Flash :: CS5 Hit Command For A Button?
Feb 21, 2011
I signed on to this adobe forum hoping some one can help me. Ive created a navigation bar in Flash CS5.
Ive got my up, down, hover states to work perfectly but the state hit i just cant seem to figure out what it does. What im looking for, is for someone to help me with, when a user lets say clicks on 'Home', i want that link to stay 'red' so that user knows its on 'Home Webpage'.
I dont know if i have to add code in flash for it to do that or if its done by the hit function. Because ive set which colour hit should be, but when i hit/activate the 'Home Webpage', it wont stay a solid colour, to show its active. It just goes back to its original colour after doing hover/down/hit.
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function onClickNextSlide(event:MouseEvent):void{
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if ( condition ) {
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