ActionScript 3.0 :: Character Class Has A MovieClip In It Called "graphic"?

Jul 17, 2009

My player character class has a MovieClip in it called "graphic". At a certain point the player gains an ability, which should be visually made clear by a graphic that's placed over the existing graphic.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cast A MovieClip To A Custom Class That Extends MovieClip Called MovieClipExt

Jun 4, 2010

i'm trying to cast a MovieClip to a custom Class that extends MovieClip called MovieClipExt

ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


...but sadly returns null instead of a MovieClip converted to MovieClipExt

what should i change to make this work?

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Use Movie Clip Or Graphic Symbols For Character Animation?

Mar 12, 2008

Should I use Movie Clip or Graphic Symbols for Character Animation? What do people who make TV shows use. If I'm not planning on manipulating any symbols with ActionScript and I'm not using a symbol that requires it's own time line like a walk cycle, is there any reason to use movie clips symbols? If I put my animation on the web will it download noticeably faster if I use graphic symbols instead of movie clip symbols?

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i was wondering if any of you out there could tell me how it is possible to make a movieclip of a character and when the character is dragged about the screen by the curser, how do you make the characters arms and legs swing about in a realistic fashion.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Class File To Define A Class Called SimpleSquare

Feb 14, 2011

i) Create a symbol called SimpleSquare. This should consist of a simple red square graphic

ii) Create a class file to define a class called SimpleSquare. This should be linked to the SimpleSquare symbol. SimpleSquare ashould have the following functionality: When the instance is placed on the Stage, it should start to disappear by decreasing its alpha at 0.01 in every frame (hint: alpha)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild From A Class Called By Document Class?

Dec 30, 2009

I have an FLA in which there are a number of MovieClips in its library. I also have a document class for this FLA, which I will refer to as from here out.From, I call other classes designed to put stuff together and allow for organization due to large amount of MCs I have to use in the FLA. For reference, these classes are called as such:,,, etc etc.Now, where is the document class, and is therefore functioning to operate all areas in the FLA, I wanted to use these additional class files to be used to manage anything related to them, including any MCs I have. I'll use for explaining. To that end, I have four MCs, each named as follows:hat1hat2hathat4s part of trying to organize it all, I want to be able to call a singular function in that will retrieve these MovieClips and add them to the stage (Or, as I hope to do once I get a bit further in, add them to a larger MC that will then be added to the stage).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Instantiating Character Class Inside Of Game Class

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send The Variable X To Each Movieclip So That It Can Be Called From Within Each Movieclip Instead?

Aug 1, 2005

I have a loop that creates movie clips where the movie clips are named mc_+ x for say x = 1 to 10 so the movieclips are called mc_1, mc_2.....mc_10.

What I need to do is the know which one of the movieclips is clicked on but more importantly the number i.e if movieclip mc_2 is clicked on then I need to use the value 2.

At the moment I am sending the value of x to be displayed in a text box within each movieclip: = x;

Then I have a piece of actionscript that uses the value of x but I don't seem to be able to "re-read" the value of x back with:

var t =;

what I want is t = x is it to do with strings and number variables?is it possible to send the variable x to each movieclip so that it can be called from within each movieclip instead?

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Professional :: Button Or A Graphic Symbol A Class?

Feb 6, 2010

Im just learning classes and objects.... and read that a movie clip is (or has) a movie clip class... So I'd figure that buttons and graphic symbols also are classes? If yes, why are they called 'symbols' instead of 'classes' by Flash dialog?

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Making Random Graphic Generator Into A Class?

Sep 20, 2010

I have created some code that creates a blue circle of random size on the stage, and startmoving it in a random direction, at a random speed.

But I'd like to create this as a static class, so that I can just import into a banner and make multiple instances appear at a time, but my limited knowledge doesn't allow me to

Here is my code:


var child:Shape = new Shape()
var childSpeedX:Number = Math.random()
var childSpeedY:Number = Math.random()
var childDirectionX:Number = Math.random()


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CS4 :: Change A Graphic Within Movieclip

May 10, 2009

I am building an RPG type game in flash and have hit upon my first problem.I have created a character out of various different body parts (upper arm, lower arm, hand, head, etc..) I would like to make it possible to change the look of each of these body parts (different types of armor / clothing) whilst maintaining the whole body animations.I'm becoming confused about how many things are inside each other! Rather than recreate a whole new set of animations for every conceivable combination of armor and clothing it should be possible to simply change one of the graphics within the movieclip that is the character.

