ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The DispatchEvent Command To Send The Fire Button Event And Parameters

Mar 6, 2009

I have a game with two joysticks and I use the dispatchEvent command to send the fire button event. What would be a good way to send the number of the joystick to check who pressed the fire button. A bit dirty way would be to save just the number in root or in my main class.

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Flash :: DispatchEvent To Fire MouseEvent Not Working

Dec 1, 2011

I am adding the same image (play button) to a movie clip those images later when pressed toggle states and play a video.What I am trying to accomplish is automatically toggle the default image since that video is playing automatically.[code]So this does the same thing as click the first image but it happens automatically.[code]

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Flex :: Embedded Button.swf Does Not Fire CLICK Event?

Aug 9, 2010

i'm trying to embed a swf to my as3 flex project like this:

[Embed(source = "../assets/next_button.swf")]
protected var nextButtonClass:Class;
protected var next_btn:MovieClip = next_btn = new nextButtonClass() as MovieClip;
// ...
next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onAdChange);

next_button.swf is as2 and created with adobe flash cs4. there is a single button inside it.

if i change type of button symbol to movieclip at next_button.fla, there is no problem at passing CLICK event.

i tried to cast next_btn to mx.controls.Button and fl.controls.Button classes, next_btn is becoming null in that case.

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is there any trick i can do to pass Button events to my container swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass Parameters Through DispatchEvent?

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another class :, that i import in main.aswhen i click on the "main" menu in "", i would like to send a dispatchEvent to (because i'd like the submenu to change one of its item, when i click on the "main menu" in "", so i need to send a dispatchEvent to so i put a dispatchEvent in the method "clickButton" in my : "Event.CHANGE"and in the, i'd like to listen to this event.CHANGE, and that's what i wrote below ;-)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: DispatchEvent To Send Keyboard Events?

Mar 19, 2010

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I believe that I somehow need to use dispatchEvent but have not been able to get it to work. For example, pressing the on-screen A keyboard button will fire a CLICK event and call a handler to place an A in the currently focused text input component. The handler needs to be able to dispatch a keyboard event (with the correct keycode) to that text input field and that is where I am stuck.

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Jul 22, 2009

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gardengate_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick_gardengate);
function onClick_gardengate(e:MouseEvent):void{
/*Sends the xml and the paintingCount_Numb to the parseXML function.
This will display the text and images for each painting

I would think that i could just do this but it gives me an error. gardengate_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ParseXML(xmlData,0)); 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type void to an unrelated type Function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect The Finished Event Listener And Fire Out Another Sets Of Event

Nov 17, 2011

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It works more like MOTION_FINISH in TweenEvent, but it is only available for TweenEvent only, what if I want to detect a mousclick, keyboard, enterframe or even touch event?

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Feb 13, 2010

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ActionScript Code:
slider.up.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, activateSlider);
slider.down.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, activateSlider2);
var frameBoolean:Boolean = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The String With An External DispatchEvent?

Feb 7, 2010

On my stage I have an externally loaded SWF with a button. When clicked the button dispatches an event to the main stage.

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Loading the SWFs was working until I tried to create a universal button function for the dispatchEvent buttons. The problem I have is that I don't know how to define the String to tell the newSWFRequest where to find the SWF when triggered by the external buttons.


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Jan 2, 2010

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I know that I can do the following:

private function thumbClick(e:MouseEvent):void
dispatchEvent(new Event("clicked"));


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package CIS.FLVPlayer[code]............

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The first time that I set "saveResult" the event fires. But it will never fire again unless I restart the application. If I change the setter to:


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Actionscript 3.0 :: SOUND_COMPLETE Event Will Not Fire

Sep 28, 2010

Working on an mp3 player that i have cobbled together myself, bit rusty on the as3 so im sure it could be improved in many ways but the it works apart from that i cannot get the SOUND_COMPLETE event to fire at the end of a track, thus playing the next track. I have looked on this forum and others but cannot seem to get this to work


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Flex :: Send Parameters To Swf Not Using Any Html?

Mar 1, 2010

Is it possible to send params to swf using SWFLoader or something like it?So.. I want to create swf loader (swf) which would be able to send some Application.application.parameters to swf swf I'm triing to load (which are usualy sent to an application from html.)

