ActionScript 3.0 :: Alternatives To _global Variable Path?
Jun 8, 2009
through out a very old complicated fla there are buttons which set variables using _global paths
such as:
function menu1_2(Event:MouseEvent) {
global.mode = "hide_hotbox";
How can I make the variable "hide_hotbox" and others like it accessible and changeable from any movie clip -- whether they be nested in other movie clips or on the main timeline, etc?
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Nov 18, 2010
how do you detect change in a _global variable?
This following is the code I am using which watches for change. (only the local variable)
ActionScript Code:
// Declaring the variable
myVar = "AtoF";
// Callback that will be triggered every time there is a change
I use _global to declare the global variable and its not working with this code.
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Aug 23, 2007
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ActionScript Code:
var xml:XML = new XML();
xml.ignoreWhite = true;
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Feb 14, 2011
I have recently started making (and am still making) the transition from ActionScript 2 to 3. I have used the _global variable in an AS2 project as I needed a variable to be accessible from within ANY swf loaded into my main movie. This worked like a treat.
However, along came AS3 and whipped that from right under my feet. After much Googling, a few people suggested making use of a simple class with a simple variable that can be publicly set and retrieved. I made a simple class, imported it and manipulated the value, and all went well, however the instance of the class I create in my main loader movie is still not accessible from within a second SWF that gets loaded into my movie. If I re-instantiate the class in the SWF that is being dynamically loaded, the value reverts to the default value in the class code, not the new value set in my parent (first) movie.
Here is my class code, stored in an external .as file, is there any way I can simulate the ostype variable being a global variable?
public class ostype {
public var ismac:Boolean = false;
it's used as a simple identifier as to what operating system this flash app is being used on (mac or windows) and as a result let's me server content - such as saving files - in a different manner.
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Nov 24, 2004
Here's what i'm trying to do: Hide a MC depending on the path variable as:
Well that doesn't work, for some reason, i can't use a string as a multiple level path..
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Sep 2, 2003
I have my setInterval that is set this way:
I was wondering how I might change this to a "local" function instead of "_global". I've been trying, but my syntax is either screwed up or just just plain doesn't work.
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Jul 25, 2010
I have several UIs and wish to automatically load images into the containers. I have repeated the actionscript line, which has created a lot of code.As the lines are similar all but the image number, I am thinking to use a loop and variable to insert the image number into the code. Here is the code:[code]a variable to replace the number between I am not sure how to do the same for the Movie Clip path.Is it possible to use a variable to define the number (2) in this statement?
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Jan 5, 2005
why I cannot use a variable in a path?
function buttonControl(buttonNumber){
var buttonClip = eval ("bu"+buttonNumber+"_mc");
I can work my way around it, but why doesn't it work?
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Mar 25, 2005
I'm curious why this doesn't work.
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Jul 24, 2008
I am trying to create an xml based site navigation that will drill down to an infinite number of xml levels. I have tried to send an xml path as a variable with the currently selected menu item but I doesn't seem to work. Here is my code, it seems as though it should work, but it does not.
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Mar 25, 2005
how to use the variable in a path
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Nov 4, 2009
The bold below is what I would like to work, however it does not. It might not be able to happen like this at all.
basically on mouse down I take the and perform a string manipulation to get the number out of the target and add some string to front and end to get the name of the movieclip I would like to effect. Is it possible to insert the value of dotName into the path?
eventName =;
stringManip1 = eventName.substring(13, eventName.indexOf("_")); //get the Number before the _
dotName = "dot" + stringManip1 +"_mc"
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Oct 6, 2011
I have a variable that will change,
and i want to make it my movieclip path, example[code]...
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Jul 20, 2010
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Change the path/variable through user action:
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May 15, 2005
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loadMovie('VARIABLE/image.jpg', _root.loadhere);
I've tried parenthesis, [], (), do not know the correct way to call the variable.
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Feb 27, 2007
I want to create a variable that I can call in a path. For instance:
var myVar = "varHome";
Then, to use in code:
Can you do that? This way obviously doesn't work (because I've tried it). Is it possible at all?
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Apr 20, 2010
using a variable in a path to a MovieClip.
I have a menu with 4 tabs. When I click on one I want it to open and the previous one to close.
I'm storing the previous tab as a variable (_previousTab) but am having trouble adding the variable to the path to the MovieClip of the previous tab. The error Flash gives me is:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at MenuRun/menuOpen()
If I replace mainframe[_previousTab] with the name of the MovieClip it works fine. I'm thinking it's something to do with the variable being a String perhaps?
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Jan 5, 2005
why I cannot use a variable in a path?
I can work my way around it, but why doesn't it work?
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Oct 18, 2009
I need to load an external SWF into a movieclip, and get the name of the SWF from a variable from a class. The variable is called getSWF and is defined as the following in the class
public var getSWF = "movie.swf";
When I trace(getSWF); on the first frame of the main time line it outputs fine. However when I use the following code on the movieclip:
var imageRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest (getSWF);
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
I get the error:
1120: Access of undefined property getSWF.
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Apr 20, 2010
I'd like some help on using a variable in a path to a MovieClip. I have a menu with 4 tabs. When I click on one I want it to open and the previous one to close.
I'm storing the previous tab as a variable (_previousTab) but am having trouble adding the variable to the path to the MovieClip of the previous tab. The error Flash gives me is:
If I replace the variable _previousTab with the name of the MovieClip it works fine. I'm thinking it's something to do with the variable being a String perhaps?? Also, the trace statements return the desired MovieClip names.
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Sep 21, 2005
Is it possible to have a object path changed due to the value of a variable?
ClipNumber = 10
_root.ClipMC.[ClipNumber].Stuff = "This is stuff"
What Im asking is, can a value in a path be equal to that of a variable?
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Mar 11, 2008
lets say I have a variable like this:
var pathName = "section2";
Then I have an object called "book". "book" is the parent of other objects named:
section1, section2, section3 and section4.
I want to apply a gotoAndStop() to section2 inside the book object. But instead of typing it the normal way:
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Mar 14, 2009
Oddly if I use a quoted string, like
loadMovie( "" , 1);
it works fine
But if I pass in a variable:
var fullpath:String = ""
loadMovie( fullpath , 1);
it fails ???
Can't find anyone else's comments on such an issue.
Using flash 8, as2 on Mac osx
The example above remote domain example works fine within flash IDE
My actual application using a relative path to a sub directory, for a little obfuscation.
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Jul 18, 2010
So I've created a script where a mc is clicked on and the player can draw a path using the mouse. I'm trying to figure out how I can get the mc to follow the path drawn out by the player's mouse and when the player clicks again, it erases all of the code is below
import flash.display.Sprite;
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Apr 15, 2006
I need to feed the path of a target to a function and it needs to rewrite to set a value to it. example below
Basically it works if it's only one target name with no previous/subsequent targets like path1 works but not is there any way to fix this?
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Jan 21, 2004
How do i control a movie clip which path is contained in a variable? I.E.: I have a variable called: _root.activeButton The variable has this path as a value: _root.buttons.button1 Q: How do I tell _root.buttons.button1 to go to frame 1? I think it is something like this, but I can't remember exactly: [_root.activeButton].gotoAndStop(1)
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May 6, 2004
i have a problem adressing or targetting a attached mc when i target de mc directly it works fine but when i try it trough a variable it doesnt recognise its path anymore??? hopefully a part of the code is gonna explain the situation a litle better... this piece works fine:
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Oct 22, 2006
Does anyone know whether it would be possible to set a motion path for a movie clip and to have the speed of the tween set as a variable which can be increased or decreased by the user during the movie?
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