ActionScript 3.0 :: Audio Streams Into An Array Within Flash

Feb 7, 2011

I'm currently working on a University project which involves importing audio streams into an array within Flash using AS3. At the moment I have all of the feeds importing successfully but I need some help with the next step of assigning identifiers (i.e. names) to each array item. My plan is to link these assigned identifiers with a visualisation which will play accordingly when the stream is being imported. Below is the current code I have. The links for the audio streams have had to be removed due to legal reasons.


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What I'm looking for is a flash audio player that I can input the binary audio data so that it can play the audio file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Visualizing Multiple Audio Streams Within Flash

Feb 16, 2011

I'm currently working on a project which involves importing audio streams and visualising them within Flash. At the moment I have two files, one which can import all of the streams at once, continuously and another which visualises just one of the streams using an example animation I found which will be replaced at a later date. My problem is connecting the array to the visualisation so that all of the streams interact with it and affect the animation. Below is the code I have for the multiple streams with no visualisation file.

var stream_arr:Array = new Array(
[Code] .....
Note that I have removed the "http" from all stream addresses due to my low post count.

And here is the code I currently have for the file which can visualise only one stream, rather than the multiple I would like.
function goBack(evt):void {
} var snd:Sound = new Sound();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Audio Streams Playing At End Of Loading?

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Below is the code :
application.onAppStart = function()


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Html :: Flash Audio Player For M4a (AAC) Audio File Embedded?

May 15, 2007

I'm looking for a (free) flash player that I can embed in my site and use to play a .m4a (.mp4 with AAC audio) file that will be obtained using a URL (i.e. it's not local to the server hosting the web page).I've tried searching on google for one, but either I'm searching wrong or no one has made such a thing. Ideally this would be very simple (small user interface with play button and maybe a progress bar) and it would be easy to have multiple instances of on an html page (can create the player with an <object> tag).

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Flash :: Set The Keyframe Interval For RTMFP Streams?

Dec 15, 2011

I use RTMFP with NetGroup and Adobe Cirrus. Broadcasting settings are 320x240 with 5 fps.

However, in some cases it takes a long time for the webcam stream to appear (10-20 seconds, even if having a 1:1 connection). If the stream appears eventually, it looks like this:

I think this comes from a high keyframe interval and the subscribers needs to wait for the next keyframe, so that the stream appears properly. This happens in contrast to streaming servers, where the server caches the last keyframes from the publisher stream.

how I am able to tune the broadcasting, e.g. set the keyframe interval and other settings. Can you recommend a good setup? And, why is this issue not popular (I haven't found much information about it)?

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Professional :: Loading External Audio File In Array?

Dec 7, 2011

I have figured out how to load an external video file - and I can play an imported audio file, but I can't seem to use either method to load an external audio file into an array.

Here is my audio code:
var tour_audio:Array = [tour1, tour2];
var my_num:Number= Math.floor(Math.random()*2);
var ChosenSound = tour_audio[my_num];
var playing:Sound = new ChosenSound();;

Here is my video code:
var my_videos:Array=new Array ("link1.mp4", " link2.mp4", " link3.mp4", " link4.mp4");
var randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*my_videos.length);
my_player.source = my_videos[randomIndex];
I tried "var tour_audio:Array = ["link1.mp3", "link2.np3"]; - but that did not work.

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Flash :: Recording And Playback Of Multiple Video Streams?

Nov 10, 2009

I am planning an implementation for a lecture capture solution for a local university. It is supposed to record all aspects of the lecture: the presenter will be recorded using videocamera + mic, his desktop activity is captured and optionally the whiteboard is captured as well (using Mimio). These input streams arrive (as video streams) to a computer that stores the recording on its harddisk. The file format for the recording should be able the hold multiple streams (Matroska for example).

The recording will be available from the uni's website. So at the client-side Flash seems a natural choice.

The player should display the different input sources into different rectangular regions of the player. One region displays the presenter, another region displays the desktop recording.

Is it possible to use a Matroska file as source for Flash streaming? If yes, how?
If no, is there another container format more suitable for this? The FLV format can only hold one audio and one video file. Is it possible to have one Flash client receive multiple streams and diplay them in different regions of its own canvas?

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ActionScript :: Flash - How To Synchronize Multiple Video Streams

Oct 29, 2010

I'm trying to play multiple video streams simultaneously. However, I cannot synchronize these videos to play at the same rate.

I have three 45-second videos in FLV format and I use to play these videos. I call of these netstream at the same time (by using a for-loop). However, these videos are out-of-sync even all videos files are on my local machine.

For example, when the wall clock is at 10th second, the first video is at 7th second, the second video is at 10th second, and the last video is at 5th second.

I think it may be affected by different jitter delays when streaming. However, I still cannot find the way to solve this problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Live Flash Video Streams Broadcasted?

