ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Variables From A Movie Within A Movie?

Jul 23, 2009

I have a movie, let's say MainMovie. Within this movie I have another movie, let's call it MovieWithin.

I have a few variables in the MainMovie such as MyColour, MyHeight, etc.

In the MovieWithin, I want to place the following code:

ThisColour = _root.MyColour;
ThisHeight = _root.MyHeight;

So that when it loads I can pass variables to the movie. But this isn't working for me!

It seems that I can access variables going in one direction, but not in the other.

For instance if I was in the MainMovie, and had a code such as: MyHeight = this.MovieWithin.ThisHeight

Then this would work absolutely fine! But if I try to access variables in the other direction, from the inner movie to the outer movie, it just won't have it!

I've tried the _parent technique with no joy!

Basically I want to be able to load several movies (not at the same time!) into my MovieWithin, but be able to control their state on loading by accessing the variables in the MainMovie.

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keyword = varkeyword

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keeps appearing in the text fields

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_root.loadvars = new LoadVars();
_root.mainoslataus.onLoad = function(succes)

The problem is that I want to use it at the preloader frame, and display it same time when flash file is loading. But it won't work, it loads when the file has fully loaded, and then its too late.I know that I could use another swf to load this swf and display it then, but its not what I want.

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var SuperAwesomeGuy:MovieClip = new MovieClip()

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var variableMovie:MovieClip = _root.attachMovie("movie","movie-with-complicated-name"+i,random_depth)
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variableMovie._y = 500

and I didn't found anything else useful...

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PHP Code:
on (release) {
if (_root.blueButton == 2) {


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(on the main stage)

chair = 2;
(in the movie clip)


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function finish(boxname, arrayname:Array):void {
for each (var item:String in arrayname) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Variables From A Parent Movie?

Nov 10, 2009

i am trying to make a basic preloader for an AS3 site. I followed the tutorial on this site (Preloading actionscript 3 the easy way) where its similar to AS 2 - create a Preloader movie and load the whole .swf into it.

only problem is i need some variables that i pass to the movie via QueryString parameters in the Object and embed tags. Is there any way to get this in my loaded movie?

i have tried

none of them work. Can i create a variable in the prelaoder and just go "parent.thevariable" ? or does parent even work when something is loaded into a loader?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass Variables To A Duplicated Movie?

Jan 19, 2005

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Variables In A Loaded Movie

May 22, 2003

Can anyone tell me how to set variables in a child movie from a parent movie?[code]but it doesn't work!txtChild is a variable in the child.swf movie. (A dynamic text field with instance name "ChildText")

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IDE :: PHP : Displaying Address Bar Variables In A Flash Movie?

Jul 7, 2009

I am trying to create a flash movie that takes variables from the address bar of the page in which it is contained, and then displays the results.If possible I would like to use PHP in conjunction with flash to achieve this.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Refresh / Reread Variables Within Movie

Aug 31, 2009

I have created a little virtual shop that reads the amount of money a player has and then enables different products to be bought. Eg - if someone has 200 points they can buy a ball for 20 or a bat for 200. This all works fine for one purchase. All of the items check the score and are enabled or disabled fine. However, say I purchase the ball - the points reduces by 20 to 180 - not a problem - but the bat is still enabled even though the variable has reduced so they can't afford it.Is there a way of refreshing the variable so that the items are constantly monitoring the variable amounts?[code]I put it in an mc so that if they buy the item it goes to a different frame where there is no mc to check the myscore var and therefore they've bought it!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Referencing Variables In A Loaded Movie?

Sep 22, 2003

I'm having trouble referencing variables in a loaded movie. I read in other posts that you simply refer to the variable as if it belongs to the clip you load it into, however this doesn't seem to be working for me

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Read Some Variables Into A Flash Movie?

Apr 5, 2004

I need to read some variables into a flash movie. Can I do this with javascript or the <param> tags?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables To A Duplicated Movie?

Jan 19, 2005

just wondering if theres a way to pass variables to a duplicated movie. Ill be creating duplicate movies very fast (about 20 per second) and want them each to have differrent variables to work with.

duplicating with that , and i want to pass 3 variables to the new movie clip

dot.duplicateMovieClip("dot"+currdot, this.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x: xpos, _y:ypos});

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