ActionScript 3.0 :: Transitions Will Not Work In Flex

Oct 1, 2009

<mx:Transition toState="Skjema" fromState="*">
<mx:Resize duration="4000" target="{test}" heightFrom="20" widthFrom="20" heightTo="1265.1024" widthTo="1259.75" />
<mx:Move xFrom="230" xTo="500" target="{test}"/>

I get the error
In initializer for 'effect': multiple initializer values for target type mx.effects.IEffect.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Buttons To Work With Image Transitions Through Xml

Sep 28, 2009

I have been trying to figure out this problem for a couple days. I made an animation using actionscript 3.0 and the GreenSock TweenLite to load images in through XML in flash. When you click the button (btn1) to go to the next image, it animates in perfectly, but since I am multiplying 140 each time, if I click btn1 while the image is transitioning in, it adds another 140 to that value and the next image goes off the screen. Think of it as a slot machine effect, witch is pretty much what it looks like. The images load in as if they're on a reel, vertically. I would like to know how to set a limit so that instead of adding 140 to the value, it goes to the next image instead, and centers it perfectly in the mask I have set up. Do you guys get what I am trying to do? If not, I can zip the folder up and attach it here, but it's a project for a client so I'm a bit weary.

Again, quick summary: btn1, if clicked more than once during the span of the image transitioning in (through XML and gs.tweenlite), the image gets 140 added to its positional value and goes off the screen.

import gs.TweenLite;
var id:int=0;
var list:XMLList;
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Transitions Between External Swfs To Work?

Jun 12, 2005

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button/transitions Don't Work When Uploaded

May 3, 2005

I have made some buttons that call in external swf files and these work perfectly on my own machine when tested in various browsers. My problem is when i upload to the server and then test in the browser, the buttons don't work anymore. perhaps if you have server space you can test it out for me and then delete them?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button/transitions - Dont Work When Uploaded?

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I have made some buttons that call in external swf files and these work perfectly on my own machine when tested in various browsers. My problem is when i upload to the server and then test in the browser, the buttons don't work anymore

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Flex :: Adobe - Create Smooth Transitions For Drop Down List In Flex For Desktop Applications?

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I have a drop down list for selecting the titles for a person, I want to employ smooth drop down when i select the drop down menu.

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Flex :: View Transitions Troubleshooting?

Sep 1, 2011

I'm loading an image from an async database in every view of my app. I'm using a view transition in Pop/PushView to change between views.Problem: The image loads after the ViewTransition is complete, instead of before.

And the code:

private function NextView():void
selectStmt = new SQLStatement();
selectStmt.sqlConnection = conn;


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Flex :: Animation - Can Transitions Be Used With IncludeIn And ExcludeFrom Attributes

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Can transitions be added to a source code that uses includeIn and excludeFrom to show/hide elements? It seems that elements are hidden immediately not allowing enough time for the transition to be played.

In this documentation article, a method with visible and includeInLayout properties is used but that would mean I would need to rewrite my MXML code which I'd rather avoid.

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Flex :: View State Transitions Optimize For Mobile?

Jul 26, 2011

I have decided to go the route of using ViewNavigator and having one view with 3 states. Each state is a "page". It runs just fine on the desktop but when compiled for mobile, the transitions between the pages is really laggy, even for the Samsung Galaxy S. The phone has the 2.7 runtime and I recompiled my application with ADT 2.7, still no performance increase.

I have also tried cacheAsBitmapMatrix on all 3 pages, which are all contained in a VBox and that hasn't shown any significant performance bumps. All I'm changing is the y component of the VBox for each transition.

EDIT: I have done some more research and I am now to the point where I have hardware acceleration turned on and cacheAsBitmap = true and cacheAsBitmapMatrix = new Matrix(). I am also using to see the FPS. I notice on my state changes I go from 25 FPS to 2 and then it goes back up again.

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Flex :: Caurina Transitions - Access Of Undefined Property Tweener

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import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
It says: 1120: Access of undefined property Tweener.
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Flex :: Flex - Basic Usage Of Swffit. How To Make It Work

Feb 10, 2010

How swffit ( can be used? I mean in my project I have dynamically expanding flash application, so once the expanding part riches the bottom I see standard flash scroll bar. Not browser scrollbar...

Here is how I defined my application:

public function addPanel(evt:Event):void
var panel:Panel = new Panel(); = "new";
panel.title = "new";
panel.height = 30;
panel.width = 100;
this.addChild(panel);'my_flash', 800, 600);

public function main(event:Event):void{'my_flash', 800, 600);

<mx:Button label="Add" click="addPanel(event)"/>

The html file (same as described in docs):

<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="swffit.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
swfobject.registerObject("my_flash", "8.0.0");"my_flash",800,600);

<object id="my_flash" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="100%" height="100%">
<param name="movie" value="Sample.swf" />
<!--[if !IE]>-->
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="Sample.swf" width="100%" height="100%">

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" title="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a><br />
You need <a href="">Flash Player 8</a> and allow javascript to see the content of this site..
<!--[if !IE]>-->


Will be happy to hear any feedback,

Added fixes described in answer 1. but come across interesting issue: e.g. browser scroll bar appears only on browser window resize, not when clicking add button...

After add is clicked several times, I see flash default scroll bar...

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IDE :: Recommendations For Transitions Using 3.0?

Dec 30, 2009

I'm building my first AS 3.0 application and am using external .swf files that load into a main.swf. I'm creating transitions for each external .swf as they are unloaded so when the user clicks next, the current .swf transitions out and the new one comes in. Since loadMovie and levels are obsolete in 3.0,I've looked into the transitions manager class, but some of my transitions are pretty intricate so I would need to use timeline based tweens.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between The Frames?

