ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweens Keep Freezing At Random, No Garbage Being Collected?

Apr 24, 2010

I have had a few complications with syncing the notes coming down, then I realized tweens would be the best way to go, so I chose them.The problem is; the notes come down the screen. If there is any lag in performance, any note that is on the screen freezes on the spot, and the new notes come down, and stay in sync.This is telling me it's something to do with the tweens. The timeOuts I have set work fine for spawning notes at the right time, but the tweens are freezing on occasion, Im guessing because the timer for the tween keeps going, but flash does not notice it.Here is the code for adding the notes:

var myTween:Tween;
var timeWindow = 1;


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package com.Views {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;


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setTimeout(function(): void {
var event: ItemCreatedEvent = new ItemCreatedEvent(data);
}, 1000);

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Freezing The Flash Movie In A Pop-up?

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Apr 7, 2012

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Feb 9, 2009

I produced a site a year ago [url]... and recently - since my last update, its been freezing at the preloader on older browsers... (on one computer it didn't work on IE, I downloaded firefox to it and worked fine)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FileReference Freezing On Upload?

Sep 24, 2007

I'm having an issue with a file uploader i'm working on. Certain files, it seems files over 7mb will not upload, nor give an error, it just silently freezes when it starts.

This is on a MediaTemple [dv] with the php.ini modified so that max_file_upload = 100M, same issue.

Here some ActionScript for yashortned a lil)

var listener:Object = new Object();
listener.onSelect = function(selectedFile:FileReference):Void {
browse_mc.filename_txt.text =;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Freezing On Browser Refresh?

Mar 14, 2009

i have a simple preloader in frame 1 (scene 1), and the rest of my movie in scene 2.

the preloader is:

//Import the required assets
import flash.display.*;
//Create a listener to call the loading function as the movie loads
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, PL_LOADING);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Freezing Upon Page Load?

May 6, 2009

I am working on a simple navigation right now, and I'm getting a strange behavior from it. The first time the page loads, everything works fine, the rollovers work and everything. But then, if I click one of the nav buttons to go to an inside page, and then go back either by using the Back button on the browser or clicking "Home" in the inside nav, the Flash nav on the home page freezes after a couple of seconds.

The link to the project is: [URL]

Here are my two classes.

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Graphics;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: UnloadAndStop() Freezing / Crashing Flash?

Jul 24, 2009

I have been using the new unloadAndStop() function to unload some loaded SWFs after they are no longer needed. This has been working fine whilst testing in flash, and when I have tested it using firefox. However, to my utter horror and despair unloadAndStop() seems to be crashing safari and IE8. I haven't tried IE7.

After replacing unloadAndStop() with the old unload() the crashing stopped. So I am certain this is the problem. unloadAndStop(false) also caused flash to crash. No error was displayed.

This project has been 7 months in the making and involved a lot of hard work in the evening and weekends. I noticed that it was starting to lag after being in use for a while because SWFs weren't being released from memory. When I say lag as well, It's not like normal frame rate slowing down lag, the whole application will simply freeze up for a couple seconds, and the freezing lasts longer the longer the app has been running. I have gone through and made sure to null almost every variable myself, and null any variable in the loading swf that points to anything in the loaded SWF. It appears to be working now using the old unload() function, but will need more testing to be sure because the lagging only turns up after the application has been running for about 45 minutes and has loaded and unloaded several SWFs.

Anyway, is there anything that I can do about this or am I missing something obvious? I haven't found any other posts about this, has anyone else had this problem? Why does god hate me so much?

Sort it out please Adobe, I really don't think it should be this hard to get rid of a loaded SWF. If you were in front of me right I would be screaming at you.

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