ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Text Info To ObjectDisplay Images XML

Jul 15, 2009

I have a rotataing menu that is driven by xml images. the images all load in, but I would like to have a little text info at the left side of each image as it rotates.I understand that you create dynamic text fields, which I have done in my fla that then somehow link you to the xml where the text info is read from, but how the AS3 script goes for this I do not know?I would like the text to be fixed with the image and rotate by the side of images and not pop up like a tooltip.I am working with example files I received from soulwire, which contain displayObjects so I think it has to be done like that?I am new to AS3 so I don't really understand how it works, would anyone beable to direct me to somelinks on how to do this or be so kind as to take a look the example files I have uploaded.URL...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Text To ObjectDisplay Images XML?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a rotataing menu that is driven by xml images. the images all load in, but I would like to have a little text info at the left side of each image as it rotates.I understand that you create dynamic text fields, which I have done in my fla that then somehow link you to the xml where the text info is read from, but how the AS3 script goes for this I do not know?I would like the text to be fixed with the image and rotate by the side of images and not pop up like a tooltipI am working with example files I received from soulwire, which contain displayObjects so I think it has to be done like that???I am new to AS3 so I don't really understand how it works, would anyone beable to direct me to somelinks on how to do this or be so kind as to take a look the example files I have uploaded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Text To Objectdisplay Images XML?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a rotataing menu that is driven by xml images. the images all load in, but I would like to have a little text info at the left side of each image as it rotates.

I understand that you create dynamic text fields, which I have done in my fla that then somehow link you to the xml where the text info is read from, but how the AS3 script goes for this I do not know?

I would like the text to be fixed with the image and rotate by the side of images and not pop up like a tooltip

I am working with example files I received from soulwire, which contain displayObjects so I think it has to be done like that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load In Text Info From The Same Xml File To The Left Side Of The Images That Load In

Jul 16, 2009

I have a rotaing menu that loads in images from an xml file, I would also like it to load in text info from the same xml file to the left side of the images that load in. In my main .fla have created a movieclip and called it 'textInfo' and inside that I have two dynamic text fields called 'headerText' and 'bodyText' where I want to load the text in. this is what I am using to loading in the text in my actionscript, is this correct?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Images And Text Via Xml?

Jun 9, 2010

I have downloaded some templates and im working out how to do several things. One part of the site picks up text from an XML doc and builds sperate text boxes for each item on the XML list. Also built are the scrollpane, scrollbar and generates the text style/size etc. How would i change the actionscript so it adds an image to the text it picks up from the XML file?

var flashmo_item_list = new Array();var flashmo_item_group:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
var item_width:Number = flashmo_mask.width;var item_height:Number = 0;var


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Text And Images Dynamically?

Jan 16, 2011

I was asked to create a flash product configurator:

1) true 3D visualization of the product (not perspective)

2) customization by the user to add uploaded images and texts to the product and styling text as he wants applying font e color. I have doubts about adding text and images to a 3D object and render them on the fly.

3) and optionally, save that configuration for a successive editing or to propose last saved model to other users. For this I thought to save the 3D clip as a file and then reload it.

Is this achievable flash AS3? If yes, can I use some 3D flash library like Sandy 3D?

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Javascript :: Resizing / Cropping / Rotating And Adding Text To Images In Rails

Apr 20, 2011

I need to include a feature on an app I'm building that allows the user to upload an image and manipulate it in various ways including adding text. This is basically a way to design custom printed merchandise as is already found on many websites and will be overlayed on a background image of whatever is being customised e.g. T-Shirt.The basic requirements are: resize, crop and rotate image against background. Overlay and change position/colour/style of text against image. Preview the final design against the background.