Oct 26, 2011

I am working on a slideshow (sort of). The idea is that each frame in the root timeline works as a slide. Each slide inside each frame is a simple MC filled with images, texts, audio and animations and so on. Once this MC reaches its last frame, it should stop and trigger another MC used as a transition. And I've put inside this transition MC a code that should tell the root timeline to advance a single frame in order to show the next "slide".

So, on the timeline, I've put this code:

this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(slide._currentframe == slide._totalframes){


Well, needless to say it is not working. The whole swf just stops. And if I remove the stop() code of the Transitions MC at frame 2, the current slide will loop before the transition triggers the nextFrame command.

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Flash Transitions Don't Play?

Aug 14, 2009

I only open it up a couple of times a year to replace a banner ad in a clients web site. But I am having a problem with the transitions that I haven't experienced before. I created a new flash file with text that fades in over 24 frames before going to the next bit, but when I test it, it just jumps from one text to the next without the fade in. It plays fine on the stage, but exports the .swf file without the fade transitions.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Trigger The Transitions?

Jan 10, 2004

Below is the code which is used to trigger the transitions. For reference 'home' is movieclip and 'homestate' is a button in the movieclip.


I try incorporating these actions into the first script but I get an error.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Make Transitions

Mar 7, 2004

i was also wondering if it's possible to make transitions with masks using actionscript?i have section headers that i want to transition when certain buttons are clicked, and depending on what button is clicked, a new section header is shown. i put all the section headers in a movie clip, with different frame names, so when the button is clicked, it jumps to the different frame name of the movie clip.for the transition, i basically want a wipe left to reveal the section header.. and a wipe right to hide it... and to do this, i figure i'd need to mask...

so i put a mask over the movie clip and realized that flash doesn't mask movie clips very well, when using masking layers.. so it doesn't really work there a way to do this using actionscript? and if so, how? i know flash know has a setmask property for movieclips..but can you modify the mask property's size??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between The Photo's?

Aug 24, 2004

I found this site and I like the transitions between the photo's. how to make such an effect! Is it done with masks? or......?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Different Transitions For Each Section?

Mar 8, 2006

I have a menu with 4 buttons, once clicked each button sends you to its corresponding section (frame label). Each section has a different loading animation. Once in a section I would like to go to another but before this that section's specific transition animation must play. Now I've looked around and all I can find is how to do this with a universal transition animation.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between External Swf's?

Aug 15, 2006

[URL]theres the link for the turorial. my questions is, how can i use movieclips instead of using buttons. i thought it would be simple enough to create a movieclip, add the on release as to it and done, but it doesn't work. i also converted the file to flash 8 btw.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Between External SWF's??

May 19, 2008

Is there an updated version to this tutorial? I'm specifically trying to apply the technique, but using a tween engine (tweenlite) as well as MovieClipLoader.Or perhaps there's a newer, more efficient way to load swf's with transitions?

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IDE :: Transitions Between External SWFs?

Jan 30, 2009

I read the tutorial about transitions between external swfs and started implementing it! So as a good and ordonate guy that I am, I put the index.html in the root, created a style folder for the style and a folder for the swfs. I was struggling about one hour to find out why it wouldn't work, to find out that if I move the html inside with the swfs, being in the same directory, it worked fine!

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IDE :: Transitions Between External Sfws

Feb 10, 2009

I am using Flash CS3 AS2 I have a main movie into which several external swfs are loaded. Two of these swfs are left_menu and middle_menu. I would like these to be able to talk to each other. When the 'home' button is pressed on 'left menu' I would like 'middle_menu' to go to a certain frame and play out. I have had a look at the tutorial which differs a bit and I'm a little confused (very new to actionscript!). I have put on by 'home' button if 'left menu':


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Transitions Within One Swf File?

May 2, 2004

I know how to do transitions that use external swf files using levels

What if i wanted to do it all in one swf? an example is here below:


If you vist the profile page for example, you will see four main buttons at the top, Details, experience, favorites and hate. If i click on one of these some secondary buttons appear underneath, RED ones.

Now then if I press experience for example, the red buttons appear below and now if i click on favorites the experience buttons slide out to be replaced by the favorite buttons. I could do this with external swf files and use midframe actionscript but this all appears to be happening in one swf.

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Xml :: Get Flex And OpenX To Work Together?

Jan 26, 2010

I'm trying to get Flex and OpenX to work together. OpenX is returning XML. I've got two Flex classes that clean-up the XML and place the ads on my site. Unfortunately, I get Error #1090: XML parser failure, when I test it. And I can't figure out why.The first class is:

import mx.controls.Alert;
public class Ad extends Object {


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Flex :: Will 4 Work With 3 Projects

May 29, 2010

I can find a version of flex 3 since the release of flex 4. Will flex 4 work with my old project files?

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Flex :: SelectRange Does Not Work?

Jan 24, 2011

This code does not work and I have no idea why. Seems so simple, and nearly straight out of the help doc: http:[url].........

Actually, it looks like the text is kind of selected, its sort of light gray highlighted, but when I select it using the mouse it is highlighted blue, and is obviously selected. Is the light gray highlighting what is supposed to happen when using selectRange()? Amazing but true, the light-gray background is controlled by the unfocusedTextSelectionColor style property, and the light-blue background is controlled by the focusedTextSelectionColor style property.Of course, the help doc does not seem to mention this, at least not in the section I was reading, so maybe I should be so hard on its writers, but mentioning this seems important.

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