heights the same.
If two images did not have the same width before they are scaled down, they should not have the smae width afterwards in my opinion.
Sometimes I get some code that seems to work, then I change the stage size to check it and all the images did not scale to 1/4 of the stage new size when the FLA was run.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: UI Loader Content Scaling - Loading External SWF

Aug 18, 2009

I've devised a preloader using the ui loader and progress bar components in flash cs3. The goal being to load an external .swf into the uiloader and that has been achieved. I'm having problems with the scaling now. In my code I have set the content scaling to "true" and that isn't supposed to cause distortion of any type but it does. It squishes my external .swf in width wise.

HTML Code:
var imageURL:String = "portfolio.swf";
var imageURLRequest = new URLRequest(imageURL)
uiLoader.scaleContent = true;
progressBar.source = uiLoader;
[Code] .....

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May 23, 2010

menu_mc.about_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLIC K,aboutClick);

function aboutClick(e:MouseEvent):void {
var about:URLRequest = new URLRequest("demo1.swf");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [F8] External Imgs Loaded Into Movie Clip Appear Big Before Scaling

Jan 16, 2007


Click on one of the menu options - "corporatecommunications" or "events&entertainment"

I fixed the earlier progressBar problem, but when you click on an image thumbnail to load it, it pops up regular size for maybe 1/30th of a second before being scaled to the proper size.

Here's my code:


// set a variable to hold image name
var imageNow:String;
// scale empty movie clip that will hold the image
function iHoldSize() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: No Resize/scaling A Movie Clip On The Scaling Stage?

Mar 11, 2008

I've search through all the threads with "scaling" and "resizing" and can't find the solution.

Basically I have a GUI element on a gallery that I don't want to scale, while the rest of the page is free to resize/scale.

I think I need to add a listener of some sort to the stage, but I'm not sure how to do this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Place An External Swf File On It In A Desired Position When The Corresponding Page Is Being Loaded + Scaling

Aug 18, 2006

I have a flash file (a flash navigation bar actually, which gets loaded in all the webpages inside the website). What I am trying to do is place an external swf file on it in a desired position when the corresponding page is being loaded. I am using FlashVars (variable name -> 'movieName') to pass the name of the movie clips. These variables are read by the navigation swf file and the corresponding swf file should be loaded in the area specified. Now, to create a container, I am using createEmptyMovieClip() method which will host all the external swf files.

The swf files are all being loaded but with a lot of problems. First, no matter what I try, the swf file comes at a fixed place (which is way off from where it is supposed to be). I have tried checking if the container loaded the movie before fixing its position but it changed nothing. Although it did change the position of a weird background colour box I am getting when the movie starts loading - which brings me to the second problem.

A rectangular box flashes once when the external swf is loaded, and its position is being affected by whatever I am setting the _x & _y values of the container movies to. I have no idea why it is happening as it doesn't happen when I test that swf seperately.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Button Background Without Scaling Text?

Feb 23, 2009

I'm building some navigation that extends all the way from left to right across my SWF. When the window resizes, I'd like the nav buttons to get wider but not have the text on the buttons get wider.

The buttons themselves are rectangles with a vertical gradient and a stroke around the outside. I'm using 9-slice scaling so the stroke doesn't scale, but the middle (gradient) gets wider or narrower.What'd be great is to be able to select an object or layer and say "don't scale, even if the rest of this movie clip scales". Is there a way to do that, or will I have to do it via actionscript?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling Movieclip Not Scaling But Repeating?

May 20, 2010

i have a diagonal movieclip that I am trying to scale along with the background video. The background video scales perfect, I am attaching the diagonal movieclip (br in the code as bottomright) with addChild
Instead of scaling with the window, it seems to repeat such as the image is displaying. this is the main section of the code that is doing the scaling
var br:mc_bottomright = new mc_bottomright();
//proportional scale
if ((stage.stageWidth / stage.stageHeight)> (owidth/oheight))


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling A Movieclip Without Scaling Its Contents

Apr 10, 2009

I am trying to achieve an effect of scaling a movie clip on click...very similar to [URL] When the user clicks on See, Hear, Play and Shop boxes, the boxes expand. I have created a box movieclip that has a bar on top. This bar is a movie clip inside the box movieclip. When i try to scale the main box movieclip, the internal bar movie clip scales as well. How to stop this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Matrix Transform - Rotate Object Around External Point

Oct 14, 2010

I found the function:
rotateAroundExternalPoint(m:Matrix, x:Number, y:Number, angleDegrees:Number)
to rotate an object around an external point. The top of the object will always point at the center point which is exactly what I want.

