ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Functions Not Working Properly?

Oct 17, 2010

I'm putting together a pretty basic website/portfolio. The buttons/code that go from page to page work great. The code I'm using to access larger images from thumbnails is basically the same, however it's not working.I have the site setup so that each larger image is it's own separate page, so basically the thumbnails act as buttons to access a specifically labeled page. Ex- Thumbnail/button "Character1_btn" goes to the page labeled as "Character1" to display the larger image. I hope this makes sense.Below is the code I'm using. As I said- all functions but the character1 function are working properly.. I really need the character 1 function to work.Quote:

stop ();
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,playhom e);
function playhome(event:MouseEvent):void{


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Functions Applied To Button Array Not Execute Properly

Nov 6, 2008

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for (_root.i = 0;i<56;i++){
_root["btn"+_root.i].onEnterFrame = function() {
this._alpha = 0;
this.bSelected = false;
this.onEnterFrame = null;

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_root["btn"+_root.i].onRollOver = function() {
this._alpha<100 ? this._alpha += 10 : this.onEnterFrame = "";

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for (_root.i = 0;i<56;i++){
_root["btn"+_root.i].onRollOut = function() {
(this._alpha>20 && this.bSelected==false) ? this._alpha -= 10 : this.onEnterFrame = "";

Last one: This function should set several behaviors on release. Right now none of them appear to work.
for (_root.i = 0;i<56;i++){
_root["btn"+_root.i].onRelease = function() {
this.bSelected = true;
this.enabled = false;
pastBtn.enabled = true;
pastBtn._alpha = 20;
pastBtn.bSelected = false;
pastBtn = this;

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on (release) {  if (_root.Acheckmark._visible=true) {  _root.AScore = _root.AScore+_root.APoints;  } else if (_root.Bcheckmark._visible-true) {  _root.BScore = _root.BScore+_root.BPoints;  }}

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onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.onRollOver = function() {


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_root.FullScreenBTN.onRelease = function(){

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item.onRelease = function() {
myButton.onRelease = function() {
getURL("", "_blank");
talk = this.txt;
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amount = 5;
while(amount>0) {


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import fl.controls.*;
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[Code] .....

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public function Main(){


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Code: Select allimport fl.controls.*;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import fl.managers.StyleManager;


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When tested my email window opens twice.

There is no target attribute used at all.

Also ?subject= don't work. Subject field blank in email popup box.

Using Flash 8.

on (press, release) {
getURL(" subject showing");

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At the moment I have left the rollover affect out (as you can see on the link) but for my own sanity I would love to know why I can't get this to work. I probably havent explained this very well so I have attached a demo of how I am trying to get the rollover affect to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 : HitTest Code Not Working Properly?

Oct 9, 2009

I have had this problem for a long time and have not been able to fix it. I am using ActionScript 1, although if you can help me using AS2 I should be able to change it. I have a static movie clip with no code referring to it called "ship". Its center point is 275, 324.9. I have a series of planets coming down from the top of the screen and I need to check whether you "died" or not. The planets movie clips are contained inside blank movie clips that are there so thre registration point does not change. I was using the code

if(this.hitTest(275, 324.9, true)){

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Up Event Not Working Properly?

Dec 22, 2009

attached is the fla which has a part of code i am working on for a project.with help of mouse you can draw a circle on the image, but for some reasons the mouse up event does not work. it works fine when the eventlisteners is attached to the stage, but does not work when its attached to the movieclip.also how can i restrict the circle to be drawn only inside the movieclip which is a is the code

const CANVAS:Sprite = new Sprite();
var _dragging:Boolean = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: SetChildIndex Over Movieclips Not Working Properly?

Aug 30, 2010

the code which works over stage, is not working properly over a movieclip..sample, i have many objects to stay at different indexes at flash..with that code block below. I add 300 mc's to stage,

for (var j:Number = 0; j<300; j++) {
var mc2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
stage.addChildAt(mc2, j);

TO be able to change indexes with different items.. i have random movieclips which have to be placed indexes between 5 and 300.. And everything goes great when i do this directly at stage..But when i do this with a movieclip.. example;

for (var i:Number = 0; i<300; i++) {
var mc3:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
my_mc.addChildAt(mc3, i);

i can't see the movieclips inside.. but i know they are at their right indexes..but somehow they are getting behind those fake movieclips..

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Jan 3, 2008

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ActionScript 1/2 :: GotoAndStop() Not Working Properly Using Flash CS3?

Jun 30, 2009

gotoAndStop() doesn't work. I am using Flash CS3. My code is simple:

on(release) {

I put that code into a button. The menu frame is three frames behind the frame that I put the button on. If I replace the "menu" with "game", it works. The game frame is one frame behind the frame the button is on. What happens is instead of going to the menu frame, it flickers to the menu frame, then reloads the lose frame, which is where the button is. I know that it reloads because I have a dynamic text field that throws a random insult when you enter that frame. I can assure you. I have already double checked and triple checked that the frame label is correct. And the menu frame has stop() in it. I'm not that stupid, alright?

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