ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Link Buttons To HTML Files?

Mar 31, 2010

I m using actionscript 3.0 and flash cs4. I have button "Music_btn" which i want to link to a HTML file which lies in C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopgindex.html. So, this i what i have tried

Music_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, music);
function music(event:MouseEvent):void {
var url:String="C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopgindex.html";
var req:URLRequest=new URLRequest(url);
navigateToURL(req, '_blank');

Error DeScription: - 1120: Access of undefined property Music_btn.

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IDE :: Unable To Link Buttons To HTML Files

Mar 31, 2010

I am new to flash as well as actionscript. I m using actionscript 3.0 and flash cs4. I have button "Music_btn" which i want to link to a HTML file which lies in C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopgindex.html. So, this I what I have tried

Music_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, music);
function music(event:MouseEvent):void {
var url:String="C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorDesktopgindex.html";
var req:URLRequest=new URLRequest(url);
navigateToURL(req, '_blank');

Error Description: - 1120: Access of undefined property Music_btn.
But of no use.

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IDE :: Unable Link To Files Such As PDFs, JPGs And WMVs Giving The User The Ability?

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Media Server :: Unable To Stream SMIL Files Unless The Html Page, Swf File And The Smil Ffile?

May 20, 2010

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But When I move the files to my web server I get Connection error. This is the same issue discussed in [URL].. I added a 'base' variable but it did not work for me. The SMIL file has the correct path to the sample files and FMS server <meta base="rtmp://" />

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Linking Buttons To Swf Files Inside One HTML Document?

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I am trying to figure out how to link a bunch of buttons to different photo albums inside a single HTML page in Dreamweaver. Here is an example of what I mean: [URL]

Unless I'm mistaken, everything in this website is contained within one HTML document.When you click on any of the various buttons in the portfolio menu, they simply load up and appear inside the same HTML document.

How on earth do you do this without clicking on any of the various buttons and having them linked to another page??

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Little Video Player (1 Playback Component, 3 Buttons Linked To 3 .flv Files) Not Working In The Published Html?

Oct 12, 2009

everyone out there that is smarter than me. I have made this little prototype video player, and it isn't working. It'll eventually become a nice little player show videos from our summer camp for the last few years, but first I want to make it work in a basic stripped down version. There is a playback component with one of the skins right above the three buttons.

Here's the ActionScript: btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid1);btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid2);btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, vid3);

function vid1(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video1.flv"};function vid2(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video2.flv"}; function vid3(e:Event):void{vidPlayer.source = "Video3.flv"};

It runs fine when I test in in flash and even the .swf file runs fine alone, but when I put it in a .html file  via Dreamweaver and in the published .html it doesn't run. What up?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Use The TextEvent.LINK?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a symbol on the stage and under a mask at design time. During the course of events, I add another movieclip to the masked clip already on the stage.This newly-added clip contains yet another clip which contains, among other things, my textfield.So the hierarchy looks like this:

Stage > Masked clip > Clip > Clip with textfield

That textfield's (named 'tf') htmlText property has a standard link, something like <a href="event:">Click here</a>

After assigning the htmlText, I add the event listener:

tf.addEventListener(TextEvent.LINK, onTextEvent);
function onTextEvent (evt:TextEvent):void
{ trace (evt.text);}

However, the link itself doesn't even switch to a hand cursor when the mouse is over it, so forget even hoping the even listener will fire!

If I add the clip directly to the stage, it "works," but adding it there isn't an option. As far as I know, I've ensured that all clips along the way have mouseChildren set to true: I just can't think of why it wouldn't be working as-is. I created a simple test in a new file, and that appeared to work..

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Html :: Set Link Of Another Html Page On Flash File

Mar 11, 2011

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Unable To Give Link To Button

Apr 17, 2009

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Sep 11, 2010

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and since, we are at the new year, you know, ther's the best film of the year, the best site of the year.. why not make a "the strangiest undocumented error of the year!".. anyway, if ther's such a competition, I vote for this error!

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Dec 31, 2009

I just recently finished the snowflake tutorial and made a very nice movie with some minor tweaks of my own into the coding, and I'm very new to flash (this being the first many experiences with it). I want to create a movie that I can make full screen without the task bar at the top (maybe in windows movie viewer or quicktime), but there is no option to play the movie, only to test. When I export the movie into an AVI files, nothing happens.

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Mar 6, 2012

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function onLoaded(e:Event):void
var xml:XML = new XML(;


How I can retrive data from XML files saved in array ??

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Html :: Flash - Rendering Swf Files In Html With/Without Swfobject?

Feb 7, 2011

Without including swfobject.js can only swf files be loaded through html.And if so is there a common tag for all the browsers.

<object id="myMovieName" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">
<param value="movie.swf" name="movie">
<param value="high" name="quality">
<param value="#FFFFFF" name="bgcolor">


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IDE :: Unable To Get URL (HTML Page)?

Jan 24, 2009

I am using Flash after 3/4 years, before I used Flash 5 now I am working in Flash CS3 and Dreamweaver CS3.okay I've made the navigation in Flash, now I need to open a HTML page on "press"following action I've used on button.

on (press) {
getURL("creatives.html", "_self");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Load External Files

May 30, 2007

I have an image gallery consisting of thumbnail buttons, which load the external fade in/out files. When the buttons are on the main timeline everything works perfectly, but I wanted them to be scrollable so I placed them within a MC, still on the main timeline, and now the externals wont load the scrolling and button actions are fine.