It works fine but its possible to rotate it in an oval instead of in a perfect circle...I think it should be something with the angleDegrees Parameter but im not sure what to do with it. I also tried to set up an own matrix but I failed. Any right direction to orbit an object in an oval, and where the top of the object always point at the rotation center?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing An External Image But By Default The Anchor Point (coordinates 0,0)?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm importing an external image, but by default the anchor point (coordinates 0,0) for the movieclip it loads into is the top left,this is obviously an issue if I want to rotate, as I need coordinates (0,0) to be the centre of the image, not the top left?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Non Scaling In Scaling Part

Apr 18, 2004

really sorry to bring this one up again. I've managed to create quite good working gallery. What I'm trying to now is create a menu that is attached to the scaling part but does not scale it self - in other words just changes position. here's an example of what I mean: galleru #1

View 14 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Non Scaling In Scaling Part?

Apr 18, 2004

What I'm trying to now is create a menu that is attached to the scaling part but does not scale it self - in other words just changes position. here's an example of what I mean: galleru #1

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pushing Point Locations Into An Array - Point(x,y) Conversion Faillure?

Dec 9, 2011

Im pushing Point locations into an array to Shift em out later. like this:

tempmoves.push([new Point(roundx,roundy)]);
ob.movestoplayer = tempmoves;[code]....

What am i doing wrong?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip To Move Along The X-axis To A Certain Point And Then Back To The Starting Point Again?

Apr 12, 2007

It's been a long time since I've done any work with actionscript, and alas I've forgotten nearly everything. I've tried to look for a tutorial that would explain basic animation with actionscript, but the one that I found on Kirupa was no longer there.

Basically I'd like to do this:On the stage I have a movieclip and I'd like the movieclip to move along the x-axis to a certain point and then back to the starting point again. The moving speed of the movieclip should also be adjustable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Distance From Point To Point And Referencing Other Instances Of The Same Class

Feb 8, 2009

I'm creating a game in flash for a university project, and learning actionscript and programming as I go. I'm very much still at a beginner level - at the moment al I have is some actionscript for drawing rectangles and moving them about the screen. This is what I'm having trouble with at the moment: I have a class called 'Creature', and I want instances of it to interact with each other. I want them to do something when they come within a certain distance of another instance. And I want them to be able to pick a random other instance to get the location of, in order to do something with that information.

What I think I need is: A function for telling the distance between two (x,y) points.
A way of referencing the nearest other instance of the class. And a way of randomly selecting from all of the instances of the class.

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Flash :: Perspective Projection Formula - Convert 3d Point To 2d Point?

Mar 27, 2011

How to convert 3d point to 2d point? I've found next formula in Internet(camera is situated in origin)


But these formulae give me strange result when z are less than zero(z<0) I need build line from A(100,100,100) to B (100,100;-100) As you can see these equations give really strange result when I try to convert B point in 2D dimension

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Actionscript 3 :: Moving A Point With Rotation Doesn't Change The Point XY?

Jul 15, 2011

i have the follow issue :

I have a point which is setted at the border on a component, with changed transform point to the center of a component in order to match the component rotation.

the important part is when i try to get the point XY after rotation - they remains the same as before rotation.

how to get XY, after rotation ( changeing point.rotation property to specific degrees of rotaion )

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ActionScript 2.0 :: A Line From One Point Past Another Point And Whether It Hits An Object?

Aug 19, 2009

I am using AS2 with Flash 8 Professional So, my problem is that I currently have a man in the middle of the screen, who shoots a line towards the mouse when I click. However, when I use hitTest to see if the line collides with another object, Flash recognizes the line as a large box if it is diagonal, so the hitTest isn't very accurate. The line only satys there for one frame, so I can't have the usual moving-bullet-style. I am either looking for a way to create an imaginary line with AS from the starting point to the mouse and beyond, and tell whether or not this line intersects with an object... or some other way that I haven't thought of to fix my problem. Keep in mind that the line rotates from a center point towards anywhere around it for 360 degrees.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Egistration Point Compared To Its Top Left Point

Aug 20, 2009

if i have a movieclip or a sprite could i find (via code) where is its registration point compared to its top left point (no rotation included) ?

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