I know that flash is possibly the best solution but I was really hoping to avoid it and use Jquery instead. While there is plenty out there for resizing and cropping images with javascript there doesn't seem to be anything that fits my needs.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mage Viewer Which Loads In Images And Their Info From XML

Nov 28, 2008

I'm making an image viewer which loads in the images and their info from XML. I'm wanting to have a list of the images titles, and clicking on a title brings up that image. I've parsed the XML into an array, and I'm using a FOR loop to go through the array and create a project_btn sprite, which contains a project_txt textfield within it to display it's name. As part of the FOR loop,I'm adding an event listener to listen for a ROLL_OVER event,which, for the moment just traces the project_btn's name. The problem I'm having is that it seems to only add the eventListener to the LAST project_btn... so the others are useless. [code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader SWF Setup - Loading Images / Info

Oct 8, 2007

I'm about to make a preloader of sorts, but have run into a problem because I have multiple SWFs being externally loaded in different locations. [URL]

As of now, it's setup like so:
Main.swf - has the scrollbar, loads body.swf into scrollbar container
Body.swf - has the layout, buttons, etc. Loads illus_finished.swf, illus_sketchbook.swf, etc.
illus_finished (and all other work files).swf - dynamically loads XML and images/info.

So basically, its one big swf that loads the content swf. The content swf loads the work swf's - which load the xml, images/info. I think I might load all the swfs from one file somehow, but I'm having trouble targeting into MC's of loaded swf's.

Should I set up a preloader swf, and somehow preload all the swfs into the browser cache? (I dont know how to do this, esp since I'm loading into a target, and not a level#) This way I wouldn't have to change how my movie is setup.

Should I take all the loading instances out of all my files and load them all from the first movie - and stick the preloader in THAT file? I can't figure THIS out, either, because I can't seem to target movieclips in loaded SWFs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Slideshow - Loading Images Using XML Info From Array

May 25, 2009

I've constructed a dynamic slideshow using ActionScript 2.0 and PHP/MySQL. The reason for this, aside from update purposes, is that the slideshow will eventually display over 200 images. Thus, to save loading time and bandwidth, I decided to use PHP to pull ten images from an SQL database, formatting the output in XML. The slideshow itself works fine. Unfortunately, there are a couple of issues I need to address; my ActionScript is extremely rusty, so much of my work's patchy.

The code's displayed below:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var myShowXML = new XML();
myShowXML.ignoreWhite = true;
[Code] .....

The code in red is my main focus. It's the loop which loads all images as movie clips using the XML information from an array. The loop loads all of the images, making them transparent before the presentation begins. What I would like to do instead, to save loading time, is to load the next image while the current one is displaying. The function "moveSlide" controls the transition of the images, so I'd imaging it'd be best to plade it in there.

There's already an incremental variable being used, with _root.target_mc, for removing transparency from the current slide. The code in blue is also nagging me quite severely. I retrieve the next chain of slides by simply contacting the PHP script again. The only way I could think of doing that was to refresh the slideshow (this is done COMPLETELY in ActionScript, with nothing on the stage). Unfortunately, I could only work out how to reload the whole video.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Error Info On URLRequest When Bulk Loading Images

Feb 18, 2010

I'm using a bulk image loader from FlashAndMath. The code has you send a list of images to load and it simultaneously attempts to load all at once, adding each load req to a list.

My problem is that when one doesn't load and throws an error, I don't know which load request failed. Are there built-in ways to get it to report what image it was trying to load, or at least which of the load requests threw the error? I tried doing an and it reports an instance #, but not the name I tried assigning when I called the URLRequest.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access Images From Outside Flash Way It Draws Info From A Database?

Apr 22, 2002

Is it at all possible for flash to access images from outside flash the way it draws info from a database?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A News Rotator That Pulls Info And Images From A XML File

Nov 10, 2009

I am trying to create a news rotator that pulls info and images from an XML file.I made something similar a while back which pulled just the headlines which worked great and I am trying to adapt this same idea to a current project. pull all the info from the XML and push them into separate arrays based on the type of information it is. ie title, description, image etc.From there I have a function which is supposed to display the all of the info and another which cycles through it based on a timer.Like I said before, this worked great with just the headlines, but when trying to add images its getting thrown off. The function which intends to parse the data and pushing it into separate arrays.

function onLoaded(evt:Event):void {
xml = new XML(;
var il:XMLList =;


I'm aware that it has something to do with either how the info for the images is being parsed (or not), and/or how I am going about displaying it.I was able to write a separate function which displayed one image as intended, but then wouldn't cycle through as the news changed.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: ScrollBar Dragger To Be Positioned In Relation To The Info._y As The User Scrolls Info?