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May 29, 2009

Is there anyway that i could send a php command to unload a live stream?

For instance i would like to click a logout button that would then tell the server that im logging off that live stream.

Here is what i have in my SWF file now..


I am sending flashvars to fill in the variables. And this is actionscript 2 because i havent ventured to AS3.

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Javascript :: Send A JSON Command To The Company's Flash Player?

Aug 5, 2011

I've ran into a weird problem while trying to send a JSON command to my company's flash player. Basically, i am unable to pass a playlist to this player - nothing happens - using the following command:

player.sendEvent("LOAD_PLAYLIST", json_str);

but the weirdest part is that if I print the entire command using Firebug's console.log, copy it and paste it into the code (thus hardcoding the playlist), everything works like a charm.

For instance, the following code:

player.sendEvent("LOAD_PLAYLIST", "{"streams": [{"src": "rtmp://"},{"src": "rtmp://"},{"src": "rtmp://"}]}");

was obtained using

console.log('[loadNewListofContents] playing the following content list: player.sendEvent("LOAD_PLAYLIST", ' + json_str.toString() + ');');

and if i hardcode it, it works!I've tried all the toString() tricks I can think of (ex: json_str.toString(), '"' + json_str.toString() + '"', etc...) but so far no such luck.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: User Is Redirected To Paypal Via A LoadVars.send Command ?

Jul 19, 2009

I have made flash music player on http:[url]... - when the user has selected the songs to purchase and click's buy now, the user is redirected to paypal via a loadVars.send('https:url....') command.When I embed the flash player on MySpace or Soundclick for example,the redirect is blocked, and the player doesn't redirect.Is there a way around this, or an alternative to the lv.send method?

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Professional :: Mosue_over Event Auto-fire?

Sep 8, 2010

I write a mouse_over event handler in a movieclip. But the event fired when the application run automatically even if the mouse out of the application.

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Flex :: Roll_out Event Fire In Code?

May 24, 2010

I have made this short example to demonstrate some problems I'm having.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">


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Flex :: Event.Complete Does Not Fire When Loading A URL?

Aug 11, 2010

I'm an experienced AS developer, but this is something very basic about flex that I can't figure out. In the class below, I'm not sure why the function imageLoaded would not be executed when the image loads a url. Is there a race condition happening here? The application is completely loaded by the time this object is created and setPicture is called. How can I get the Event.COMPLETE event to fire properly in this case?The line and functions are conveniences for me, and they definitely work. Here's my MXML definition:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<photo:PhotoClass xmlns:mx="" xmlns:photo="*">


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Flash :: How To Fire A Event For Array Push

Aug 17, 2010

How would I go about as to addEventListener for a array object. I'm trying to avoid running a timer every x milliseconds to check for new elements in array object, rather trying to make a event fire when new elements are detected to process them and remove them. Is it possible with Arrays? maybe ArrayCollections? either is fine.

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Flex :: Does Fire An Event After A Chart Is Rendered In UI

Sep 7, 2011

I am looking for an event which is fired (if any) after a chart is rendered (visible in UI) in Flash, we are using Flex SDK 3.0. We have to capture the screenshot after the chart is rendered, current implementation adds a huge delay in update_complete event callback, this is slowing down the whole job of generating images. I tried to use EXIT_FRAME event, but this doesn't seem to serve the purpose.

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Flex :: HTML Control's Event Won't Fire?

Sep 14, 2011

I'm having trouble firing or capturing the results of an event firing.

Here's the current code...

<s:Panel id="instructionsPanel" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0" title="Register">
<mx:HTML id="htmlViewer" left="10" right="10" top="0" bottom="10"


What's happening is that the user fills out a form in the HTML Viewer, then when they click the submit button I want to be notified of the page change.

If they land on URL A, then they'll be shown one message. If they land on URL B, they'll be shown another.

However, the event isn't firing.


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Flex :: Fire Event Off YesNo Alert Box

Oct 9, 2011

This is very basic and there are samples out there, but I am still struggling.

I need to fire an alert with a yes/no option.

I need to do this in actionscript."Open new tab to search in Google Maps?","No places found", Alert.YES | Alert.NO, this, alertListener, null, Alert.NO);[code]...

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