ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping Root Timeline & GotoAndStop Button Code?

Oct 18, 2009

I want to tear my hair out and cry! I've just upgraded to CS4 and am trying to create a simple swf that consists of a root timeline with various frames, each labelled 'home', 'bio' & 'contact'. There are buttons on the stage with instance names and then on the first frame of my root timeline I have the following code (as well as the _root.stop() as actionscript on the labelled frames):

homebtn.onRelease = function():Void {


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Flash - Tell The Root Timeline To Root.gotoAndStop(2); From The Timeline Of A MovieClip Added Using AddChild?

Nov 7, 2011

How do you tell the root timeline to root.gotoAndStop(2); from the timeline of a movieClip added using addChild?In the maintime line I have


and in fade_eng I have the following on frame 20


But I am getting 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndStop through a reference with static type flash.display:Stage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Original Code Which Works Fine When Button Is Present On The Root Timeline?

Jan 21, 2008

//This is my original code which works fine when my button is present on the root timeline
btn_up.onRelease = function() {
getURL("javascript:Launch('website.html', 2000, 1200)");


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IDE :: Make The Timeline Go To The Next Frame (ie GotoAndStop) Only If Two Button Instances Are Invisible?

Oct 6, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndStop Code Doesn't Work After I Convert A Button To Movie Clip?

Feb 3, 2005

what happened in my flash document was, I created a button, "next_btn" with the following commands:

//to remove all the splats
for (score=0;score<100;score++){[code]...

At this point, almost everything worked perfectly. Everything, but one thing. Apparently, the swapDepths command wasn't working. It was then that I thought maybe swapDepths only works on movie clips.And so I converted the button into a movie clip. I modified the instance names, etc, and almost everything worked. Everything, including swapDepths, but one thing: the gotoAndStop command.For some reason, when I tested the movie clip (containing a button) out, it removed the splat+score and finger_mc movie clips, as well as stoped the background music from playing. However, it did not go to the next scene and frame as specified by the gotoAndStop command. "s1a2" is the next scene, and "gameplays1a2" is its frame.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GotoAndStop Code Doesn't Work After Convert A Button To Movie Clip

Feb 3, 2005

First of all, I would like to apologise for not knowing whether this code belongs to F5 or FMX Action Script. I'm that noobish, yup. Anyway, what happened in my flash document was, I created a button, "next_btn" with the following commands:


At this point, almost everything worked perfectly. Everything, but one thing. Apparently, the swapDepths command wasn't working. It was then that I thought maybe swapDepths only works on movie clips. And so I converted the button into a movie clip. I modified the instance names, etc, and almost everything worked. Everything, including swapDepths, but one thing: the gotoAndStop command.

For some reason, when I tested the movie clip (containing a button) out, it removed the splat+score and finger_mc movie clips, as well as stoped the background music from playing. However, it did not go to the next scene and frame as specified by the gotoAndStop command. "s1a2" is the next scene, and "gameplays1a2" is its frame.

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If I have a movieclip on the main timeline, and a button in that movie clip. How would I go about getting it to advance the main timeline to its next frame? I understand that in AS3 movie clips are not connected to the timeline in the same way as they are in AS2 but I dont understand why the following works, or if there is a better way?

next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler1);
function mouseDownHandler1(event:MouseEvent) {

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Make Button In Movieclip Target Back To Main / Root Timeline?

Oct 1, 2009

I have some submenu buttons in a movieclip on the mainline. My first level of navigation in on main timeline. The submenus are grouped in movieclips on the main timeline. I basically used the same code on the main navigation for the sub navigation except the code for the submenus is in that movie clip. My trace statement reads the button is clicked (which was a quantum leap for me) but I know I need some kind of _parent code in there so it knows to go to label back on main timeline.[code]...

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Jul 26, 2011

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So at the end of the game I do MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop(myFrame);

where my frame is either the win screen or the loose screen frame.both screens have a playagain button that returns me to the game frame.Sometimes I get the error after the first win/loss sometimes I get it after I do play again and then when I win/loose.

the error is at:MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop(myFrame);

Im not exactly sure why or how to fix it though any tips?

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ActionScript Code:
stuff = 0;
day = 1;
money = 50000;


There is an error with line 9- the one in bold. its a syntax error- but whats wrong with it!

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Pull Button Code And Use It In Main Timeline?

Aug 15, 2009

I have a Flash project which has about 90% of its code in the first frame, on a layer called 'actions'. the remeainder of the code is attached to several buttons throughout the project. I want to take the code attached to the buttons, and paste it into the first frame, 'actions' layer. what I want to know is how to do it, and still have the buttons function properly. This is in AS2, and will eventually be converted to AS3, when I get all the working code on the first frame. I don't know how to reference it, from the first frame of 'actions' layer.


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Jul 28, 2009

I am like a new-born-newbie when it comes to Action Script 3.0 (or any other version for that matter). I've been trying to learn it by myself for the past week and a half using manuals and other sources but it's not so easy as there are many concepts that take some getting used to (I've never done programming before). So I ask of anyone who is kind enough to give me a hint or point me in the right direction. I am sure this will seem like a very easy and probably stupid question for the well-informed but it has been eluding me for the past 4 days.

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Actionscript 3 :: GotoAndStop() On The Timeline Of A Loaded SWF?

