ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Extention That Flash Searches For When Place A Movie On The Start?

Jan 26, 2009

How do I change the extention that flash searches for when I place a movie on the stage ?hen I upload it to the server it cant find the video (because the extention is on my computer...)

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Flash :: Specify The Order That FlashBuilder Searches For Class Definition?

Sep 9, 2011

I have two Flash Builder projects. Let's call them MainWeb and MainAIR. MainWeb defines and includes all of the classes for my application including a runtime loaded module that interfaces with our web services. MainAIR's Source Path references MainWeb/src and includes only two unique parts. The first file is of course the root MXML document. The other file overrides a compiled, runtime module defined in MainWeb called DataStreamer. DataStreamer interfaces with our web services for MainWeb and the alternate version of DataStreamer interfaces with the OS filesystem for MainAIR. This makes a very easy to maintain pair of projects and easy to build both the web version and the AIR version of my application.

It has worked well until I needed to add an instance of mx.controls.Image. Image references SWFLoader and loads resource/content swfs at runtime. Some of those resources have executable code, so I needed to do the following:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Duplicate A Movie Clip And Then Place It On A Certain Place On The Stage Set _x And _y?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Song's Start In Random Place?

Oct 18, 2009

I made flash player and i used that tutorial: HERE. Everything is good, but when one song is ending, next song's start is delay about 1-2 sec. You can say that is nothing in flash mp3 player, but if each other song is one short speaker sentence(there are about 10 one by one) it may be nervous. how to delete that delay? I don't need to have xml playlist. Just i want to start one by one(all playlist is about 300-400 loop/songs/mp3 files) without delay.

Now I think there is no way to delete that delay(how i can do it), but i have another idea. I will make one big file from 10 or 20 of that smaller, but i need to have in my player one thing more. When user will press start button, song won't start at 00:00/xx:xx but in random place. You know what i mean ? It will not start at start but somewhere else, in random place(maybe 00:21/xx:xx or 02:47/xx:xx or 01:02/xx:xx).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Place SWF Movies Into A Site And Have Them Play In The Same Window Start Them In

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Using Start Button To Start And Stop The Scene Or Movie?

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Here is the action scrip that I created. Correct it if you can.

Process.visible = false;
Cycles.visible = false;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Place Something Above A Flash Movie?

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If I have an HTML page with a Flash movie. Is there any way to place something in front of the Flash movie? For example, using CSS, to place an image in front of the Flash movie?

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Place HTML Text In A Layer ABOVE A Flash Movie?

Feb 17, 2003

I've got a small table populated with information from a database that I'm trying to deploy as a table above a flash movie.

Here's the DIV ID for this:

However, no matter what I do the table keeps displaying BEHIND the flash images. The table is in a layer set an visability at 1 while the flash is set at 0.
And if you information for both mac and pc platforms even better.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Place A Transparent Flash Movie In A DIV Over A HTML Page?

Mar 15, 2007

I've just started working on a Flash-based annotation tool. How it works is I place a transparent flash movie in a DIV over a HTML page and draw on it.Now the drawing part turned out to be fairly simple and I found numerous examples to get me free-form drawing. Its the erasing that's driving me nuts. All the examples out there I looked at either cleared the entire canvas, or let me click on specific drawings to take them off the canvas. I need an MS-Paint style eraser that just rubs things in its path.I could draw in white to simulate erasing, but that wont work. I have a transparent flash movie and the background HTML needs to show through.Here's the script for the drawing bit I picked up from Adobe, and on which I'm trying to build the eraser.

function init() {[code]....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Place Text Field Inside A Movie Clip?

Oct 10, 2011

I have created two text boxes one is source and another is output. I want to place the output box inside a movie clip so that i can move it. How can i place the output text box inside a movie clip ?

code is bellow,

import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Stage;


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Set A Different Frame For The Flash Movie To Start?

Aug 8, 2009

somehow I miraculously created a Flash movie and successfully uploaded it to a blog

here is the blog, the flash video is in the left column, top:


you will see that the first frame of the movie is actually all white, with a logo/banner across the top

all I would like to do is skip over, or delete? those few frames in the beginning, and have the flash video display and start the movie from a different frame.

this is taking me DAYS to figure out....hours that I am not getting paid client's video guy never returns her calls, and so I, the lowly graphics designer, am trying to figure this out.

SURELY there must be a simple way to tell the video:

"hey....skip over the first ____ frames, and start the video at frame 5______ (or whatever).

I'm in Flash CS3 and I know NOTHING about Flash and very very little about code

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Movie - The Last Frame Of The Movie Code Execute And Second Movie File Open Up And Start

Dec 3, 2009

I'm currently making an animation which will eventually exceed the 16,000 frame limit (don't ask haha), so, short of making two movies and having to just start up the next one, what is the code for loading a movie? I presume they need to be in the same directory? So basically all I want is on the last frame of the movie the code executes and the second movie file opens up and starts. I guess I'd want the current movie to close, too.

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Create A Movie Clip And Place Other Movie Clips Inside Of It?

Oct 6, 2009

At step four, it says to
4- Inside another Movie Clip named "Limits" place "Pads" and "Wall". Pads' instance name should be "Pads" and Wall's instance named "Border". We put the Wall and Pads inside the same Movie Clip, to use it to know when the ball collided. And we couldn't put everything together because the ball behaves different if hits the Wall instead of the Pads.
How do I create this movie clip and put the other movie clips "inside it"? Also, if anyone can find out, where do I put this movie clip? Do i put it at the same spot as the wall?

