Actionscript 3 :: Place MovieClip On Specific Layer?

Jun 30, 2011

I am currently working on a platformer, and I have a bunch of different tiles I use to form my maps with. These tiles are very different in the looks, and placed besides eachother, they give a very sharp change, which is not very visually appealing. I've been trying to fix this in the following way:

I have four layers, two for each block I'm fading. The first layer is where the actual tile, the graphic, is located. The second layer is the mask. In the mask layer, I have a gradient, which is the exact opposite of the other tiles mask layer (Mask layer 1 goes down, mask layer 2 goes up). However, I need to be able to alter those dynamically, place new gradients in the appropriate mask layer, and new tiles in the appropriate graphics layer.

I've been googling around for the last hour or so, attempting to find a way to define which layer a new MovieClip is placed on, but all I've found is setChildIndex, which, since one layer acts as a mask, I can't use. Is there any such function in Actionscript, or am I to make all combinations of tiles by hand?

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Jun 18, 2003

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if(_x >= 0){
_x = _x - 10
}if(_y >= 0){
_y = _y -10
}if(_x == 0 && _y == 0){
gotoAndPlay("/ball",2) // ball being the instance name of the mc

The first two parts do move the object to where I want it but the third part will not work and I cant get it to move past frame 1. (Note : 0,0 is not the place I want it to move to, it is there because I was experimenting with the code and this was an easy place to assign to the movement).

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May 11, 2004

There is any way, any cody or anything that can make an action or function take place when a sound reaches a specific second??For exampleI have a sound file, when it reaches the 15 second, I want the; action to be executed

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Flash :: Show Text Layer At A Specific Time In Video?

Nov 22, 2011

I'd like to play load/play one movie and show text at a specific times. In the Movie there is a scene where a board is shown. I'd like to show some text on the board when it appears. That's why I'd like to how to know when you reached a certain point.

Also about loading the video. I read there a several ways of loading a movie. What would be the best way in your opinion to load it in this situation.

1)Can this be done with the FLVPlayer component or through another way?

2) How to show a text at a specific time. Is there a function that I can use.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Place 35 Movie Clips In Random Order On Stage In Specific XY Coordinates?

Nov 12, 2009

I have 35 movie clips named mcMyObject1, mcMyObject2, etc. to mcMyObject35Each time the playhead enters the frame this code sits on, I want all of these 35 movie clips to be placed on the stage in random orderI want each one of these 35 movie clips to land on one of these X coordinates: 57, 187, 317, 447, 577, 707, 837 and on one of these Y coordinates: 53, 183, 131, 443, 573. (It's a 7 x 5 grid)Movie size is 1024 x 768Here's my code, which doesn't work:

var myXArray=[57, 187, 317, 447, 577, 707, 837]; //cordordinates for x
var myYArray=[53, 183, 313, 443, 573, 573, 573]; //cordordinates for y


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Don't know if the flash layer on the view stack contain only the compiled flash swf file

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