Jun 24, 2010

I have some scrolling content (info). I've also made my own scroll bar.I want the scrollBar dragger to be positioned in relation to the info._y as the user scrolls info.I have created two vars: one that worsk out where info._y is as a percentage and the other that works out where the scroll._y dragger should be as a percentage...

Actionscript Code:
var scrollBarPercent = Math.round(scrollBar.dragger._y / [code]........

also onMouseWheel working too.I need a small bit of code that takes the % of info._y and moves the scrollBar dragger to the same % but in relation to the if projectGalleryPercent = 50%, make dragger._y 50% of Stage.height using scrollBarPercent.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Info From Asp To Text Field?

Jan 28, 2006

I have a news page that I update with my stories . The info goes to a read.asp page that displays my info . I need to get the stories into a flash text field or box so I can have the same news stories post . I can upload the file so you could look at it and tell me how to call the stories into flash .

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rss Info To Dynamic Text Field

Oct 12, 2009

i have an rss feed loaded into flash via this code:

var xml:XML = new XML();
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.load(new URLRequest("my feeds url"));


and now i want to display the contents of the feed in a dynamic text field which is placed inside a mc on the stage.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Removing Formatting Info From Text Var

Oct 1, 2010

I have an input text box for the user to input a name. This box is linked to the variable "name". However when I call up this variable later (by linking "name" to dynamic textboxes), the size color etc. of the font are carried over from the input text box. How would I go about removing this formatting info, so the variable is simply set to the letters typed in by the user?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Read Info From Text File?

Jan 30, 2009

I'm making a yearbook for my school and I have A LOT of information to be shown on it (in case you were wondering, its a digital year book lol). Theres a certain page that has all the headshots of all the students, and when the picture is clicked, a new scene opens with the information on the student (along with fancy opening animations). Firstly, is that the easiest way to do it, or can i have an overlapping MC that appears over the pictures, fading out or blurring the background, then click an X to shrink and fade out and unblur the background...Secondly, is there a way to create a template thingo for this MC or scene so that it can automatically read data from an xml or text file and place it in the appropriate position for that name. For example-the text would look like this



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pulling Multiple Info From Text File

Jan 28, 2009

I am currently trying to modify a hangman game I found on here (URL...). I'm not very good at actionscript and hopefully this will be a good exercise to learn more - I really want to learn how to make games. I have seen hangman games that include clues for words, but the only games I can find that I can read the source in don't have a clue field, and pull the words from an external .txt file. Is there a way of also pulling phrases to be as clues from these files? I could just create another .txt file and make it a new variable, but of course I would have the problem of it not matching the word. I hope i made sense.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: IOErrorEvent Event.text Missing Info?

Jun 10, 2007

Objective: When a visitors attemps to do something using my flash site that produces an error, this class will catch the error and store the date and error message into a mySQL database via PHP. The original file is resource.xml. I changed it to resourcex.xml to test out my error log feature.

Related AS:



Running the SWF from the Flash IDE generates this error:Resource - Error #2032: Stream Error. URL:

file:///E|/Projects/Personal/Gods%20Phoenix/website/public%5Fhtml/kasai/engine/resourcex.xml. This is in both the IDE output and in the $output textField within the Movie. This entire line is reported to the database when I use an absolute link to the errorhandler.php server page.

Running the SWF itself and when embedded in html from the website generates this:

Resource - Error #2032

This is the only info I get displayed in the text field and in the database.

I tried the URLRequsets with both relative paths and absolute links from my domain address, with a crossdomain.xml of course.I know IE on windows is about the only browser that will relay http status code. But this info is, I think, is supposed to be generated from flash itself and not the server.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text Passing Extra Info To PHP?

Nov 23, 2009

So I'm building a little contact form in flash and it works, but it is passing along all of the font styling information into the email sent to the client. Kind of annoying. I want it just to send the plain text.

