AS3: Added Children Not Showing Up?

Nov 27, 2009

I'm getting a list of movieclips with attached scripts to display, but when I try to put them on the sceen nothing shows up.I can trace the elements in the list and it will tell me there are elements there.I can trace getChildAt(numChildren -1) and it will tell me there is something there but nothing is visible.If I generate the list in the constructor of the class that handles the displaying it does show them, but when I try to load them when they are actually needed they don't show up.Here's a simplification of the code(its a small part of a larger project and I can't put all of it up somewhere public)This code does what it should do(unfortunately that is not what I need done)


import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer;


The traces all show up so I know its running the method, the traces tell me it adds stuff the the screen, but what I see on the screen remains completely stagnant, as if nothing is being added.

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//add 2 euros
buttonDvaEuro.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pridatDvaEuro);
function pridatDvaEuro(event:MouseEvent):void{


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Apr 12, 2011

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for(var i=0;i<6;i++) {
var aCherry=new cCherry()

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Clearly stage.getChildByName("aCherry")[i] isn't correct, but coming from JavaScript this makes the most sense to me and should accurately portray what I'm trying to achieve for you guys reading this. So, how would I actually do this? This being getting an array of children added to the stage under a certain name or class (so an array of cCherry would work too, if necessary), then using them in a way similar to the above loop.

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Added Children But Objects Not Displaying In Flash

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ActionScript Code:
rama2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, rama2);
function rama2(event:MouseEvent):void


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newClip.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, checkClip);


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How can I know who are they children? (avoiding ENTER_FRAME if possible).

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public class TestView extends TextField {


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var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(glo.bal.base_url+"videos/vid_1.swf");
mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler_one);


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for (j=0; j<styles.length; j++)


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function saveAction(evt:MouseEvent):void{
var inputText:String = saveName.text;

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function closeSaveWindow(evt:MouseEvent):void{
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Full Render code here [URL]

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var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(;
var feedResponse:String = (;
var object:Object = JSON.decode(feedResponse); //getting the data


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"mxmlc.exe" -as3 -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true -target-player "10"
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The first line shows nothing in that location in the array, and the second pops up a phone number, just like I'm after.

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<div id="spacer">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" [code].....

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<script type="text/javascript" src="[URL]"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load("jquery", "1.7.1");
google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
var obj_template = '<object width="260" height="140">'
[Code] .....

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<dir name="images">


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Jan 21, 2011

I am using a Flash AS2 template for a PayPal shopping cart on my site. As the code is now, a new shipping charge is added to the buyers total for every item added. I would like it to have only 1 shipping charge, no matter how many items are added!

Actionscript Code:
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;cartItems = new Array();itemNr = -1;itemQty = 1;cartin = false;ctrl_mc.cart_mc.onRelease = showCart;attachMovie("cart","cart_mc",15000,


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In this game attached I need the old Children (rats) to hurt the character when he walks into them, however only the most recently added Child is active in that way... also the rats seem to appear above the character instead of below, is there any way to resolve these issues??

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Jan 12, 2011

I have a Sprite called pageContent. Inside pageContent are 12 more Sprites with unique names, a couple of Buttons, and some TextFields. Inside each of the 12 Sprites I have either one or two TextFields and one TextInput. My question is, since they are children inside a child of pageContent, how can I access them? Here is how I am trying to do it:


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Code: = function() {;


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Data Integration :: Pulling In Children Of Children In XML

Sep 23, 2006

Newbie to XML here and I have what I *hope* is an easy problem, but I just don't know the answer. And as I have to try and show this by Monday, I'm sort of stuck. I am trying to pull in information about houses via an xml file. Each house has 1 address, 1 owner, 1 description, and about 6 photos. I have no problem accessing the address, owner, etc, and I can always access the first photo, but whenever I cycle through the photos, I seem to cycle through the first photo for every house, not every photo for each house.

Basically, I need the children <images> to go up by one, without the the parent going up by 1. I am hoping I am describing this well. My code looks like this:


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Flex - Access Children Of Children Recursively?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a Canvas which has many components inside it and those again, have many components inside them.

getChildren() returns only the top level children. What is the best way to retrieve all the children (children of children of children and so on).

Well, I sorta know how to do this by iterating through the children, but the code is really messy. I'd prefer to use a nice recursive function. Has anyone written this before? Or is there a Util class to do this?

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Data Integration :: Pulling In Children Of Children In XML?

Jul 24, 2010

I am trying to pull in information about houses via an xmlfile. Each house has 1 address, 1 owner, 1 description, and about 6photos. I have no problem accessing the address, owner, etc, and Ican always access the first photo, but whenever I cycle through thephotos, I seem to cycle through the first photo for every house,not every photo for each house.Basically, I need the children <images> to go up byone, without the the parent going up by 1. I am hoping I amdescribing this well.My code looks like this:

total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;
totalb =


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