So the structure I have thought of is like this:Whole body > Changeable graphic > Base Body Part (bare arm for instance)What is a sensible way to go about doing this? I'd like to have a solution that is easily scalable and won't require notably more work if there are 10 different types of changeable graphic or 1000.I think that I need use the event that triggers the armor / clothing to change for that body part, to run a script that either somehow changes which graphic it is displaying, possibly inside the Base Body Part movieclip.

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AS3 - Function In Imported Class Not Being Called

Dec 28, 2011
package {
import mfClass.CarSelector;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class MainClass extends MovieClip {
[Code] .....

Now, when I run this in flash. I get this message.. in output.
TypeError: Error #1006: sel_Fun is not a function.
at MainClass/show_selector()
at MainClass()

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Actionscript 3 :: Positioning Flash Graphic Drawn With Graphics Class?

Mar 3, 2010

I'm using Flash CS3 to build a simple drawing application. When the user clicks a button, they select a particular movieclip. After clicking elsewhere on the stage, the clip is instantiated and added to the stage at the position of the cursor. I've also added the option of being able to click on the added clip and drag it around on the screen. And this all works fine.

The problem is that I also want to be able to dynamically draw and add objects to the stage via the Graphics class. Whenever I add objects in this manner, their x and y coordinates are always 0,0 no matter where I place them on the stage. This makes positioning these graphics very very problematic. I created a modified positioning function specifically for these dynamically drawn graphics and while it does "work", it feels less responsive than the positioning for movieclip objects. I'm still trying to optimize this function, but it seems to me that the ideal solution is for the graphics to have non-zero coordinates when placed in the middle of the stage like movieclip objects. Is there some "workaround" to achieve this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving A Shape Made By Graphic Class Drawing?

Oct 7, 2011

I drew a line (stepVoltage) in a fla using the graphics class. Once drawn, I want to move it to the right in an update function, but am having trouble. I tride just moving the line with statements like stepVoltage.x = newX; stepVoltage.y = newY; but this didnt work. Then I tried to delete the previous line and draw a new one with a clear () function (see below) but this blocked the next drawn line from showing up.

The code:

var stepVoltage:Shape = new Shape ();,0x000000);
addChild (stepVoltage);


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FLV: Display Graphic/movieclip At Cue Point?

Aug 3, 2009

I have a FLV playing (via FLVPlayback component), and I'd like to have a graphic/movieclip display on top of the video at one of the cue points.

The video is a person speaking, and I'd like to have his name and title fade in when he says it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add A Bitmap Graphic To A Movieclip?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm trying to add a bitmap to a movie clip in code. However, I'm having trouble getting the bitmap location to go where I want it because it's inside the movieclip and it just shows up at 0,0 of the movieclip instead of the coordinates I want it to be: Here's some of code so you can see what I mean:

imageBitmapData3 = new Lander(63, 53);
_player = new Bitmap(imageBitmapData3);
_gameLevel.addChild(_player);_player.x = 145;_player.y = 90;
-Instead of showing up at 145, 90 It just shows up at the movieclip, _gamelevel, 0,0.

how I could get it to do what I want it to do? I want to add it inside the mc because I need everything to move with the _gameLevel background when I move it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Convert To A Graphic

Jun 3, 2011

im trying to add to a movieclip called "movimiento"a graphic property.[code]Is there a way to convert the movieclip to a graphic object, or other is there other alternative to control mc movimiento with the faceRectContainer variable?[code]

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Display Graphic/movieclip At Cue Point

Aug 3, 2009

I have a FLV playing (via FLVPlayback component), and I'd like to have a graphic/movieclip display on top of the video at one of the cue points.

The video is a person speaking, and I'd like to have his name and title fade in when he says it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add An Overlay Graphic To A MovieClip?

Dec 8, 2009

is there any way to add an overlay image dynamically over a MovieClip? Sort of like a watermark... except that I'm not trying to make a watermark.Let me explain: I'm trying to program a gallery of videos that will be loaded dynamically through XML. Each video will come with a JPG of the same size, which will be the poster frame for said video (and will also be loaded via XML). The user will see a scrollable horizontal strip of "videos" (actually the pictures), and when he clicks on one of them, the poster frame will disappear (_visible=false) and the FLV player underneath will start playing the chosen video.

