ActionScript 3.0 :: How Would These DisplayObjects Be Garbage Collected

Feb 3, 2012

there is a Class A, it has a timer which updates its x position periodically. So all the instance of Class A will update their own x position. There is another Class B which extends Class A and overrides the function which updates position to change y position and call the trace function.

Now what I do now is create two instance alpha1, alpha2 of Class A and other two instance beta1, beta2 of Class B.

- alpha1 is only instantiated, but not added to the stage.

- alpha2 is instantiated, and there after added to the stage.

- beta1 is only instantiated, but not added to the stage.

- beta2 is instantiated, and there after added to the stage.

- let say after few seconds, I remove alpha2 and beta2 from stage.

Now suppose the GC fires collection, who all would be collected ?

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package com.Views {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;


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private function fireItemCreated(data: ByteArray): void {
setTimeout(function(): void {
var event: ItemCreatedEvent = new ItemCreatedEvent(data);
}, 1000);

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function thumbLoaded(e:Event):void{


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var myTween:Tween;
var timeWindow = 1;


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<term name="NUMBERS">
<alt_form name="1"/>


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//setup code
var timer:Timer = new Timer(100, 20);
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function countdown(event:TimerEvent) {


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Jan 5, 2010

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Where ContentContainer is my Canvas object and c is the DisplayObject I have created at run-time. Some of these DisplayObjects also have children of there own which are added at run-time prior to the DisplayObject being added to the Canvas.

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Flash :: AS3 - Give DisplayObjects Custom Properties?

Oct 10, 2010

I am very new to AS3, and I'm confused about how things that would have been simple in AS2 are so complex and tricky now. For example, I want to create a bunch TextField objects that, for some reason, rise up every frame (as in : object.y-=1; ).However, I also need each TextField to reference the TextField that was created just before it.

I tried creating a variable that would hold such a reference : ThisTextField.Ref=LastTextField; but - this returns an "Access of possibly undefined property..." error. It seems I can only have custom properties on mere Objects ! This is annoying because an Object doesn't seem to accept event listeners (remember, I need them to do something every frame). Is there a way to simply set custom properties on my TextFields, without having to use custom packages ? Or is there a way to use event listeners on Objects ? I've read something about strict mode which could allow setting properties on other objects - what are the risks of turning it off ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Function That Creates Custom Displayobjects?

Mar 18, 2011

ActionScript Code:
private function drawMap(tile1:DisplayObject, tile2:DisplayObject):void
var _tile1 = tile1;


The idea behind this is to store custom sprites in an array and then feed the array to the drawMap function, which would use the sprites from the array to draw a map.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Bitmaps Are Not Considered Children Of DisplayObjects

Jul 20, 2011

why Bitmaps are not considered children of displayObjects (at least from my observations, I think this is true). They themselves are displayObjects so therefore should be part of the display list. In fact, when multiple Bitmaps are in one MovieClip, it recognizes them as one child, a Shape instance. Could anyone explain this to me? I'm attaching an example with a few display objects in a movieclip.

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Oct 1, 2009

I wanted to use dispatchEvent inside the MOUSE_OVER event of a menu item, setting the event type to a unique label which another displayobject somewhere in the display list (NEITHER a parent nor a child of the event dispatcher) would listen for, so that it could brighten. See the following lines of code:

in menu item class MOUSE_OVER handler: dispatchEvent( new MenuEvent( xml.@label.toString().toUpperCase()+"over") );

in "site button" class constructor - the thing I want to respond to your hovering over the menu by brightening (which over() does) :
addEventListener( xml.@label.toString().toUpperCase()+"over", function( e:Event ) { SiteButton( e.currentTarget ).over(); } );

It doesn't work. I screwed around with capture and bubble parameters.

how to do what I want in a simple way? I spent 2 hours already trying to figure this out.

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Professional :: Splitting Image - Increasing DisplayObjects X Positions

Sep 24, 2010

I'm new to ActionScripts and was tasked to complete a project. I'm trying to split a big image so I can send them to a http server in chunks. I'm using a recursive function below and increasing the DisplayObjects X position on every iteration. The problem is I get the same image in every iteration and checking the encodeByteArray string value is always the same.

var currentTileIndex:int = 0;
function renderNextTile(e:Event):void{
if(currentTileIndex < tilesToLoad){
loader = new URLLoader();
[Code] .....

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Actionscript 3 :: What Is The Complementary Event Of 'show' For Flex Displayobjects

Jul 12, 2011

Since flex memory management is poor, objects once instantiated dont die very easily (even when they go out of scope), one would need to check on various properties of components. I am using one such thing to know if the screen (which is a display object) is in current view. For this I am turning on a boolean property (currently visible), and I am setting it true on show event of the display object.

What I need to know is, which event (something opposite of show, e.g left?) could be used when the screen is replaced by another display object?

Something like focusIn and focusOut from dotnet.

Or if there is some property which could directly tell me if the display object is currently in view (hasFocus doesnt seem to be giving me expected results).

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