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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - Load Movie And Start At A Particular Frame?

Dec 30, 2009

I'm new to flash and action script 2, and I am trying to load an external movie and have it start at frame 3. It's the start at frame 3 that I'm having trouble with. The following code does not work:


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Javascript :: Delay Start Of Flash Movie With Autoplay?

Nov 14, 2010

I'm wondering what my best option is to delay the loading/playing of a movie that is set to autoplay?The videos are all external if that matters; is there any kind of code I can fire within a javascript function once I want it to start?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Flash Movie Start On Certain Frame?

Sep 11, 2010

I have a web site that will have five sections. Let's call them 1,2,3,4,5. Section 1 starts on frame 100, 2 on 200, etc. Can I make an HTML link that can start the flash movie at the beginning of a certain section? Such as play "myflashmovie.swf and start on frame 200" so that the viewer will start on section 2?

Another way I was thinking of doing it was to create the five sections in five different flash movies. Then import those flash movies into one container flash movie but vary the order to whatever I want the viewer to start with. Then I would have five different html links. Each link would have a different section as the starting movie. Such as 1.html would play a container flash movie with section 1 at the beginning, 5.html would play a container flash movie with section 5 at the beginning, etc. My question here is could the five separate movies within the container movie make references to the other movies? Such as if someone was in movie 1 and it has link to movie 4, how would I note in the flash movie when user clicks here, go to movie 4?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Start At Center Of Movie Clip?

Feb 28, 2011

I have a movie clip container that contains 7 smaller movie clips, images converted to movie clips actually. This is a scrolling banner that can scroll left or right.

How do I start in the middle of this banner instead of the far left? That is, when the script first loads I want to be able to scroll left and right, not just right.

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Flash :: Insert A Start Button On The First Frame Of A Movie Clip?

Sep 9, 2009

How do I insert a start button on the first frame of a movie clip that will then disappear after the movie starts playing?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Creating  Start Button To A Small Flash Movie?

Jan 1, 2012

I need assitance in creating  start button to a small flash movie I created.I like to put start button on very fist frame of the move .I did incest actionscrip stop() to prevent of it start running on load but now I need a button and scrip to start running.My skill in action script are limited.I try create simbol as button or movieclip.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash CS3 - Start Whole Stage / Movie Clip From Beginning

May 4, 2011

I have a flash CS project. I have one stage and some frames. How can I start all project from beginning using AS3? Or start all stage's content from beginning?

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Flex :: Movie Does Not Start In Full Screen In Flash Video Player

Oct 16, 2009

We have this legacy code of a flash video player that functions well enough but still has some loose ends I need to tighten up. It can do the basic "switch to full screen and back to normal size" stunts, however with one exception.

On the first fresh load of the app, if I switch to full screen mode first, and then click to play the movie, the player would be in full screen, yet the movie itself would remain in it's original size.

if (stage.displayState == StageDisplayState.NORMAL) {
stage.addEventListener('fullScreen', procFullScreen);
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;


The VideoDisplay object even returns the expected width/height, but the movie just plays in it's original size. If I switch screen sizes during movie playback, then the movie size will shrink or stretch as it should.

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Actionscript 3 :: Start Video And Play Movie Clip At The Same Time In Flash?

Sep 27, 2011

Is it possible (in AS2 or AS3) to have a button that starts a video as well as an MC at the same time? The idea being that the video will play alongside a movieclip that contains animated quotes from the dialog of the video, so syncing would be critical to.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Parameters Panel Update With The New Values When A Change Takes Place?

Sep 27, 2006

I'm having my first go at creating a custom component that lays out items in a grid. I have made a selection of inspectable properties accessed though getter/setter methods. Some of these parameters are dynamic, and change when the user resizes the component or changes another linked value. Is it possible to make the parameters panel update with the new values when a change takes place. Without this, the user will not have accurate feedback on the values stored in the component. Does anyone know if this is possible (or difinitely impossible)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Movie Clip To Start Playing Straight Away When Press The Fore Button

Dec 24, 2009

I have a interactive movie clip with buttons. The problem I have with my movie clip is that whilst the movie is playing and I click the forebtn, it stops the movie. Ideally I would like the movie clip to start playing straight away when I press the fore button.


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Flash Won't Auto-start Flash Intro Will Only Start After Play (ctr+entr)

Jul 21, 2009

i have a flash clip that i am trying to imbed into a joomla website of mine, and the problem is that it doesn't auto-start. If i open the swf file it will show a blank screen until i right click play or ctr+entr, on the website it simply doesnt show the flash. here is the link to the swf file [URL]

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Professional :: Mouseover To Change Scene And Start At Certain Frame?

Jan 13, 2010

in CS3, and preferably Actionscript 2.0, to make a mouse over a button action that would go to a specific scene and frame, depending on the button?  I have 5 buttons, and ould like, on rollover click/down, to have the playhead go to a different scene and start playing from a specific frame #.  Or do I have to do the click/down action?

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Actionscript 3 :: Change The Video And Start It At The Specific Point?

Sep 19, 2011

I'm having a problem and I do not think the solution. I'm new using Flash.I have a video player and now we are implementing an HD button, the player always starts the video and 360P format and stream begins, if the user click on the HD I need to save the time of the video when it was clicked and then call another file. mp4 720P and start it at the same point that was recorded.I've tried various ways using; and always starts at (0), I feel that because of not being in Buffering he does not understand

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