Oct 23, 2009

How are live flash video streams broadcasted? I am guessing that as the broadcast is recording, the people that are watching are watching what has been recorded to an flv file a few seconds ago, making it 98-99% live, since it is a few seconds off of the actual recording time.

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Audio :: Extract Sound Object To A Mono Byte Array In AS3?

Jan 18, 2012

I'm trying to prepend the byte array of a sound object to a captured microphone sound byte array.

It works, but the extracted sound object get pichted down and doubled in length. I guess this is because the byte array of the sound object is in stereo, while the mic byte array is in mono.

I have this:

sound.extract(myByteArray, extract);

myByteArray now contains the stereo data. How can I turn this to mono


Here's a working solution:

existingByte.position = 0;
var mono : ByteArray = new ByteArray();
while(existingByte.bytesAvailable) {


View 1 Replies :: Flash Object Captures Webcam Picture Then Streams To Page?

Oct 28, 2009

i found a couple of samples, but they seem to be fixed only to PHP.

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Flash :: Real Time Transcoding Of Multiple RTMP-Streams?

Nov 18, 2010

Here is my problem: We are broadcasting sportevents live to the internet via flash media encoder.At the event locations we mostly have just 2 mbit upstream. So at the moment we are streaming with about 1mbit rate.But we need also streams for mobile-devices and a stream for users without fast internet. So we want 2 more streams with lower-bitrates,but we can't get this through the 2mbit...I am looking for a solutiuon which can transcode about a 1mbit(and may be in the future a 1.5mbit) livestream in to two (or more)lower-bitrate streams.The solution should be scalable,because sometimes we have 7 events at one day on different locations,so there could be 7 input-streams.I've searched the net for hardware transcoders, but didn't find a stable solution and I've tested also transcoding with ffmpeg, but it seems to get problems with timing and key-frames for bitrate switching.

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Flex :: Flash - Multi Bitrate Switching Between Live Streams Using The VideoDisplay Component?

Jul 20, 2010

I am passing to the source property of a VideoDisplay component a DynamicStreamingVideoSource object with 3 different dynamic live stream items, described by this XML, for your consideration:

src="rtmp://" bitrate="19200"
src="rtmp://" bitrate="9000"
src="rtmp://" bitrate="3600"

But the player then runs the stream with the lowest bitrate, out of those 3. Wasn't it supposed to go for the stream with the highest bitrate, that is viewable by the end-user? All 3 streams have been individually tested and they are all viewable.

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Media Server :: Fms 3.5.2 - Video / Audio Streaming Application - Audio Stops Or Lags Behind

Aug 25, 2009

I ran a simple live video streaming application for the first time with actual users and ran into a couple of serious performance issues that had not turned up during testing. In this instance there was one video stream from a live web cam and used FMLE at 150 kbps using VP6 and MP3 @22k. There were 16 clients and everything worked pretty good for about 30 minutes. (although some clients said their audio and video were out of sync by up to 3 seconds)

Then individual clients would have either the video freeze or the video would continue and the audio would stop. These clints had to "disconnect" and then "connect" again to the application. This happened to all of the clients at one time or another for several minutes. I stopped and restarted the FMLE with progessively lower bandwidth settings down to 75 kbps but still clients were having the same issue.

I eventually stopped the FMLE and used the applications built in publisher at 45 kbps and that seemed to eliminate the freeze/dropping issue. But of course the video quality was very poor and some clients still reported that the audio was out of sync with the video. The server hosting the FMS application is a quad processor dell with lots of memory and network connectivity. The Flash Media Admin Console performance graph showed the total Bandwidth as 3 Mbps at maximum.

View 8 Replies :: Skinnable Audio Player (or Something Similar To Windows Vista Audio Control In Task Bar) For The Web?

Mar 11, 2010

Anyone know of a skinnable audio player (or something similar to Windows Vista audio control in task bar) that i can embed in my website?

A player that can be customized to use a 'speaker' icon instead of a 'play' icon. When the speaker is clicked, the volume can be adjusted or turned off. The option of being able to autoplay and set the default volume level.

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CS4 Media Encoder Audio - Audio Sound Stops After A Few Seconds From The Beginning?

Aug 4, 2009

I am converting from .FLV's to .F4V. Video outputs fine but the audio sound stops after a few seconds from the beginning.I have tried many different settings for the audio with no luck. Also, tried on a colleague's machine who is running CS3, which works fine, so something is buggy in CS4...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Audio Synchronization - If The Audio Were On The Timeline You Could Set Sync Params To Stream?

Mar 11, 2010

Because the player optimizes framerate, antialiasing etc dependent on the performance capabilities of the platform upon which it is running, it was nearly impossible to ensure animation syncronization w/ audio. If the audio were on the timeline you could set sync params to stream, but if the audio is loaded programically forget it .. well until AS3 ..The following code throttles the player framerate to lock step the animation to the audio .. not perfect but the principal works ..

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