ActionScript 3.0 :: XML Return All Children

Jan 6, 2010

Ok, using the xml example below


Is there a way to create XML or an array of the <act> content (ie: p12_intro) in one swoop as apposed to having to loop through each node and use hasOwnProperty('act') or something similar? At the moment im looping through XML created with this line...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get UIComponent By Id Or Name, The GetChildByName Does Not Return Childrent Of Children

Sep 23, 2009

My application will load an xml file that has the name or id of a UIComponent. Later this will be used to set text or images.
This component could be on a panel or a panel in a panel, I am not familiar with flex but in javascript getElementByid would return the element wherever it is on the document (when called on the document). There is no get....Byid in fex and getChildByName does not look in children.For example

<mx:Text name="works" id="works"></mx:Text>    <mx:Panel>        <mx:Panel>            <mx:Text id="noWorkie" name="noWorkie" text="a test"></mx:Text>        </mx:Panel>    </mx:Panel>
this.getChildByName("works"); // worksstage.getChildByName("works"); // returns nullthis.getChildByName("noWorkie"); // returns null
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For example this.root does not have a getChildren method to go through nor does stage. Guess I need to find the highest possible Container class starting with this.parent.There must be a "simple" way to do this but all examples I could find would not go from top level to lowest child as javascript would do in document.getElemetByid.

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<dir name="images">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: [CS4] Children Inside Children - 1119: Access Of Possibly Undefined Property NumChildren

Jan 12, 2011

I have a Sprite called pageContent. Inside pageContent are 12 more Sprites with unique names, a couple of Buttons, and some TextFields. Inside each of the 12 Sprites I have either one or two TextFields and one TextInput. My question is, since they are children inside a child of pageContent, how can I access them? Here is how I am trying to do it:


In my mind, this should totally work. But surprise, surprise, it doesn't. I have debugged it and it works fine for the first two lines, but when it tries to get numChildren of a Child of pageContent (line 3), I get this error: PHP Code: 1119: Access of possibly undefined property numChildren through a reference with static type flash.display:DisplayObject.

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Data Integration :: Pulling In Children Of Children In XML

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Data Integration :: Pulling In Children Of Children In XML?

Jul 24, 2010

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total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
totalb =


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<s:ArrayCollection id="_ac_ps">
<fx:Object label="Block and lot" data="_blocklot" searchType="districtblocklot"
info="" />


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Jan 11, 2011

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Is there a way to make it add the child properly instead of botching the entry up like that?

var test:XML = new XML("<tests><test>1</test></tests>");
test.appendChild(new XML("<test>2</test>"));

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IDE :: Children And Go To Next Frame?

Mar 18, 2010

I am creating a breakout game and below is a part of my code:

function updateGame(e:Event) {
if (ball_mc.hitTestObject(brickone_mc)) {;


I have got it removing the bricks as each brick has an instance name, I am now wanting to go to an end screen once all the bricks have been removed, is there a way to count the children and then put a gotoAndStop() in?

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Parents Won't Stop Having Children

Nov 10, 2009

ok, my Digital arts class is making a flash project, and im like the only one actually making a game, so im pretty much alone. i got a lot of help from the people on the AS3 forum, but im pretty sure that my question is too easy to put there. so, i have an array, and it basicly puts a spike on the screen at a random Y, and moves it across the screen, but, when i hit a spike, and ti goes to the you lose screen, the loop keeps adding children, and putting them on the screen, is it possible to just say stop adding children, and go to the next frame? i have a break, but when i stop colliding with the spike in the next frame, the spikes start coming again. also, can i totally reset the movie? cause when i just go to frame 1, the array plays itself ontop of itself and it gets twice as hard

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AS3: Added Children Not Showing Up?

Nov 27, 2009

I'm getting a list of movieclips with attached scripts to display, but when I try to put them on the sceen nothing shows up.I can trace the elements in the list and it will tell me there are elements there.I can trace getChildAt(numChildren -1) and it will tell me there is something there but nothing is visible.If I generate the list in the constructor of the class that handles the displaying it does show them, but when I try to load them when they are actually needed they don't show up.Here's a simplification of the code(its a small part of a larger project and I can't put all of it up somewhere public)This code does what it should do(unfortunately that is not what I need done)


import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;


The traces all show up so I know its running the method, the traces tell me it adds stuff the the screen, but what I see on the screen remains completely stagnant, as if nothing is being added.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Can't Remove The Children

Mar 12, 2010

adding all the bricks of another movie clip into an array in my controlling mc (GameScreen). Except, when I try to remove them from the display list by accessing them from their array, I get


ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild()...and so on

I'm guessing it's something to do with adding another movie clip's children into an array in a movieclip that isn't the stored clips' direct parent, but it's parent's parent.

private function checkBrickHit():void{
for(var i:int=0;i<brickArray.length;i++){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Children Of A Child?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a movieclip called "myClip" and I add a random child to myClip which is either "myChild1", "myChild2", or "myChild3" and inside of all of these is a child called "myLittleChild".

How would I call on the child "myLittleChild"?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestObject On Children To Themselves?

Jan 9, 2012

I have children being added to the stage, and they all have the same name:


and then inside them I have them looking for a hit test of any movieclip with the name art_crab, but I keep getting a null response...


how i can make sure that they collide and i dont get this response?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swap Children At Once?