Here's what I'm using:

This code is in the actionscript, picking up the input text fields and posting them to the PHP file. It also tells a status box to update with current info:

loadVariables("send_email.php?flashmo=" + random(1000), this, "POST");
message_status.text = "sending...";
var i = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Text Effect To Random Text Loaded From Exteral Text File

Apr 25, 2011

I am still using flash MX. I'm pulling random text from a textfile (array.txt) into movieclip instance textbox.[code]All is good, but now my question is if I can have a text effect as well. For example having the random quotes typed out as they appear.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Mp3 Player Info Text Scroll Horizontally

May 9, 2011

I have created an mp3 player and I would like to make the area which displays the artist name and song scroll horizontally when the song is clicked on.I would then like this to loop until the next song is clicked or the song is stopped.
Here is the link to the player:
Here is the actionscript:
import caurina.transitions.Tweener;import;ColorShortcuts.init();
var auto_play:Boolean = false;var i:Number;var total_items:Number;var current_no:Number = 0;var flashmo_xml:XML;var flashmo_item_list = new Array();var item_group:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text Field - Save Info In MC And Show Later?

Feb 24, 2008

I have an input text field that the user is going to type their name into in a form and then press 'next'.

After they press 'next' I want their name to show up in the next form (which all will be contained in one movie clip on the same html page)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Mp3 Player Info Text Scroll Horizontally?

May 9, 2011

I have created an mp3 player and I would like to make the area which displays the artist name and song scroll horizontally when the song is clicked on. I would then like this to loop until the next song is clicked or the song is stopped.

Here is the link to the player: [URL]

Here is the actionscript:

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Apply Basic Text Formatting To TextField / XML Loaded Info?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm workin' on a cool project for school. I'm loading up some text from an external XML doc, and bringing it in to a flash textField.

It's working great, but I want to do a little formatting, first off, apply a bold tag or a bold font to some headings.

Here's the .text field as I have it now:

Actionscript Code:
motorcycleInfo.text = "Make: " + bikeMaker[] + "
" + "MSRP: " + bikeCost[] + "
" + "Ride Category: " + bikeCategory[] + "
" + "Engine Size:


(ps I finally figured out how to wire up my mp3's so they play, and pause, I just haven't loaded that swf up to my server... so if you press the music buttons and they don't play, that's the reason.)

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Data Integration :: Dynamic Text Instance - Displaying Info From PHP File

Mar 10, 2008

I have a dynamic text instance in Flash named dynamic_txt and I want it to display information from a php file. What command allows me to do this? Here is the code:

<?php print "dynamo_txt=DYNAMIC"; ?>
ActionScript (2.0)
var my_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
my_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
if (success) {
//Here is Where I want the command that will allow Dynamo_TXT to display the String // From the PHP File

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Info In Array To Dynamic Text Field On Rollover?

Aug 20, 2007

I am trying to pass information to a many dynamic text fields when rolling over various movieclips that are generated using a loop. I have tried everything I know but can not get pahting to work prpoerly. The rollover works in that the curser changes by does not execute the lines of code within the in line function.(see red, bolded text (towards bottom) for problem). the Attached zipped swf is what it looks like as is.

//how many floors are there in the building?
var floors:Number = 25;


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CS3 Adding Images To An Array?

Feb 12, 2010

I'm making a slideshow with 7 pictures in it, what i want to do is add the images to the array.

image names/class(?) are image1, image2, image3, ... image7 and I'm adding them in a loop.

var arrayName:Array = new Array();
for(var i:int=0;i<6;i++){
arrayName[i] = //this is where I'm stuck

need help with that one line of code, and how to get the name right while using numbers in the array elements and, if possible, the class.

I've never done this before, but I'm prety sure its possible to store almost anything in an array.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Images To FLV?

May 17, 2010

add an image to an FLV?

In this example, it pulls in images from your Facebook account and adds them to the video (scales, skews, rotates, colorizes etc) so that it looks like they were part of the video..


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