ActionScript 3.0 :: Simple Button Command Using Root

Jul 9, 2010

I want to make a MovieClip called "menuText" go to and stop at frame 2 on the click of a button thats in another MC.

This "menuText" MC is on the _root, but i know you cant use "_root" anymore with AS3, although i think you can use "root".

This is what i have:

ActionScript Code:
home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickNextSlide);
function onClickNextSlide(event:MouseEvent):void{

Whats wrong with that code? The button is called "home" by the way.

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popup.onEnterFrame = function(){
this.onPress = function() {


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next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler1);
function mouseDownHandler1(event:MouseEvent) {

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Oct 1, 2009

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Jan 21, 2008

//This is my original code which works fine when my button is present on the root timeline
btn_up.onRelease = function() {
getURL("javascript:Launch('website.html', 2000, 1200)");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Advanced Button - Change The On.Release Command To Goto And Play Another Frame Into Movie Instead Of Opening A New Url

Jan 9, 2006

I'm new to Flash and am looking to use the following tutorial to create an advanced button. I know it is probably a very simple fix, I just cannot figure it out. [URL] In the tutorial the rollover and onrelease has the following script this.onRollOut = function(){ rewind = true;} this.onRelease = function(){getURL [URL]); } I have tried to change the on.Release command to go to and play another frame in to movie instead of opening a new url. But I'm not getting it to work correctly.

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Creating A Simple Button?

Oct 11, 2009

Draw a rectangle using the rectangle tool; select the text tool and create a text box inside of the rectangle, and type in BEGIN; make sure it fits inside the rectangle; select entire image by left clicking then dragging over it; convert to symbol button.
Then, I add in the code of going to keyframe 4 when released (which works fine). But when I test it out and mouse over the button, I can still select the text which gives me like barely any space where I can click the button to go to keyframe 4. This is reeaaallly annoying me. How can I fix this?

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Actionscript :: Add A Simple Button?

Jul 30, 2010

I am using Adobe Flash CS4. I don't know why I do the sample actionscript code here.

on (release) {

And now I'm dealing with a button function. I already created a box then press "F8" and choose button. Now I click on the button box, and press "F9" for the actionscript. It said that "Current selection cannot have actions applied to it" Then choose "ActionScript 1.0 & 2.0" Global Function > Movie Clip Control > On but "On" is disabled, how to solve this problem of mine to put this simple code.

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Jul 9, 2009

i'm using flash cs3.i was using flash 8.i used to just put this code on a button, and worked, no problem.[code]now, i can't put code on a button... got some code on another site... seems i have to put code in an actions layer, and give the button an instance name![code]

1. this doesn't work

2. the older way seems alot easier and does work.

3. how can i just use the first method?

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Sep 21, 2009

I have got a simple button in the first frame of my flash file, but its not wokring. Here is the code I am trying.

Btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, myFunction);
function myFunction (e:MouseEvent):void {

It gives this error: "The class or interface 'MouseEvent' could not be loaded"

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Flash 8 - Simple (for Sum) Button Programming

Jan 21, 2010

So I am trying to get better at putting all my code within one action layer and there is a bit of button code that seems to be confusing me.

Whenever I program a button I use the following code:
PHP Code:
on (press){
} on (release, releaseOutside ) {

Now I know programming the on(press) command is done like this:
PHP Code:
btnName.onPress = function() {

However I am having a hard time with the on (release, releaseOutside ) code. The only way I have been able to do it is like this:
PHP Code:
btnName.onRelease = function() {
} btnName.onReleaseOutside= function() {

My question is, is there any way to combine the two onRelease commands?

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