ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Packages - Importing Class And Dynamic MovieClip

Jul 9, 2009

I have a package (XMLThumbLoader) that loads thumbnails and is supposed to import a scroller class(DSIScroller). The thumbloader works fine, but when I try to scroll the thumbsContainer movie clip, I get "Error #1009 Cannot acces a property or method of a null object reference". Notice that I instantiated the DSIScroller class near the end of the main package instead of underneath the import DSIScroller command. By doing this, my thumbnails show up. If I place the instantiation right under the import command, no thumbs show. I believe the issue is with the dynamically created movie clip: thumbsContainer.

Here is the main package (XMLThumbLoader)
package {
import flash.xml.*;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Packages/files?

Dec 6, 2010

I was working with a sample code and when I do a 'cntrl + ENTER' I get a 'Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: LoginEvent' error I also get the same error for the other events of 'RoomEvent' and 'XIFFErrorEvent'. My source files 'Test.FLA' and 'Test.AS' are located here: 'xiff_3_0_0src' whereas the various packages refered to in the source file are located here: 'xiff_3_0_0srcorgigniterealtimexiff'. My import statements are as follows:
import flash.display.MovieClip; import org.jivesoftware.xiff.conference.Room; import org.jivesoftware.xiff.core.JID; import org.jivesoftware.xiff.core.XMPPSocketConnection; import; import; import;

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2. Compiled Module with -load-externs obj<ShellProject>_Extern.xml Module size shrank from 90 KB to 2,05 KB.

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import flash.filters.*;
tf.filters = [new GlowFilter(), new GradientGlowFilter(), new DropShadowFilter(), new BevelFilter(), new BlurFilter() ];

Module size grew to 2,15 KB.

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//import flash.filters.*; commented out
var GlowFilter:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("GlowFilter"));
var GradientGlowFilter:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName("GradientGlowFilter"));


Error #1065 GlowFilter not initialized, Module size grew to 2,19 KB. Deleting some, but not all filters is decreasing size, so it's not the getDefinitonByName that takes 0,14 KB (2,19 - 2,05 without filters).

1. Do I understand the idea of load externs, or does it work only with specific classes? Why it doesn't work with filters?

2. What did I screw up with getDefinitionByName and is it a new feature because of it's use like in link below?

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private var mcHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip()[code].................

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doc = """
<RootObj val1="ValueOne" stat1="Stat1" stat2="Stat2">
<internalarray type="array">
<InternalObject val1="12" val2="12" />
<InternalObject val1="13" val2="13" />


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import flash.display.*;


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var clipScroll = createEmptyMovieClip("scrollBar", 3)
clipScroll = new com.texts.text_items.ScrollBar

the problem is if I do like this the class that I start is just an object. I can't trace where it is, I cant create a movieclip inside it and trace where that is.

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private var CBByteCode:Class;

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I am having problem with importaing package/public customClass via a code snipit Scripting. Here are the details I created a ActionScrip3.0 script saved it as inside an unnamed package then I creeates a blank customClass.fla file (notice the the name customClass.fla and must be identical for this to work)and in the properties section simply put and then I run customClass.fla test movie and it works fine.. The problem is how do I call again in myFlash.fla that does not have the name customClass.fla file using a code snipet

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Actionscript 3 :: Importing Class On Another Frame?

Apr 15, 2012

I am using external AS files for a new project of mine, which involved creating a place to draw so i used the following tutorial to get a basic idea of what is need. I got the hope application working and running smoothly until i decided i wanted to add in a preloading & Menu - putting the drawing part of the app on the third frame - which got me this error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
object reference.
- at Main/convertToBMD()
- at Main()

So I thought instead of adding the to the Class under properties i would import the file on the frame instead. Using:

var main:Main = new Main();

This worked apart from it loses all connections to the instance names.

Line 64 1120: Access of undefined property pencil.
Line 65 1120: Access of undefined property eraser.
Line 65 1120: Access of undefined property txt.
Line 82 1120: Access of undefined property board.
Line 83 1120: Access of undefined property board.

So what i would like to know, is there a better way of doing this and getting it working on any frame?By changing something in the external script or another way of importing onto frame?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Class Importing?

Sep 3, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Importing Of Outer Class - Errors

Jun 11, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Custom Cursor Class?

Jul 31, 2010

I have a Flash document containing several subclasses. I want to access a custom cursor class I wrote from another subclass called 'mapmenu'. The thing is, it's not working properly. I can import it from my Main class, but not from any subclass. Some bells should be ringing..This is the custom cursor class (located at C:/Flashproject/com/own/Cursor/

Actionscript Code:

package com.own.Cursor{ import flash.display.*;  import*;  import flash.geom.Point; import flash.ui.Mouse; public class Cursor extends MovieClip private var stageRef:Stage;public function


I let all the other script out, it's a bunch and it's not needed for the cursor to function.In the .FLA I have a MovieClip called Cursor containing a cursor. It's exported on frame 1.The problem is: the cursor class won't be called. No errors, no cursor, no trace (see cursor class).

EDIT:FYI: I would put this in the main class:

Actionscript Code:
cursor = new Cursor(stage);stage.addChild(cursor);

But I can't address stage from a subclass can I..?

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Nov 20, 2011

I have a air for android project going and I am wanting to import a actionscript class for use in the main timeline. I wrote the class and imported it, but I get the following errors: Line 1 5001: The name of package 'com' does not reflect the location of this file. change the package definition's name inside this file, or move the file. Here is from the timeline


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Document Class Vs Importing .as File?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm just wondering about the difference between using an external .as file as a Document Class vs importing it via some timeline code like:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Classes Without Using Document Class

Feb 2, 2011

I have 2 as3 files, which are the classes used . I have to use it with the main flash movie.. How will I include those as3 files without using document class..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing And Running Custom Class?

Jun 25, 2011

I'm trying to create an external file for mouse movement sensing so I don't have to rewrite it everytime I want to use it, which is what .as files are for, I understand.I think the package is working (kind of) but I'm not sure how to get it to run as every tutorial I have come accross applies to graphic use.This is my package (I don't know why the coding is unalligned):

ActionScript Code:
package {[code]....

I've tried 2 ways to get it to work: 1.) Assign a class to the stage in the properties panel. When I did this I had no errors but the ENTER_FRAME function did not work, which entirely defeated the purpose of the coding.


ActionScript Code:
var test:mouseVisibility = new mouseVisibility();

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Importing Or Is It Exporting The Document Class

Nov 14, 2009

I have a main.swf with a loader that loads an external.swf file. That file is an xml photogallery. The gallery has two other folders lets call them folder1 (contains xml file, image files) folder2 (which has sub folders that files for the tweens) I need to import these files to the main.swf or is it export these files from the gallery to the main.swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing And Including Class And Functions

Jul 12, 2009

am new to flash and am trying to create simple program, I kinda know how to code the program but its really difficult to interpret everything into action script. For example I created class file in file


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Importing Mouse Event Class?

Jan 8, 2010

I'm new to AS3 and I'm working on a game that I've run into a problem with.I converted a movie on my main timeline to a movie clip and suddenly my event listeners weren't working right. I kinda figured I needed to import the mouse event class to make it work, but it dp.I have 5 AS keyframes that act on a single button (submit_btn) along the mc timeline. This is the code assigned to each keyframe

swing_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,press1 );
function press1(evt:MouseEvent):void { MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop(1,"HitsBrianMFSEmerald


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