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Unable To Play .FLV Files On Macbook Pro

Jan 18, 2011

I have a colleague who is trying to put together a Flash package for me  on her macbook pro.  It needs to play an flv file. She is unable to play  flv files on her computer either in Flash or using the Adobe Media  Player. I have no problem playing the same files on my macbook pro,  we're both running the latest OS and have version 1.8 of Adobe Media  Player. She went to the Adobe site to download the latest version of Adobe  Media Player, hoping that might include whatever component is missing on  her system. Because of Adobe's decision not to distribute AMP that  didn't help. 

She has Flash Professional CS5 11.0.2 on her system.  When  she imports an flv video into a Flash project and tries to play it she  gets an error message saying it can't stream the video. Note that the  video is on her hard drive, it is NOT on the internet so no streaming  should be required. The actual error message is: "the video player is in the connection  error state. It enters this state when a video stream attempted to load  but was unsuccessful. There are two possible reasons for the error: no  connection to the server or the stream was not found." Since it's a file on her hard drive, and she has loaded the file  into the Adobe development environment successfully, the one thing we  know for certain is that neither of these reasons is correct.

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Professional :: Unable To Package Additional Files For Use On Android

Aug 27, 2011

Using flash professional CS5.5 - creating an Air for Android app. It appears you can't deploy any additional files, other than the swf file,  In Air debug launcher (mobile) the additional files deploy.But as soon as you deploy it for real on an android machine it fails to install the extra files. (it's a small sqllite file).I have looked in the final APK file using zip and they are there in the assets folder.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Text In HTML To Flash?

Dec 9, 2010

thread with XML in the title so I came on in...I will start with I am new to flash so a novice is an over estimation. I have a flash template for my photography gallery. It is a nice template and "almost" everything works smoothly. Notice i said almost everything, the gallery images loads from an XML file.hats nice for updating the gallery, There is a small slide out window that holds text in the gallery. I am using it for exif data and I am fine with just placing the exif data in manually when I update the gallery. Now for the PROBLEM.... There is a CDATA tag in the XML file where the text goes for the info. When i alter the text in that section it makes all the text in that images info field dissappear at runtime. Any ideas what will cause this to happen. I have tried everything to remedy this it seems. I hav tried the support where I purchased the template

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Put An Action In Buttons?

Apr 22, 2010

ive been working on a porfolio and i mad all my buttons and symbols but when i go to put in actions it tells me im not able to put an action in.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Make Variables And Buttons?

Feb 7, 2004

I have a movie clip button that has 3 states:up, over, out, and press.the action script inside the movie clip button looks like this:

onRollOver = function () {


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Flash :: Html - Unable To Hide A SWF Object Embedded In An Iframe?

Apr 12, 2012

On my HTML page, I have <div> with an <iframe>, which references another page, that contains a Flash SWF object. If I set any of these:


on the <div> that wraps the <iframe>, the SWF object sometimes remains in plain sight, while the <div>and <iframe> go out of view as expected.


This should work in the latest versions of Safari, Chrome and Firefox on a Mac and in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer on a Windows 7 machine, and it should fail (no errors but the hiding behavior doesn't occur) in Safari on a Windows 7 machine.

It might be pertinent to note that one thing I've noticed about the SWF objects that have passed and failed are that the ones that have failed all revolve around video content whereas the ones that have passed don't. Granted I haven't tested more than a half-dozen objects, but that's quite a coincidence. :)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Sizing When Loading .swf Into An Html For Viewing Purposes?

Nov 27, 2011

I finished my first as3 project that wasn't Hello World and I wanted to send it to a friend. So I put together an .HTML document to load the .swf file but when I open it as a page the game is larger than the displayed area even though my project is 640X480 and the HTML is set to display that (the .swf displays correctly when opened with the stand alone viewer). I also went into the bin/index.html file in my project and edited the height and width from "100%" to "640" and "480" respectively. I have tried adjusting and changing every parameter and value that I could find to try and fix this issue.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Unable To Control A Movieclip's Timeline

Aug 13, 2009

I have 2 buttons (prev and next) that should control the timeline of a moviclip called "container"

but it just doesn't work. at first it moves to the second frame on this movieclip then the container shows always the same content ( it has different content for each frame), the content of the second frame.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unable To Use Buttons With Draggable Movie Clip?

Feb 1, 2010

I have a movie clip on the main timeline in frame 1 that I named moveablekey. What it is supposed to be is a key for a map that you can move around on the map. When you scroll over/off the key it will hide/unhide the actual key. The key has some buttons that I want to allow to go to a different link when clicked. When I test the key without the code below it will work on the link and take me to the link, but when I put the code into the main timeline it stops the link from working. Here is what I think is happening: The code seems to make it so wherever I click on the movie clip it is doing the start/stop drag code and won't recognize the buttons within the movie clip. So is there a way that I can make just the header of the key to be clickable to start/stop the drag, but still move the entire key, and allow for the buttons to be clicked?

moveablekey.onPress = function(){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Assign Buttons To Move Character?

May 12, 2010

I am trying to assign buttons my on my 'gameScreen' to move my character. though I am receiving an error msg saying: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no Mainas()

import flash.display.MovieClip;

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