Nov 6, 2008

I have 4 tab movieClips (Suppose 1_mc,2_mc, 3_mc, 4_mc).Not 1_mc is on top and covering some part of 2_mc, same as 2_mc is covering some part of 3_mc, and 3_mc is covering some part of 4_mc.Now whenever i clicked any tab Movieclip. it should come on top of all MovieClips.

in AS2 there was a method swapDepths(This.getNextHighestDepth()) and by that we can swap current movieclip by all other MovieClips.So is there any code in AS3 also, which can swap child at once with all the Movieclips? I checked from setChildIndex and swapChildren too but its taking more length of code and complexity too, to understand which movieclips has to be swaped now?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add All Values From Xml.children()

Sep 1, 2010

I have an xml of numbers that I am using to power some dynamic bar charts..
I can easily pull out a string of all node values for variable area (SQMI)
the trace result looks like this
these values do not appear to be seperated but I am hoping they are (there should be 11 unique values here).
How can I sum the 11 values as extracted from my XML?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External SWF Children?

Sep 30, 2010

I am loading external swf in main swf using Loader. this external swf has an as class which extends sprite and adds images and sprite to that class when i load this external swf in main swf i get external class sprite...But if i trace this sprite children then i get 0.

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Actionscript 3 :: How To Update Children

Aug 15, 2010

For starters let me just say that I am very new to action script and also that I'm not using adobe creative suite, I am using notepad with flex as a compiler. I have two classes, a main class and a class called OBJECT_square.

Here is the MAIN class:

import flash.display.*; import mx.core.*;
import*; import mx.collections.*;
import flash.geom.*; import mx.controls.*;


Now my problem is this. Simply put I would like the square that OBJECT_square draws to move right when I press the right arrow key. Right now I can only get it to be drawn once (though I am actually creating two separate squares in two different spots). Now the thing I need to know is if I have used the keyboard event correctly in OBJECT_square. I used keyboard event in the main class as well to display the last key I pressed but I'm not sure how to use it in a class other than the main one. Also I'm not sure how to 'update' the square so that it is redrawn when it moves, that is remove its old self from the display list and reinsert its new self. The whole kinda point to the code is that the square be 'self-sufficient', ie contains all the code needed to draw it and move it rather than relying on any other class. I basically want it so that once another class has made a square the square is capable of doing everything else on its own.

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Flash :: AS3 - Children Are Not Displayed?

Jun 19, 2011

I have a container symbol called BoxContainer. This can contain an unknown number of Radio Button components. To add these, I have an array of Radio Buttons called boxes.This is part of the CheckBoxes class.Here's my problem: When I add the radio buttons as children to the stage, from the frame itself, it works just fine. However, I need to add it to the BoxContainer movie clip. I have tried:

On the frame:
for(var i in Checkbox.boxes)

However, both of these do not work. When I run the flash, the radio buttons are not visible. How can I fix this?

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Put All Children Of A MovieClip Into An Array?

Jul 11, 2011

I have an movieClip Container and I want to move all its children into an Array.i think about the method I used to delete all children of a container by using while and removechild at 0, but I think it wont work in this situation.

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AS3 :: Re-order The Children Of Container?

Jul 12, 2011

I have a little trouble in managing the children my container. The fact is that it has a lot of children and their y coordinates are very random.

Is there anyway i can order them by y coordinates that the lower will be in the front and the higher with be in the back?

is it something that that I can do with 2 "for"?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get SWC Assets With Children?

May 18, 2011

How do I publish and import a SWC in a way that allows me to access the exported symbols as well as their children? working on an action script project in Flash Builder 4. In my SWC I have a sprite called SP_ViewHome. That sprite has a child called mcContent which is another sprite instance.I've included the SWC so that the FB4 recognizes the class SP_ViewHome (and auto completes when I create references to them). But my problem is that I can't access it's child by using the regular syntax for accessing children (compiler error 1119: "Access of possibly undefined property mcContent through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite")

public class ViewHome extends Sprite
private var s:Sprite;[code]....

I can access that child with the getChildByName() function. However this seems inefficient both in terms of development and run time performance.I need to do to be able to access children of SWC classes more easily?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Children Of The Stage?

Jun 21, 2011

I have two symbols. player and wall. The player symbol has a custom made class.For some reason a player object on the stage is a child of the stage but the wall objects are not. Why are the wall objects not children of the stage?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Add Children On Top Of Page?

Dec 29, 2010

The only thing I've done different all this time is I'm starting to move my last 2 years of code and .fla files into one giant .fla with the code and basically turn it into an official app. Which I'm very very very excited about, and this's the one last tiny thing I need to do, then I can spend the entire rest of my brake just putting the app together...

The adding of children is still working just fine. But its adding children behind everything else instead of in front and I have no idea why, and it's very confusing.Before it's always just plopped them in front and it's never been an issue.Here's my add child code, what could I do slightly different just to ensure they're on top of my back grounds?his's never been an issue before and I've tried everything I know how to do.looking at how to add children to a higher z axis, etc. to no avail.

Code: Select allpublic function hb() {
_mcHammerBook = new mcHammerBook();


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