Place HTML Text In A Layer ABOVE A Flash Movie?

Feb 17, 2003

I've got a small table populated with information from a database that I'm trying to deploy as a table above a flash movie.

Here's the DIV ID for this:

However, no matter what I do the table keeps displaying BEHIND the flash images. The table is in a layer set an visability at 1 while the flash is set at 0.
And if you information for both mac and pc platforms even better.

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Flash :: Detect When Mouse Is Over HTML Layer Over Movie?

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import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Stage;


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PHP [code]....

But what if under another layer, layer B, I have a movie clip and inside that movie clip I want HTML to play B_right (layer) or B_left (layer)?

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import flash.display.Sprite;


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Apr 4, 2011

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Here is the code expert:


For overlay div we are using jQuery.blockUI and FancyBox (when we need to some popup and block the UI). We also tried to overlay the flash object using a div with z-index. It overlays and hides the flash when opacity is 1 but not when it's < 1.

Here is the screen shot:


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[url]...would it be possible to integrate HTML pages into this template using AS3.0. Specifically, I would like to put the HTML page inside one of the modules, and have it appear and dissappear just like the other modules, except the content would be HTML driven.

I would like the HTML page to load with an animation like the module backgrounds do, but the content can be easily customized because it's HTML.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Flash Buttons Clickable / When They Are In Html Page In Layer?

Jan 18, 2010

I have created a webpage with a html menu and flash embedded underneath it.The problem is, the flash movie is in an index layer of -1 and the html menu needs to sit above it in index 1 for example.If the menu sits behind the flash the buttons are inactive, if the flash sits behind the html menu, its buttons are inactive.I have a div layer for the html menu and it not as high as the flash movie, but it doesn't make a difference, its seen as sitting behind and therefore the buttons don't work.

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Css :: Div Layer Should Be Placed Over A Flash Movie

Sep 14, 2010

There is a flash application that I want to embed on my site. On top of that flash application there should be a div layer.

But what happens is that the flash movie always appears over the layer.

place the div layer over that flash application?


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AS3 :: Xml - Place XML Node Value As Label Component's Text Value (in Flash)?

May 2, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Invisible Buttons Necessary On The Top Layer Of Flash Movie?

Apr 28, 2009

I keep hearing about using a big invisible button on the top layer of your flash movie when you want any click to take you to another website for example. But what Ive done is a little different. My very BOTTOM layer is a background gradient, which is obviously not invisible. In my actionscript I have Gradient.onRelease = function () {getURL... etc etc This seems to work on my computer. The question is, is this a bad practice? Will this fail on some versions of flash players/browsers? Is the invisible button method better? It just seems dumb to do the invisible button thing when i have a perfectly sized background gradient that seems to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Over Html, Hide Flash Access Html After Flash Movie Ends?

Dec 4, 2007

We've got a green screened video playing in a flash movie over top of our html content.when the movie ends, flash uses external interface .api to call a javascript function which swaps the flash movie out with a 5 x 5 pixel flash movie (rewrites the <div>).this works and you can interact with the html content after the flash movie in all browsers except firefox.anyone know of any work-arounds or is there a better way of handling flash over html in this fashion?

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Php :: Place Variables In HTML Swf Wrapper?

Dec 15, 2011

Can you place php varibles in the html wrapper for a swf, that could be read into the swf when it loads?Perhaps using a param?

$myVariable = "$var1,$var2,$var3";

like this with php in the html?

<param name=FlashVars value="$myVariable" />

or perhaps ?

<param name=FlashVars value="myVariable=$myVariable" />

Then perhaps in the swf with as3 using something like this?

var myloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader()
myloader.load(new URLRequest(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters))
myloader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded)


Unsure how to access it using the correct path to the param and then how to get the php variable $myVariable into

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Loads XML / Until Place Swf In HTML

Aug 5, 2009

I have a flash file which loads an XML file containing links to my photos.var listLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader( new URLRequest("filelist.xml") );When I test out the Flash movie through Flash, there are no problems.When I place it in my index file, the XML file no longer loads. (just the swf)When I place the XML file in the same directory and the XML and swf files, it loads the images.[code]I've also changed the url in actionscript to:var listLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader( new URLRequest("mediaflashfilelist.xml") );

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