So far so good. I load the pictures via XML and put each of them in a MovieClip. I distribute the MovieClips in an horizontal strip. I add to each of them an event handler so that they start playing the video when pressed. The only thing that I don't know how to do is: how do I add to each of the MovieClips a semitransparent "Play" button? They are generated dynamically, and I don't know how many of them (i.e. how many videos) will be there beforehand, so I can't simply add them in a layer on the Stage;

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Change The Graphic In A Movieclip?

Jul 3, 2010

I have a blank movie clip that is loaded into my program 40 times. I have several different buttons that when clicked are supposed to change the graphic on these 40 objects to various different things. How do I code a button press to change the graphic in an object like that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Graphic Into Movieclip?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a movieclip, which I created with actionscript called canvas_mc, which is where the user can draw on and then export a jpeg. I would like to add a graphic (vector drawn in illustrator and brought into flash) into that canvas_mc as a graphics drawing..[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Replacing This.graphic For A Movieclip?

Jun 12, 2011

At the moment I am busy editing a little flash game, but i was wondering if i could replace the part below for a movieclip

ActionScript Code:;,0,25,25);;

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Flex :: Determine Which Class Has Called A Function?

Apr 16, 2010

I am working on a Flex Front End at the moment, and have been using the Parsley framework for passing messages/events around.

I was wondering if there is a simple way for a function (in this case, an event's constructor) to obtain a reference to the object which called it?

This is to ensure that a certain event that I am defining can only be dispatched by one specified class. My thinking is to check the caller of the constructor somehow, and throw an error if it is not of the correct type.

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Flash :: Display Main() Class Being Called?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm trying to display objects from class files and methods.

Now I was looking at the source of this project here [URL]

To learn how to do this from AS3, main question I have how is the Main() class being called there? There is no actionscript in the frames of the FLAs so where is the call coming from to the Main class to initialize display? Is there something special about the Main() class that has it called when a swf is loaded.

I tried to duplicate it by making a simple Main which extends MovieClip and simply placing it in the root folder of the project but it isn't being auto called and it hasn't worked.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Know When A Function In Super Class Is Called?

Mar 9, 2010

i got a class(class1) that extends another class (class2)...when something happens in super class, i need to update the class1, soi need to trigger a function in class1 from class2... I know is bad programming, but is that possible? I'm confused

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Draw Inside Movieclip / Graphic With It?

Aug 13, 2009

How I can draw inside movieclip/graphic element with Actionscript?

If i have example movieclip-element in my project and want to draw a single dot in its coordinate (10,10), how I can do that?

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Professional :: Changing A Graphic To A Movieclip Kills Swf?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a graphic sitting on my stage that I want to convert to a movieclip so I can change it's alpha with as3. If I change it from a graphic to a movieclip my swf stops working. I have a bunch of code which constructs a dynamic menu and it stops working when the graphic is changed to a movieclip. They aren't related in any way so why would this happen? As a graphic it doesn't have an intance name and nothing is happening to it. It's not animated or anything. It's just sitting on the stage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Graphic Of Movieclip Dynamically?

Jul 26, 2011

the only thing I found in the documentation was loadBitMapdata and methods of that type. Not sure if that's what I want.

In particular, I have an existing movieclip that is linked in my library. It has a graphic, a timeline, etc. However, I want to dynamically change it to another graphic and timeline.

Do i have to create a new movie clip with the new graphic and timeline? But I still want to keep all the attributes of my original movieclip, I just want the new graphic and timeline.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweening Graphic Instead Of Movieclip, Dynamically That Is?

Mar 31, 2010

the mouse_over state im doing tweens the alpha of a button to reveal more buttons underneath.The only problem with tweening the alpha of a MC is that I cant click on the buttons underneath, only a graphic. However, I cant figure a way of just using a graphic symbol instead of a movieclip.And I really dont feel like using more than one frame, that is accepting defeat in my oppinion. ha

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding A Bitmap Graphic To A Movieclip?

Nov 30, 2010

I'm new to as3 and programming and I'm trying to add a bitmap to a movie clip in code.However, I'm having trouble getting the bitmap location to go where I want it because it's inside the movieclip and it just shows up at 0,0 of the movieclip instead of the coordinates I want it to be: Here's some of code so you can see what I mean:

imageBitmapData3 = new Lander(63, 53);
_player = new Bitmap(imageBitmapData3);


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