AS3 :: Flash - Simulate AS2 _global Variable Using A Simple Class?
Feb 14, 2011
I have recently started making (and am still making) the transition from ActionScript 2 to 3. I have used the _global variable in an AS2 project as I needed a variable to be accessible from within ANY swf loaded into my main movie. This worked like a treat.
However, along came AS3 and whipped that from right under my feet. After much Googling, a few people suggested making use of a simple class with a simple variable that can be publicly set and retrieved. I made a simple class, imported it and manipulated the value, and all went well, however the instance of the class I create in my main loader movie is still not accessible from within a second SWF that gets loaded into my movie. If I re-instantiate the class in the SWF that is being dynamically loaded, the value reverts to the default value in the class code, not the new value set in my parent (first) movie.
Here is my class code, stored in an external .as file, is there any way I can simulate the ostype variable being a global variable?
public class ostype {
public var ismac:Boolean = false;
it's used as a simple identifier as to what operating system this flash app is being used on (mac or windows) and as a result let's me server content - such as saving files - in a different manner.
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ActionScript Code:
// Declaring the variable
myVar = "AtoF";
// Callback that will be triggered every time there is a change
I use _global to declare the global variable and its not working with this code.
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class com.RCN.Menu.Menu{
public var title:String;
public var menuItems:Array;
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myMessage = "Scene 2 loaded"
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Sep 6, 2009
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class NavaSpatiala
{ // proprietate publica numita viteza (data membru)
public var viteza:Number;
How I can use import command in class1.fla (I mean what is the contents of class1.fla when I use command import to import external class defined in if I copy this code to to solve this error:
Classes may only be defined in external ActionScript 2.0 class scripts. line 1
I need to get rid of this error:
Classes may only be defined in external ActionScript 2.0 class scripts. line 1
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public class project1 extends sprite
var window1:camera=new camera()
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Jan 30, 2012
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public var _myVar:String;
function create() {
_myVar = "hello";
Now from my other class "" I have a new function to try and get the value of that pre set variable:
function getVar() {
Why will it not output "hello"? Instead I get an error saying: Access of undefined property _myVar.
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Aug 5, 2011
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protected function addDebugData(stringToAdd:String):void{
var debugText1:TextField = new TextField();
debugText1.border = true;
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Jun 25, 2005
just wondering why this isn't working :
var nav:Boolean = true;
var element:String = "home"; [code]....
Its so that a menu will move right across the screen if the variable is true, and if its false, it'll move left back to its original position.... i achieved this using a motion tween and telling the mc to go to the frame and play, but that didn't work in the end because if the menu bar was on the left side, and it was told to move to the left, then it would disappear,and appear on the other side.... so in other words it screwed up
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Jun 27, 2010
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Question: Is it possible to simulate a mouse click on a button/movie clip in a Flash object embedded in a web page? Googling only shows ways to simulate a mouse click on a DOM element, and ways that require the ActionScript to be changed to implement a JavaScript interface. Or is this simply impossible?
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