Sep 30, 2011

I'm working on a new ad unit called a Filmstrip for NineMSN (demo here) which basically loads in 5 SWFs vertically. Only one of these 5 is visible at a time (with the exception of a a portion of two SWFs between UP and DOWN transitions.What I'm trying to achieve is ensure that when the user clicks on UP or DOWN, the SWF you scroll to will be playing from the beginning.How can I target the main timeline of an SWF loaded as per below and call gotoAndStop() on this?

var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.y = index * 600;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: From Nested_mc To Main Timeline GotoAndStop - Function Isn't Working

Apr 6, 2011

Either the search function isn't working or no one has asked this but in all of my googling and section, I cannot find an answer to what seems to be an easy question. I have a nested movie clip. In the last frame of this movie clip I have a button that I want to gotoAndStop(21); to the main timeline but cannot figure it out. I have read this question asked several times while googling and not one answer surprisingly.

I have tried xxxx.gotoAndStop(21); with xxxx being parent, _parent, _main etc but there must be some way to do this I would think. If not via button then even just an action at the last frame that says to mainTimeline.gotoAndStop(21); Obviously mainTimeline is not correct but to give another example.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tell The Playhead To GotoAndStop(); On Frame 2 Of The Main Timeline From A Class File?

Jan 21, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: F8 Stopping A Timeline Sound

Apr 2, 2009

I am creating an e-learning to put into an LMS which has sound files. in order to play in the LMS, the sound file has to be in the timeline of the flash file, and not called through attachSound, or attachAudio. I would like to trigger an event after the end of the sound, so i have made a movie clip, placed the sound in the movie clip, and put the event at the end.whenever i advance, or back up in my file, the sound continues to play. i've tried stopping the sound by:[code]neither of those will stop the sound. The movie will advance, but the sound also continues to play. If I go back to the sound, it restarts, but I will need a way to stop it.

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AS3 :: Stopping A Timeline For Set Durations At Various Frames?

Mar 17, 2010

how to stop the root timeline at a given frame using action script 3 in flash CS4

With AS2 I used this kind of script that worked all the time.
And I called the pause duration from the frame that needed it, etc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping External Swf's With No Timeline?

May 24, 2010

I just released my portfolio at [URL] which consists of a lot of externally loaded swf's (progressive banners). These swf's contains no timeline really, just one keyframe with an imported FLV. I don't have the source files so I need to control these from my Main flash file.
As these external swf's are auto-playing, I would like it to be user initiated instead, so the users click on a button and it plays. But commands like "loader.stop()", "gotoAndPlay" etc. doesn't seem to work obviously.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stopping All Sounds On A Timeline?

Nov 12, 2007

Is it possible to stop all sounds that are currently playing in a movie and at the same time stop future sounds that the playhead will encounter on the timeline? Here is the code I'm using on the 'mute' button now:


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Flash :: Timeline Code To Object Oriented Code - Access Instances Already On Stage

Jan 12, 2011

As stupid as my question might sound, i have spent the last 2 weeks reading oop books; but could use some guidance. I have a flash project that is basically a supped up slide show. On the stage i have the following: main_mc (instance name = images_mc) = movieclip which holds "pictures" ui1 (instance name = ui1_mc) = user interface that allows user to draw on picture (when drawing is enabled) ui2 (instance name = ui2_mc) = activates invisible hit areas (buttons) on select pics, when hit area is clicked, we jump to another pic in the main_mc.

I accomplished all of this on the timeline, but am updating the code to OOP. I am having A HELL OF A TIME trying to figure out how to store references to the instances (images_mc etc..), so i can control them from varying class files. I have found it is easy to control the instances from the documentclass, but not from unrelated class files. Example: images_mc.stop(); works in document class; but ovieclip(Parent).images_mc.stop() doesn't seem to work from any class file.(ui2 class file for example);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Way To Have Main Timeline Code Interact With Code Inside Of Symbol.

Jan 29, 2012

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Actionscript 3 :: Stopping Timeline Sound On A Loaded Swf

Nov 18, 2011

I'm working on a as3 player which loads swf like videos/chapters, inside them I have images and a level where a sound starts to play at frame 1.I'm trying to stopping the sound of the loaded swf when I change it with a previous or later loaded file but nothing seem to work.[code]the timeline sound works without notice the SoundMixer method.

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IDE :: AS3 Starting/stopping Mc's On Specific Part Of The Timeline

Feb 23, 2009

I need to create a tall background, when the user clicks on a button the background will scroll up and down to the area that the user wants to go to. ( I attach an image of how that might look like)

The background is divided in to 4 sections, the way i figure to do this, is to have each section be a different part of the timeline- and what I need to happen is as the user arrives at one of the sections or in that part of the timeline the mc's on that sections start playing and stoping once he/she leaves.

If there is a better way of doing this as well- feel free of telling me- Im use flash about once a year.

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IDE :: Loop To Keep Playing Regardless Of The Timeline Stopping And Starting

Apr 29, 2009

i just want my loop to keep playing regardless of the timeline stopping and starting. is this possible?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stopping Code When Moving To A New Frame

Feb 20, 2009

I'm trying to create a site based on flash.I have 5 frames that correspond to different links and then buttons created with functions to move to each frame using gotoAndStop. On one of those frames i'm loading an image gallery (which seems to be working); however when I click on another button to go to a new frame the images from the gallery stay.I would like for them to disappear when I go to a new frame.I think this is an easy fix but i've been stuck on it for three days.[code]

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IDE :: Auto Format Is Stopping Code From Working?

May 15, 2009

The code works fine, but every time I click Auto Format it changes the code so it doesn't work anymore, giving me all kinds of errors. I perceive this as something imperfect in the code and potentially preventing it from working as efficiently.

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing Root Timeline From Within A Mc

Aug 20, 2006

I have a root timeline in which contains a movie clip on a certain frame. Inside that movieclip, on it's second frame, there is a button. I would like to use this button, when clicked, to move take the user to a frame on the root timeline.

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